Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; Conduct disorder; Diffusion tensor imaging; MRI; Fractional anisotropy; White matter;
مقالات ISI ترجمه شده ناپیوستگی کسری
مقالات ISI ناپیوستگی کسری (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; BD; Bipolar Disorder; WMT; White Matter Tract; OBP; Offspring of Bipolar Parents; OCP; Offspring of Comparison Parents; vlPFC; Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex; ACC; Anterior Cingulate Cortex; FA; Fractional Anisotropy; RD; Radial Diffusivity; BIOS; Bipola
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; Diffusion tensor imaging; Fractional anisotropy; Mood disorders; Psychotic disorders; Anxiety disorders; Cluster analysis;
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; DaTSCAN; 123I-FP-CIT SPECT; DTI; diffusion tensor imaging; FA; fractional anisotropy; 123I-FP-CIT; 123jodine-N-Ï-fluoropropyl-2b-carbomethoxy-3b-(4-iodophenyl) nortropan; PD; Parkinson's disease; SN; substantia nigra; SND; dorsal region of substantia n
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; Correlation analysis; Fine motor function; Gray matter; Purdue Pegboard Test; Schizophrenia; White matter; AD; axial diffusivity; ANCOVA; analysis of covariance; CPeq; chlorpromazine-equivalent doses; DTI; diffusion tensor imaging; FA; fractional anisotro
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; BF; biceps femoris muscle; DTI; diffusion tensor imaging; FA; fractional anisotropy; G; gracilis muscle; GRE; gradient echo sequence; HIPAA; health insurance portability and accountability act; IRDDDA; intra-ROI diffusion direction dispersion angle; IRB;
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; ANCOVA; analysis of covariance; BACS; Brief Assessment of Cognition in Schizophrenia; BMI; body mass index; CPeq; chlorpromazine-equivalent dose; DTI; diffusion tensor imaging; FA; fractional anisotropy; FDR; false discovery rate; FSL; Functional MRI of t
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; Idiopathic epilepsy; Diffusion Tensor Imaging; Microstructural brain changes; Cognitive functions; Fractional Anisotropy; Mean Diffusivity;
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; Schizotypal personality disorder; Brain asymmetry; Magnetic resonance imaging; Fractional anisotropy; Diffusion tensor imaging;
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; DTI; BMI; Obesity; White matter; Fractional anisotropy;
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; Migraine; Medication overuse headache; Diffusion tensor imaging; Fractional anisotropy; Tract-based spatial statistics; MRI;
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; AD; axial diffusivity; CIS; Canadian Interuniversity Sports; CR; corona radiata; dMRI; diffusion magnetic resonance imaging; EC; external capsule; FA; fractional anisotropy; HCEP; Hockey Concussion Education Project; IC; internal capsule; ImPACT; Immediat
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy; Thalamus; Basal ganglia; Hippocampus; Volumetry; Fractional anisotropy; Mean diffusivity;
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; Schizophrenia; Entropy; Graph-theory; Connectivity; Fractional anisotropy; Negative symptoms;
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; Autism Spectrum Disorder; Development; White matter; Diffusion-weighted imaging; Fractional anisotropy;
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; Deep white matter (DWM); Diffusion tensor imaging; Cortico-cortical connection; Tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS); Probabilistic tractography; FASWM, FA; fractional anisotropy; MDSWM, MD; mean diffusivity; RDSWM, RD; radial diffusivity; ADSWM, AD; axo
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; TLE; Temporal lobe epilepsy; MTS; Mesial temporal sclerosis; MRI; Magnetic resonance imaging; DWI; diffusion weighted imaging; DTI; Diffusion tensor imaging; MD; Mean diffusivity; FA; fractional anisotropy; TBSS; Tract-Based Spatial Statistics; L-TLE; Lef
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; aDMN; anterior default mode network; BOLD; blood oxygen level-dependent; CI; cognitive impairment; CNI; cognitive nonimpairment; CC; corpus callosum; DMN; default mode network; DLPFC; dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; DPABI; Data Processing & Analysis for (
