Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; BGE; background electrolyte; CD; circular dichroism; CDEKC; cyclodextrin modified electrokinetic chromatography; CSEI; cation-selective exhaustive injection; EOF; electroosmotic flow; HCB; high conductivity buffer; LCB; low conductivity buffer; LVSS; larg
مقالات ISI ایزوتوپ کربن (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Immobilized chiral stationary phases; Enantioseparation; Thiol-ene click chemistry; Cellulose mixed esters; Homogeneous esterification;
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Supercritical fluid chromatography; Enantioseparation; Liquid crystalline materials; Chiral fluorinated liquid crystals; Amylose; BP; back pressure; CSP; chiral stationary phase; EEO; enantiomer elution order; LCs; liquid crystals; OAFLCs; orthoconic anti
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Chiral; Enantioseparation; Fenbuconazole; Metabolites; SFC-MS/MS;
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Vancomycin; Enantioseparation; Organic polymeric monolith; Nano-LC;
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Optical gated capillary electrophoresis; d-Amino acid oxidase; Enzyme assay; Enantioseparation;
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Enantioseparation; Phenylcarbamoyl; Chiral separation phases; Achiral separation;
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Flow-through silica; Wide-pore silica; Enantioseparation; Polysaccharide; Chiral stationary phase;
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; BAC; baclofen; CAR; carvedilol; CTZ; cetirizine; CS; chiral selector; CPA; chlorpheniramine; CIT; citalopram; FLU; fluoxetine; HXZ; Hydroxyzine; HP-α-CD; hydroxypropyl-α-cyclodextrin; HP-β-CD; hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin; MD; maltodextrin; PFM; parti
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; BGE; background electrolyte; CD; cyclodextrin; CM-β-CD; carboxymethyl-β-cyclodextrin; CSEI; cation-selective exhaustive injection; EOF; electroosmotic flow; FESI; field-enhanced sample injection; HP-β-CD; hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin; S-β-CD; sulfate
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Enantioseparation; Metal ion; Complexation countercurrent chromatography; Separation mechanism; Dihydroflavone enantiomers;
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Chiral ionic liquid; Synergistic system; Capillary electrophoresis; Enantioseparation; Molecular docking;
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Capillary electrophoresis; Enantioseparation; Ionic liquids; Chiral ionic liquids; Synergistic system; Ligand-exchange; Micellar electrokinetic chromatography; Chiral selectors;
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; d-Amino acids; Quantitative analysis; Enantioseparation; Underivatization; Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry;
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Styrene glycol; Enantioseparation; HPLC; Biomarker;
Doxycycline as a new chiral selector in capillary electrophoresis
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Capillary electrophoresis; Chiral selector; Doxycycline; Enantioseparation;
Enantiodifferentiation of whisky and cognac lactones using gas chromatography with different cyclodextrin chiral stationary phases
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Whisky lactone; Cognac lactone; Gas chromatography; Enantioseparation; Chiral stationary phase; Baker's yeast reduction;
Carboxylated single-walled carbon nanotube-functionalized chiral polymer monoliths for affinity capillary electrochromatography
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Single-walled carbon nanotubes; Monolith; Pepsin; Enantioseparation; Affinity capillary; Electrochromatography;
Determination of the stereoisomeric impurities of sitafloxacin by capillary electrophoresis with dual chiral additives
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Enantioseparation; Capillary electrophoresis; Stereoisomeric impurity; Experimental design;
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Electrochemical immunosensor; Magnetic electrode; Amlodipine; Enantioseparation;
Carbamoylated azithromycin incorporated zirconia hybrid monolith for enantioseparation of acidic chiral drugs using non-aqueous capillary electrochromatography
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Enantioseparation; Zirconia hybrid monolith; Azithromycin; Capillary electrochromatography;
Functionalized polymer monoliths with carbamylated amylose for the enantioselective reversed phase nano-liquid chromatographic separation of a set of racemic pharmaceuticals
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Amylose; Capillary; Enantioseparation; Encapsulation; Monolith; Organic polymer;
A novel enantioseparation approach based on liposome electrokinetic capillary chromatography
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Liposome electrokinetic capillary chromatography; Liposomes; Enantioseparation; SBE-β-CD;
High-performance chiral stationary phases based on chitosan derivatives with a branched-chain alkyl urea
