Keywords: عادات غذایی; Culture; Dietary practices; Dietary quality; Food habits; Religion; Stress;
مقالات ISI عادات غذایی (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Food habits; Dietary changes; Cancer patients; Cancer survivors; Health information; Eating habits survey; Nutrition education;
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Drink; Consumption; Wine pairing; Commensality; Food habits; National dietary surveys; Alcohol intake; Riksmaten;
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Food habits; Novel food; Textured protein; Vegan; Vegetarian;
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Bats; Brain; Food habits; Metabolism;
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Meal habits; Diet quality; Food consumption; Food habits; Lifestyle factors; Adolescent;
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Chukchi Sea; Arctic fish; Food habits; Trophic guild; Cluster analysis; Constrained analysis of principal coordinates;
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Geophagia; Migrant diets; Food habits; Pregnancy diet;
Keywords: عادات غذایی; health literacy; patient education; body mass index; pediatrics; food habits;
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Tooth erosion; epidemiology; carbonated beverages; food habits
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Forest foods; Food habits; Cultural beliefs and ethnic foods;
Keywords: عادات غذایی; University students; Vending machines; Food habits; Body weight; Formative research; BMI; Body mass index; EU; European Union; FFQ; Food Frequency Questionnaire; UK; United Kingdom; WHO; World Health Organisation;
Keywords: عادات غذایی; nutrition; diet; food habits; health behavior; nutrition knowledge; overweight;
Keywords: عادات غذایی; PCBs; POPs; Prenatal exposure; Human biomonitoring; Food habits;
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Food environment; Food stores; Food habits; Food-processing; Urban health;
Keywords: عادات غذایی; intervention studies; food habits; breast neoplasms; oxidative stress;
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Food habits; Food consumption; InfantHábitos alimentares; Consumo de alimentos; Lactente
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Industrialized foods; Food habits; Food consumption; Child day care centers; InfantAlimentos industrializados; Hábitos alimentares; Consumo de alimentos; Creches; Lactente
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Slow food; Alternative food networks; Food habits; Foodways; Culinary tourism; Virtue ethics;
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Promoción de la salud; Salud escolar; Medio ambiente; Actividad física; Hábitos alimentarios; Composición corporalHealth promotion; School health; Environment; Physical activity; Food habits; Body composition
Keywords: عادات غذایی; child; fruit; vegetables; childhood obesity; food habits;
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Child; Validation studies; Questionnaires; Healthy behavior; Food habits; Motor activityCriança; Estudos de validação; Questionários; Comportamentos saudáveis; Hábitos alimentares; Atividade motora
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Food preferences; Food habits; Child behavior; Child nutrition sciences;
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Food habits; Social factors; Lifestyle; Obesity; Adolescents; Arab region;
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Food habits; University students; Mediterranean diet; 24 hour recall; Healthy Eating Index; Mediterranean Diet Score
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Food habits; Dietary quality; Chronic diseases;
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Perceived seriousness; Health risks; Food habits; Health promotion; Target population; Europe;
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Food habits; Television; Glucose metabolism disorders; Sedentary lifestyle;
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Diet; Workplace; Intervention study; Food habits; Nutrition assessment; Review;
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Obesity; Feeding behavior; Food habits; Adolescent behavior;
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Food habits; Leopard; Resource partitioning; Sympatric carnivores; Tiger
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Diet; Food habits; School; ChildhoodDieta; Hábitos dietéticos; Escolares; Infancia
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Weight concerns; Food habits; Adolescent girls; Kolkata; Sikkim; India
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Abdominal obesity; Etiology; Prevention & control; Child; Food habits
Keywords: عادات غذایی; acculturation; emigrants and immigrants; African continental ancestry group; food habits; minority health
Foraging habitats and niche partitioning of European large herbivores during the Holocene - Insights from 3D dental microwear texture analysis
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Alces alces; Bison bonasus; Bos primigenius; Cervus elaphus; Ungulates; Food habits;
The impact of religiosity on dietary habits and physical activity in minority women participating in the Health is Power (HIP) study
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Exercise; Food; Nutrients; Food habits; Religion; Ethnic groups; Female; African-Americans; Hispanic Americans; Health status disparities; Community health planning;
Incentivizing healthy eating in children: An investigation of the “ripple” and “temporal” effects of a reward-based intervention
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Nutritional intervention; Food preferences; Food habits; Child behavior; Child nutrition sciences;
“What can I do when he/she doesn't want to eat?”: Maternal strategies for ensure children's food consumption in early childhood
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Mothers; Child nutrition; Feeding behavior; Perception; Strategies; Food habits;
Ecological survey of two Calomyscidae species; Goodwin's brush-tailed mouse and Hotson's brush-tailed mouse (Rodentia) in the eastern parts of Iran
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Rodents; Calomyscus elburzensis; C. hotsoni; Climate; Habitat; Food habits; Iran;
Trophic overlap between wolves and free-ranging wolf à dog hybrids in the Apennine Mountains, Italy
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Canis lupus; Genetic introgression; Wild à domestic hybridization; Food habits; Trophic niche overlap;
The association of eating habits and lifestyle with overweight and obesity among health sciences students in Taif University, KSA
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Body mass index; Food habits; Lifestyle; Obesity; Overweight;
Food habits of Arctic staghorn sculpin (Gymnocanthus tricuspis) and shorthorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus scorpius) in the northeastern Chukchi and western Beaufort Seas
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Chukchi Sea; Beaufort Sea; Arctic fishes; Food habits; Arctic staghorn sculpin; Shorthorn sculpin; Multivariate analysis; Quantile regression;
Short CommunicationImpact of verbal mimicry on children's fruit consumption
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Mimicry; Childhood obesity; Fruit consumption; Food habits;
Patrón dietético de la población escolar del Área La Mancha-Centro (Ciudad Real)
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Dieta; Hábitos dietéticos; Escolares; InfanciaDiet; Food habits; School; Childhood
Fatores associados à s fases de comportamento alimentar de usuários dos restaurantes populares em Belo Horizonte/MGâBrasil
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Restaurantes; Estádios de mudança; Hábitos alimentares; Promoção da saúde; Restaurants; Stages of change; Food habits; Health promotion;
Diet quality of preschool children aged 2 to 5 years living in the urban area of Pelotas, Brazil
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Preschool; Indexes; Food habits; DietPré-escolar; Índices; Hábitos alimentares; Dieta
Introdução de refrigerantes e sucos industrializados na dieta de lactentes que frequentam creches públicas
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Alimentos industrializados; Hábitos alimentares; Consumo de alimentos; Creches; LactenteIndustrialized foods; Food habits; Food consumption; Child day care centers; Infant
Qualidade da dieta de pré‐escolares de 2 a 5 anos residentes na área urbana da cidade de Pelotas, RS
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Pré‐escolar; Índices; Hábitos alimentares; DietaPreschool; Indexes; Food habits; Diet
Influence of school health promotion on the life habits of schoolchildren
Keywords: عادات غذایی; Health promotion; School health; Environment; Physical activity; Food habits; Body compositionPromoción de la salud; Salud escolar; Medio ambiente; Actividad física; Hábitos alimentarios; Composición corporal