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; AD; axial diffusivity; ADC; apparent diffusion coefficient; BED; biologically equivalent doses; CT; computed tomography; DTI; diffuse tensor imaging; FA; fractional anisotropy; FDG; 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose; gEUD; generalized uniform equivalent dose; HGG; h
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; White matter; Psychosis; Diffusion spectrum imaging; Superior longitudinal fasciculus; Fractional anisotropy;
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; Schizophrenia; First episode psychosis; Neuroimaging; Fractional anisotropy; Prognosis; Gray matter; White matter;
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; Anterior visual pathway; Intraoperative monitoring; Suprasellar; Visual outcome; CP; Cortical potential; DTI; Diffusion tensor imaging; ERG; Electroretinography; FA; Fractional anisotropy; LED; Light-emitting diode; MeSH; Medical Subject Headings; MRI; Ma
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; Welders; Manganese; R1; Pallidal index; Fractional anisotropy; Synergy;
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; CCFS; composite cerebellar functional severity score; CFE; connectivity-based fixel enhancement; CSD; constrained spherical deconvolution; CST; corticospinal tract; DTI; diffusion tensor imaging; FA; fractional anisotropy; FBA; fixel-based analysis; FC; f
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; DTI; Fractional anisotropy; Executive functions; Processing speed;
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; 3D-FT; three dimensional Fourier transform-based analysis; AI; anisotropy index; DEC; directionally encoded coloured map; DTI; diffusion tensor imaging; EM; electron microscopy; FA; fractional anisotropy; HM; high magnification; LM; low magnification; MRI
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; AD; axial diffusivity; CC; corpus callosum; CCI; controlled cortical impact; cl; contralateral; CTE; chronic traumatic encephalopathy; CV; Cresyl violet; DTI; diffusion tensor imaging; EC; external capsule; EPI; echo-planar imaging; FA; fractional anisotr
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; Neurodevelopmental disorders; Dyslexia; Diffusion tensor imaging; Fractional anisotropy; Axonal white matter; Voxel-based analyses;
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; AD; axial diffusivity; AUC; area under the curve; CIS; clinically isolated syndrome; CON; Contrack; CSD; constrained spherical deconvolution; DTI; diffusion tensor imaging; DWI; diffusion weighted imaging; DW-MRI; diffusion weighted magnetic resonance ima
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; Arterial spin labeling; Blood-brain barrier; Cerebral artery; Cerebral blood flow; Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging; Lipopolysaccharide; Sepsis; ACA; anterior cerebral artery; ADC; apparent diffusion coefficient; ASL; aterial spin labeling; Az; perica
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; Aβ; amyloid beta protein; AD; Alzheimer's disease; APP; amyloid precursor protein; cmTBI; complicated mild traumatic brain injury; CSF; cerebrospinal fluid; CT; computed tomography; C-tau; C-terminal tau fragment; CTE; chronic traumatic encephalopathy;
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; ANOVA; analysis of variance; BG; basal ganglia; CST; corticospinal tract; DTI; diffusion tensor imaging; TE; echo time; FA; fractional anisotropy; FR; frontal lobe; IC; internal capsule; MBP; myelin basic protein; OR; optic radiation; Pari; parietal lobes
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; AF; Arcuate Fascicle; AG; Angular Gyrus; ASL; Arterial Spin Labeling; BA; Brodmann Area; BOLD; Blood-Oxygen-Level Dependent; BPS; Bern Psychopathology Scale; CBF; Cerebral Blood Flow; CT; Computer Tomography; DTI; Diffusion Tension Imaging; FA; Fractional
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; GM; gray matter; WM; white matter; CSF; cerebrospinal fluid; TIV; total intracranial volume; DTI; diffusion tensor imaging; FA; fractional anisotropy; SLF; superior longitudinal fasciculus; ForMaj; forceps major; ForMin; forceps minor; AF; arcuate fascicu
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; Parkinson's disease; Diffusion tensor imaging; Tract based spatial statistics; Fractional anisotropy;
