Keywords: ارائه Breech; Developmental dysplasia of the hip; External cephalic version; Breech presentation; Displasia del desarrollo de la cadera; Versión cefálica externa; Presentación podálica;
مقالات ISI ارائه Breech (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Simulation; obstetrics; medical education; breech presentation; residency;
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Breech presentation; Clinical competence; Physiological birth; Constructivist grounded theory; Communities of practice;
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Breech presentation; Labor; Induction; Pregnancy outcome; Morbidity; Meta-Analysis; Review;
Keywords: ارائه Breech; CS; cesarean section; ECV; external cephalic version; Counseling technique; Mode of delivery; Breech presentation; Morbidity; Vaginal breech birth; Cesarean section;
Keywords: ارائه Breech; amniotic fluid index; breech presentation; external cephalic version; external cephalic version success rate; maternal oral hydration;
Keywords: ارائه Breech; EPIPAGE 2; Breech presentation; Preterm birth; Mode of delivery; Caesarean section;
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Breech presentation; External cephalic version; Mode of childbirth; Neonatal outcome;
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Breech presentation; Midwifery; Obstetrics; Delphi; Physiological birth; Models of care;
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Thyroid stimulating hormone; Thyroxine; Breech presentation; Pregnancy; Hypothyroidism
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Breech presentation; Version; Acupuncture; Fire needling
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Breech presentation; Midwifery; Obstetrics; Training; Clinical competence; Delphi;
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Breech presentation; Cesarean delivery; Fetus; Induced labor; Labor; Pregnancy; Version
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Prenatal diagnosis; breech presentation; prenatal care; quality improvement;
Keywords: ارائه Breech; anesthesia regional; anesthesia, spinal; breech presentation; external cephalic version; obstetrics; remifentanil, analgesia, obstetric; term birth;
Keywords: ارائه Breech; External cephalic version; Breech presentation; Prediction model
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Breech presentation; Neonatal mortality; Caesarean Section; Vaginal delivery; Premature or preterm delivery; Systematic review;
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Externalcephalic version; Breech presentation; Pain perception;
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Breech presentation; External cephalic version; Implementation; Facilitators and barriers;
Keywords: ارائه Breech; amniotic fluid; breech presentation; external cephalic version; maternal hydration;
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Breech presentation; Cesarean delivery; External cephalic version;
Riesgo de displasia del desarrollo de la cadera en pacientes sometidos a versión cefálica externa
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Displasia del desarrollo de la cadera; Versión cefálica externa; Presentación podálica; Developmental dysplasia of the hip; External cephalic version; Breech presentation;
Impact of the mode of delivery on maternal and neonatal outcome in spontaneous-onset breech labor at 32+0-36+6â¯weeks of gestation: A retrospective cohort study
Keywords: ارائه Breech; TOL; trial of labor; BTOL; breech trial of labor; CS; cesarean section; BCS; breech cesarean section; NICU; neonatal intensive care unit; Breech presentation; Preterm delivery; Cesarean section; Vaginal delivery; Neonatal outcome;
Comparaison du pronostic obstétrical des tentatives d'accouchement par le siège : travail spontané versus déclenchement
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Siège; Déclenchement du travail; Travail spontané; Césarienne; Morbidité périnatale; Breech presentation; Induced labor; Spontaneous labor; Caesarean section; Perinatal morbidity;
Accouchement par voie basse des fÅtus en présentation du siège : impact d'une politique incitative de service
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Siège; Présentation podalique; Protocole; Accouchement voie basse; Morbi-mortalité néonatale; Breech presentation; Protocol; Vaginal delivery; Neonatal morbi-mortality;
Induced labour at term and breech presentation: Experience of a level IIB French maternity
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Breech presentation; Induction of labour; Cervix maturation; Caesarean; Perinatal morbidity;
Uso de la acupuntura y moxibustión para corregir la presentación no cefálica: estudio de intervención en un centro hospitalario de tercer nivel
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Acupuntura y moxibustión; Presentación no cefálica; Malposición fetal; Versión cefálica externa; Acupuncture and moxibustion; Breech presentation; Fetal malposition; External cephalic version;
Accouchement par voie basse des fÅtus en présentation du siège : impact d'une politique incitative de service
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Siège; Présentation podalique; Protocole; Accouchement voie basse; Morbi-mortalité néonatale; Breech presentation; Protocol; Vaginal delivery; Neonatal morbi-mortality;
Pronostic obstétrical des présentations podaliques à terme en cas de rupture des membranes avant travail
