Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; PCPs; personal care products; TMICS; Taiwan Mother Infant Cohort Study; ICCs; intraclass correlation coefficients; MMP; mono-methyl phthalate; MEP; mono-ethyl phthalate; MnBP; mono-n-butyl phthalate; MiBP; mono-isobutyl phthalate; MiNP; mono-isononyl phth
مقالات ISI فاصله اطمینان (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; TSC; tuberous sclerosis; CT; computerized tomographic; EEG; electroencephalogram; mTOR; the mammalian target of rapamycin; IS; infantile spasms; AEDs; anti epilepsy drugs; VGB; vigabatrin; SEGA; subependymal giantcell astrocytoma; AML; angiomyolipoma; ILA
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; CDN; Canadian dollars; CI; confidence intervals; FDG PET/CT; 18F-Fluorodesoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography; HR; Hazard ratio; IPDMA; individual patient data meta-analysis; VTE; venous thromboembolism; Venous thromboembolism; Ven
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; CI; confidence intervals; ESL; early service leaver; HR; hazard ratio; ICD; International Classification of Diseases; ISD; Information Services Division, NHS Scotland; LTA; land transport accident; MOD; Ministry of Defence (UK); NHS; National Health Servi
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; NPS; new psychoactive substances; CI; confidence intervals; AOR; adjusted odds ratio; UNODC; United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime; WHO; World Health Organization; OTC; over-the-counter; WHO ASSIST; WHO Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screen
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; OPG; optic pathway glioma; NF1; neurofibromatosis type 1; SEER Program; surveillance, epidemiology, and end results; US; United States; IR; incidence rate; IRR; age-adjusted incidence rate ratio; CIs; confidence intervals; OR; odds ratio; Optic pathway gl
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; BMI; Body Mass Index; WHR; Waist-to-hip ratio; CC; Calf Circumference; MHAS; Mexican Health and Aging Study; FI; Frailty Index; HR; Hazard Ratios; CI; Confidence Intervals; IQR; Inter-Quartile Range; SD; Standard Deviation; Frailty; Mortality; Body mass i
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; AJCC; American Joint Committee on Cancer; ARCAGE; the Alcohol Related Cancers and Genetic susceptibility in Europe study; CI; confidence intervals; HPV; human papillomavirus; HR; hazard ratios; OPC; oropharyngeal cancer; Oropharynx cancer; HPV16; Survival
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; PCC; Pediatric Critical Care; ALS; Advanced Life Support; PICU; Pediatric Intensive Care Unit; PT; Physician accompanying transport; PLT; Physician-less transport; STOL; Stollery Children's Hospital; IQR; Interquartile Range; CI; confidence intervals; HR;
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; CAM; clarithromycin; CI; confidence intervals; COPD; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CPA; chronic pulmonary aspergillosis; CRP; C-reactive protein; CT; computed tomography; EB; ethambutol; FC; fibrocavitary; HR; hazard ratio; ILD; interstitial lung
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; Campylobacter jejuni; Oxidative stress; Antimicrobial resistance; MarR domain; T6SS; Type VI Secretion System; gDNA; Genomic DNA; BA; Blood agar; CI; Confidence Intervals; S; Sensitive; R; Resistant; HR; Highly resistant; HTH; Helix-turn-helix; RIF; Rifam
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; Ang; angiopoietin; Tie-2; tyrosine kinase with immunoglobulin-like loop epidermal growth factor domain 2; Ang-2/Ang-1; Angiopoietin-2/Angiopoietin-1 ratio; Ang-1/Tie-2; Angiopoietin-1/Tie-2 ratio; ICAM-1; intercellular adhesion molecule-1; VCAM-1; vascula
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; AF; attributable fraction; AN; attributable number; CI; confidence intervals; DLNM; distributed lag non-linear model; EA; emergency admissions; RR; relative risk; Attributable risk to hot temperature; Distributed lag non-linear model; Epidemiology; Multiv
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; CIs; confidence intervals; MDA; mass drug administration; MoHP; Ministry of Health and Population; NSCP; National Schistosomiasis Control Programme; WHO; World Health Organization; S. haematobium; Urine filtration; Mapping; Elimination; Egypt;
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; Diabetes; Insulin resistance; Dyslipidemia; TG to HDL-C ratio; BMI; body-mass index; WC; waist circumference; FPG; fasting plasma glucose; HbA1c; Hemoglobin A1c; TG; triglycerides; TC; total cholesterol; HDL-C; high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL-C;