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; Apparent diffusion coefficient; Cervical spondylotic myelopathy; Diffusion tensor imaging; Fractional anisotropy; Intracellular volume fraction; Neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging; Neurologic recovery; Orientation dispersion index; Severit
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; ANCOVA; analysis of covariance; BDI; Beck Depression Inventory; BPF; brain parenchymal fraction; DTI; diffusion tensor imaging; EDSS; Expanded Disability Status Scale; FA; fractional anisotropy; FSMC; Fatigue Scale for Motor and Cognition; NEX; number of
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; Structural connectivity; Functional connectivity; Tractography; Cerebellum; Thalamus; Dentato-rubro-thalamic tract; BOLD; Blood oxygenation level-dependent; d-DRTT; Decussating dentato-rubro-thalamic tract (ipsilateral); d/nd; Decussating/nondecussating c
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; Hallucination; Superior temporal gyrus; LSHS; Schizophrenia; NODDI; Diffusion MRI; AVH; auditory verbal hallucination; CVH; clinical voice hearer; DTI; diffusion-tensor imaging; DWI; diffusion-weighted imaging; FA; fractional anisotropy; fMRI; functional
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; DTI; TCD; Aging; White matter structural integrity; Fractional anisotropy; Pulsatility index;
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; CWS; children who stutter; AWS; adults who stutter; FAT; frontal aslant tract; CST; corticospinal tract; pIFG; posterior inferior frontal gyrus; SMA; supplementary motor area; DTI; diffusion tensor imaging; FA; fractional anisotropy; MD; mean diffusivity;
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; AD; Axial diffusivity; ANOVA; Analysis of variance; CB; Cingulate bundle; CC; Corpus callosum; DTI; Diffusion tensor imaging; EPI; Echo planar imaging; FA; Fractional anisotropy; FLAIR; Fluid attenuated inversion recovery; FNIRT; FMRIBs nonlinear image re
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; Autism spectrum disorder; Corpus callosum; DTI; Fractional anisotropy; Meta-analysis; White matter; ABIDE; Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange; AD; axial diffusivity; AFQ; Fiber-Tract Quantification; ALE; Activation likelihood estimation; ASD; Autism spect
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; Schizophrenia; Diffusion tensor imaging; White matter; Fractional anisotropy; Structural network;
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; Diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI); Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM); Gray matter; Football; Head impact; DTI; diffusion tensor imaging; DKI; diffusion kurtosis imaging; QSM; Quantitative susceptibility mapping; FA; fractional anisotropy; MD; mean
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; DTI; diffusion tensor imaging; SAXS; small-angle x-ray scattering; FA; fractional anisotropy; ROI; region of interest; AC; articular cartilage; PLM; polarized light microscopy; SEM; scanning electron microscopy; MRI; magnetic resonance imaging; DT; diffus
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; DLGG; diffuse low-grade glioma; FA; fractional anisotropy; fMRI; functional MRI; rCBF; relative cerebral blood flow; RS; resting state; VMHC; voxel mirrored homotopic connectivity; Brain mapping; Functional neuroimaging; Glioma; Magnetic resonance imaging
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; ADC; apparent diffusion coefficient; CR; corona radiata; CSD; constrained spherical deconvolution; CST; corticospinal tract; DWI; diffusion-weighted imaging; FA; fractional anisotropy; FM-UL; fugl-meyer upper-limb assessment; MCA; middle cerebral artery;
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; Locus of control; Alzheimer's disease signature cortical thickness; Amnestic mild cognitive impairment; Amygdala; Resting-state fMRI; Diffusion tensor imaging; AD; Alzheimer's disease; ADSCT; Alzheimer's disease signature cortical thickness; aMCI; amnesti
Keywords: ناپیوستگی کسری; Major depressive disorder; Fractional anisotropy; Diffusion tensor imaging; Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein; Myelin-associated glycoprotein;