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Polysaccharide; Chitosan; Packing material; Enantioseparation; High-performance liquid chromatography;
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Electrophoresis; Rate equations; Monte Carlo simulation; Chiral selection; Enantioseparation;
Highly efficient chiral separation of amlodipine enantiomers via triple recognition hollow fiber membrane extraction
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Amlodipine; Enantioseparation; Hollow fiber; Molecularly imprinted membrane; Triple recognition;
Full length articleConsequences of transition from liquid chromatography to supercritical fluid chromatography on the overall performance of a chiral zwitterionic ion-exchanger
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Enantioseparation; Supercritical fluid chromatography; High performance liquid chromatography; Enhanced-fluidity mobile phase; Amino acids; Transient acid;
Stereoselective quantification of triticonazole in vegetables by supercritical fluid chromatography
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Triticonazole; Enantioseparation; Supercritical fluid chromatography; Influence of organic modifier; Stereoselective quantification; QuEChERS pretreatment;
Determination of enantiomeric vigabatrin by derivatization with diacetyl-l-tartaric anhydride followed by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Vigabatrin; Enantioseparation; Diacetyl-l-tartaric anhydride; Chiral derivatization; Diastereomer;
Enantiomeric separation of the antiuremic drug colchicine by electrokinetic chromatography. Method development and quantitative analysis
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; CE-β-CD; carboxyethylated-β-CD; CE-γ-CD; carboxyethylated-γ-CD; CM-α-CD; carboxymethylated-α-CD; CM-β-CD; carboxymethylated-β-CD; CM-γ-CD; carboxymethylated-γ-CD; EMO; enantiomer migration order; HDAS-β-CD; heptakis-(2,3-di-O-acetyl-6-O-sulfo)-
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; RV-B14; VP1 protein; Capsid-binder; Enantioseparation; Mosher's method; Heterocycles; AC; absolute configuration; CD; circular dichroism; CDHR-3; cadherin related family member 3; COPD; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CSP; chiral stationary phase;
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; GCÂ ÃÂ GC; Chirality; Enantioseparation; Amino acids; Non-terrestrial samples;
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Amlodipine; Atenolol; Enantioseparation; Chiral switches; Enantiopurity assay; Liquid chromatography
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Capillary electrophoresis; Enantioseparation; Chiral ionic liquids; Synergistic system; Conventional modifiers
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Metolachlor stereoisomers; Enantioseparation; Electronic circular dichroism; Vibrational circular dichroism; Chiral stability
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Enantioseparation; Diastereomeric salt; Chirality; Asymmetric synthesis; Aminoalcohol;
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Chirality; Enantioseparation; Protein; DNA
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Chiral imidazolium; Ionic liquid; Chiral stationary phase; High-performance liquid chromatography; Enantioseparation;
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; UPC2; ultraperformance convergence chromatography; ABPR; pressure of automated backpressure regulator; CSP; chiral stationary phase; Rs; resolution; PSA; primary secondary amine; C18; octadecylsilane; GCB; graphitized carbon black; MRL; maximum residue le
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Non-aqueous chiral capillary electrophoresis; Enantioseparation; Host-guest interaction; 1H NMR; ROESY NMR; Single-isomer cyclodextrin;
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Antibacterial agent; CD-cEKC; Cyclodextrin; Enantioseparation; Synthesis; Tedizolid
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Antibiotics; Capillary electrophoresis; Chiral selector; Enantioseparation; Rifampicin;
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Capillary monolith; Click chemistry; Complex sample; Enantioseparation; Ionic liquid; Nanoparticle
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Cyclodextrin; Monolithic column; Enantioseparation; Preparation strategy;
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Dissociation; Dual selector system; Cyclodextrins; Enantioseparation; Mixture of selectors; Model of electromigration
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Poly-l-proline oligomers; Monolithic columns; Enantioseparation; Chiral stationary phases; Supercritical fluid chromatography
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Quinine; Enantioseparation; Silica/zirconia hybrid monolith; Capillary electrochromatography
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Poly-l-proline oligomers; Silica monoliths; Loadability; Enantioseparation; Chiral stationary phases
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; Ionic liquids; High-performance liquid chromatography; Stationary phase; Reversed-phase; Hydrophilic interaction; Enantioseparation
Keywords: ایزوتوپ کربن; ATPS; Ethanol/ammonium sulfate; Biphasic recognition; Phase behaviors; Enantioseparation;