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Présentation podalique; Siège; Rupture prématurée des membranes à terme; Accouchement; Ãtat néonatal; Breech presentation; Premature rupture of membranes at term; Delivery; Neonatal condition;
Enquête sur la pratique de la radiopelvimétrie dans les maternités de l'inter-région Nord-Est
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Radiopelvimétrie; Disproportion fÅto-pelvienne; Présentation du siège; Utérus cicatriciel; Grossesse gémellaire; X-ray pelvimetry; Fetal-pelvic disproportion; Breech presentation; Scarred uterus; Twin pregnancy;
Resultados perinatales en 492 presentaciones podálicas: cesárea vs. parto vaginal
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Gestación; Presentación nalgas; Resultados perinatales; Gestation; Breech presentation; Perinatal results;
Breech repositioning unresponsive to Webster technique: coexistence of oligohydramnios
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Breech presentation; Manipulation, spinal; Oligohydramnios; Chiropractic
Recuperación del parto vaginal de nalgas y versión cefálica externa
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Presentación de nalgas; Parto vaginal; Cesárea; Versión cefálica externa; Morbilidad perinatal; Breech presentation; Vaginal delivery; Cesarean delivery; External cephalic version; Perinatal morbidity;
Mode of Delivery Following Successful External Cephalic Version: Comparison With Spontaneous Cephalic Presentations at Delivery
Keywords: ارائه Breech; External cephalic version; breech presentation; Caesarean section; instrumental delivery;
Version céphalique externe en cas de siège persistant à terme : motivations et vécu de l’intervention par les femmes
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Version céphalique externe; Fœtus en siège; Échelle visuelle Analogique; Échelle verbaleExternal cephalic version; Breech presentation; Analogical visual scale; Verbal rating scale
Accouchement du siège et utérus cicatriciel : une situation obstétricale particulière ?
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Siège; Présentation podalique; Utérus cicatriciel; Mode d'accouchement; Breech presentation; Scarred uterus; Delivery route;
Anesthetic Management of External Cephalic Version
Keywords: ارائه Breech; External cephalic version; Breech presentation; Cesarean delivery; Neuraxial anesthesia;
Critical Obstetric and Gynecologic Procedures in the Emergency Department
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Labor; Delivery; Episiotomy; Breech presentation; Bartholin abscess;
Single-institute experience, management, success rate, and outcome after external cephalic version at term
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Breech presentation; Delivery; Fetal; Obstetric; Pregnancy outcome; Version
Versión cefálica externa en presentación de nalgas: una técnica ancestral muy actual
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Versión cefálica externa; Presentación podálica; Tocoliticos; Remifentanilo; External cephalic version; Breech presentation; Tocolyitics; Remifentanil;
A prospective study of the factors associated with the success rate of external cephalic version for breech presentation at term
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Amniotic fluid; Breech presentation; External cephalic version; Parity; Placental location; Pregnancy outcome
The relation between umbilical cord characteristics and the outcome of external cephalic version
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Breech presentation; External cephalic version; Umbilical coiling index; Umbilical cord length
La version par manœuvre externe : audit sur un an dans une maternité de niveau 3
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Version par manœuvre externe; Fœtus; SiègeExternal cephalic version; Fetus; Breech presentation
Risk factors for intrauterine constraint are associated with ultrasonographically detected severe fibrosis in early congenital muscular torticollis
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Congenital muscular torticollis; Etiology; Ultrasonography; Breech presentation; Intrauterine constraint;
Breech presentation and choice of mode of childbirth: A qualitative study of women’s experiences
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Breech presentation; Childbirth mode; Women's experiences; Decision-making
Induction du travail et présentation du siège : expérience de la maternité de l'hôpital Robert-Debré, Paris
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Siège; Induction du travail; Maturation cervicale; Breech presentation; Maturation of the cervix;
Singleton Breech at Term: Two Continents Two Approaches
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Fetal presentation; breech presentation; parturition; complications of labour; complications of delivery;
Accouchement du siège par voie basse : l'expérience des internes en gynécologie obstétrique français
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Présentation du siège; Accouchement; Obstétrique; Formation; Internes; Breech presentation; Delivery; Obstetrics; Training; Trainees;
Are Race and Ethnicity Risk Factors for Breech Presentation?
Keywords: ارائه Breech; birth certificate; breech presentation; case-control; ethnicity; logistic regression; Medicaid; race; risk factors; socioeconomic status;
Decreased expression of the righting reflex and locomotor movements in breech-presenting newborns in the first days of life
Keywords: ارائه Breech; Breech presentation; Newborn; Neurological examination; Pregnancy; Cesarean section