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; TCS; Tobacco Control Scale; EPHR; European Perinatal Health Report; rsp; Spearman rank-correlation coefficients; 95%CI; 95% confidence intervals; SHS; secondhand smoke; CIs; confidence intervals; HDI; Human Development Index; GDP; gross domestic product;
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; AIDS; acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; AOR; adjusted odds ratio; ART; antiretroviral treatment; ARV; antiretroviral drugs; CDC; The U.S Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention; CI; confidence intervals; FPC; finite population correction; HIV; human
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; MI; myocardial infarction; LV; left ventricle; EF; ejection fraction; HF; heart failure; STEMI; ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction; NSTEMI; non-ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction; PCI; percutaneous coronary intervention; BMI; body mass
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; aHR; adjusted HR; BRCA2; breast cancer 2, early onset; CIs; confidence intervals; DFS; disease-free survival; ENCODE; encyclopedia of DNA Elements; ERCC1; excision repair cross-complementing group 1; ERG; V-ets avian erythroblastosis virus E26 oncogene re
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; Asthma; Asthma episodes; Clinical outcomes; Dietary supplements; Emergency department visits; Herb; ALT; Adult Alternative Medicine file; AOR; Adjusted odds ratio; CAL; Child Alternative Medicine file; CAM; Complementary and alternative medicine; CI; Conf
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; Recreational fishing; Trip-related expenditures; Multi-regional input-output model; Bootstrapping; Confidence intervals;
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; OR; odds ratio; HR; hazard ratio; CI; confidence intervals; RPCI; Roswell Park Cancer Institute; PEDS; Patient Epidemiology Data System; BMI; body mass index; RERI; Relative Excess Risk due to Interaction; FEV; Forced Expiratory Volume; FVC; Forced Vital
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; AP; anterior-posterior; ASUFSR; Arizona State University Feature Selection Repository; AV; all variables; CFS; correlation-based feature selection; CI; confidence intervals; CoP; center of pressure; CoV; coefficient of variation; DT; dual-task; FCBF; fast
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; ACEi; angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors; ARB; angiotensin receptor blockers; BCC; basal cell cancer; CCB; calcium channel blockers; CI; confidence intervals; NMSC; non-melanoma skin cancer; RR; relative risk; SCC; squamous cell cancer; SRR; summary
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; Liver surgery; Laparoscopy; Hospital stay; Complication; Meta-analysis; CRD42017058124; LH; laparoscopic hepatectomy; OH; open hepatectomy; RCTs; randomized controlled trials; CNKI; China National Knowledge Infrasture; ASA; American Society of Anesthesiol
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; ADV; adenovirus; CI; confidence intervals; COV; coronavÃrus; CRP; C reactive protein; CXR; chest X-ray; ED; emergency department; FLUA; influenza virus A; FLUB; influenza virus B; HBOV; human bocavirus; HEV; human enterovirus; HRV; human rhinovirus; ICU;
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; Least squares kernel machine; Mixed-effect model; Semi-parametric regression; Residual maximum likelihood method; Ground motion analysis; Confidence intervals;
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; BMI; body mass index; CI; confidence intervals; CK; creatine kinase; LDL-C; low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; PRISMA; Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses; PROSPERO; International Prospective Register for Systematic Review
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; T1DM; Progression; Islet autoantibody; Meta-analysis; Systematic review; T1DM; Type 1 diabetes mellitus; IFA; Immunofluorescence assay; RBA; Radiobinding assay; ICA; Islet cell autoantibody; IAA; Insulin autoantibody; GADA; Glutamic acid decarboxylase aut
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; Krüppel-like factor 4; Meta-analysis; Prognosis; Cancer; Tumor; Carcinoma; TNBC; triple-negative breast cancer; BC; breast cancer; CRC; colorectal cancer; ESCC; esophageal squamous cell carcinoma; GC; gastric cancer; HCC; hepatocellular carcinoma; NPC; n
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; ALSPAC; Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children; WEMWBS; Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale; RSE-B; Bachman Self-Esteem Scale; NPD; National Pupil Database; GCSE; General Certificate of Secondary Education; CPR; Child Protection Register; OR
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; primary; 62C05; secondary; 62A01; Fiducial inference; Confidence intervals; Likelihood inference;
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; Clinical meaningfulness; P values; Data interpretation; Confidence intervals; Effect sizes; Statistical power; Minimal detectable difference; Minimal important difference;
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; Performance testing; Statistical inference method; Confidence intervals; Bootstrapping; Solar thermal collectors;
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; NSCLC; non-small cell lung cancer; RCTs; randomized controlled trials; OS; overall survival; PFS; progression free survival; ORR; objective response rate; AEs; adverse effects; HR; hazard ratio; RR; relative risk; CI; confidence intervals; FDA; Food and D
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; CI; confidence intervals; ECM; extracellular matrix; HWE; Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium; MMP; matrix metalloproteinase; OR; odds ratios; PPROM; preterm premature rupture of membranes; RSA; recurrent spontaneous abortion; SGA; small for gestational age; SPTB;
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; Unsaturated flow; Pesticide transport; Bayesian inference; Confidence intervals; Polynomial Chaos Expansion; DREAM(ZS) software;
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; OA; osteoarthritis; OMT; orthopaedics manual therapy; RCT; randomized controlled trials; VAS; visual analogue scale; WOMAC; Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index; ROM; range of motion; SDM; standard difference in mean; CI; confide
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; CI; confidence intervals; CTS; Conflict Tactics Scale; CTS PC; Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scale; FFCWS; The Fragile Families & Child Wellbeing Study; IPV; intimate partner violence; NSCAW; National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being; Intimate pa
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; RA; rheumatoid arthritis; OR; odds ratio; TCM; traditional Chinese medicine; FAHAUCM; the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University of Chinese Medicine; ASO+; anti-streptolysin O positive; low HGB; low haemoglobin levels; RF+; rheumatoid factors posit
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; Autism spectrum disorders; Retinoic acid; Chinese; Severity; Risk; Rar; retinoic acid receptor; Rxr; retinoid x receptor; Asd; autism spectrum disorder; Bmi; body mass index; Cars; childhood autism rating scale; Elisa; enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; C
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; Bacteremia; Sepsis; Antibiotics; Outcome; Survival; BSI; bloodstream infection; BSIMRS; bloodstream infection mortality risk score; OR; odds ratio; CI; confidence intervals; HR; hazards ratio;
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; CI; confidence intervals; IVF; in-vitro fertilization; OR; odds ratio; Assisted reproductive technique; Thrombophilia; Live birth; Spontaneous abortion; Prospective studies;
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; Algorithmic inference; machine learning; parameter distribution; confidence intervals; learning Boolean functions;
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; 62G05; 62G15; 62L12; 62L20; Hazard function; Censored data; Recursive estimation; Kernel estimator; Weak convergence rate; Confidence intervals;
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; AIDS; Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome; ANC; Antenatal Care; AOR; Adjusted Odds Ratio; CI; Confidence Intervals; HIV; Human Immunodeficiency Virus; INR; Indian Rupees; OR; Odds Ratio; USD; United States Dollars; VIF; Variance Inflation Factor; WHO; Wor
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; C12; C13; C21; Conservative Lasso; Honest inference; High-dimensional data; Uniform inference; Confidence intervals; Tests;
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; AUC; Areas under the curve; T2D; Type 2 diabetes; BMI; Body mass index; BSA; Bovine serum albumin; CI; Confidence intervals; DMEM; Dulbecco's modified Eagle medium; FMI; Fat mass index; FPG; Fasting plasma glucose; KLF7; Krueppel-like factor 7; KRB; Krebs
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; Metabolic syndrome; Visceral fat; Tea catechins; Cardiovascular disease; Pooled analysis; ANCOVA; an analysis of covariance; BMI; body mass index; C; catechin; Cg; catechin gallate; CI; confidence intervals; DBP; diastolic blood pressure; EC; epicatechin;
Keywords: فاصله اطمینان; Dietary sodium; Obesity; Central obesity; Body fat mass; Body lean mass; ASMI; Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Index; BMI; body mass index; CIs; confidence intervals; CVD; cardiovascular disease; DXA; dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry; NHANES; The National He