Keywords: شدت; Water demand; Demand pulses; Intensity; Duration; Correlation; Parameterization;
مقالات ISI شدت (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: شدت; Emotion recognition; Schizophrenia; Dynamic stimuli; Intensity; cognition;
Keywords: شدت; Duration; Exercise; Immune function; Intensity;
Keywords: شدت; PEF; Intensity; Extraction; Grape; Wine; Polyphenols; Colour; Copigmentation; Tannins;
Keywords: شدت; 25.20.Dc; 24.10.Lx; 81.05.U-; 25.60.Bx; Scattering angle; Intensity; Elements; MCNP simulation;
Keywords: شدت; Shrinkage; Shrinkage rate; Photo-DSC; Bulk; Initiator; Intensity;
Keywords: شدت; LiDAR; Ditch; Cross section; Intensity; RGB;
Keywords: شدت; AMT; Angle Measure Technique; C; Calibration; CV; cross-validation; I; intensity; IA; image analysis; PCA; Principal Component Analysis; PLS-DA; partial least square discriminant analysis; RMSE; root mean square error; UOCs; uranium ore concentrates; Nucl
Keywords: شدت; F36; G15; Contagion; Global financial crisis; Synchronisation; Intensity; Duration; ADCC-GARCH; European Union;
Keywords: شدت; Interval-valued data; Order statistics; Intensity; Maximum likelihood estimation;
Keywords: شدت; Aerosol episodes; Aerosol type; Dust; Sea-salt; Frequency; Intensity; Satellites; Mediterranean;
Keywords: شدت; Prosody; Information structure; F0; Duration; Voice quality; Pauses; Intensity;
Keywords: شدت; Photoelectric current; Predict; Voltage; Intensity; Frequency;
Keywords: شدت; μ; linear X-ray attenuation coefficient; μXRF; micro-X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy; 2D; two-dimensional; 3D; three-dimensional; A; cross-sectional surface area; BGK; Bhatnagar-Gross-Cook approximation; BIB-SEM; broad ion beam scanning electron mic
Keywords: شدت; Random walk; Optimization; Intensity; Observations; Martingale;
Keywords: شدت; Fear; Intensity; Physical harm; Social harm; Recall
Keywords: شدت; LC/MS; Chromatographic tube; Frit; Phosphorylated compounds; Intensity; S/N;
Keywords: شدت; Cucumber; Cold shock treatment; Intensity; Temperature; Preservation quality;
Keywords: شدت; Dominant scale; Intensity; Wavelet transform; Bush encroachment; Savanna; Remote sensing
Keywords: شدت; Marine aggregate dredging; Recovery; Intensity; Macrofauna; Sediments
Keywords: شدت; Cross-modal interference; Intensity; Audition; Number; Anchoring;
Keywords: شدت; Misovortex; Tornado; Landfall; Modification; Intensity; Tilt;
Keywords: شدت; Density; Intensity; Structure; Joint R&D projects; Partnerships;
Keywords: شدت; Intensification; Intensity; Crop-livestock farms; Biomass; Sustainable intensification; Conservation agriculture;
Keywords: شدت; Speech rhythm; Auditory cues; Duration; Intensity; SVMs; GMMs; Hybrid GMM/SVM; Logistic regression;
Keywords: شدت; a.u.; arbitrary units; CC; point of charge compensation; Chol; cholesterol; CLSM; confocal laser scanning microscopy; CV; cell viability; DLS; dynamic light scattering; DOPC; 1,2-di-[(9Z)-octadec-9-enoyl]-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine; DOPE; 1,2-dioleoyl-sn
Keywords: شدت; Cardiac; Rehabilitation; Physical fitness; Aerobic exercise; Intensity
Keywords: شدت; Bipolar disorder; Emotion; Intensity; Arousal; Self-report
Keywords: شدت; Self-control; Emotion; Affect; Intensity; Fluctuations
Keywords: شدت; Mass absorption coefficient; Compton scattering; Saturation thickness; Intensity; MCSHAPE software;
Keywords: شدت; PA; physical activity; ADO index; index including age, dyspnea, and airflow obstruction; BODE index; index including body-mass index, airflow obstruction, dyspnea, and exercise capacity; METs; metabolic equivalents; MMRC; modified Medical Research Council
Keywords: شدت; Nuisance odour; Modelling criteria; Percentile; Frequency; Intensity;
Keywords: شدت; LOA; limits of agreement; CVrms; the average root-mean-square coefficient of variation; Force plate; Activity index; Activity time; Intensity; Distance; Behavior;
Keywords: شدت; Voice quality; Intensity; Singing; Music therapy; Quadriplegia; Spinal cord injury;
Keywords: شدت; heat wave; intensity; frequency; duration
Keywords: شدت; Lidar; Deciduous forest; Tree segmentation; Intensity; 3-D structure; Bottom-up;
Keywords: شدت; Children with autism spectrum disorders; Early behavioral intervention; Intensity; Mainstream day care; Parental coaching; Effectiveness
Keywords: شدت; MLS data; Curb; Road markings; Intensity; Multi-threshold segmentation; Morphological operation;
Keywords: شدت; Dynamic facial expressions; Selective attention; Intensity; Event-related potentials; Rise time;
Keywords: شدت; Solar simulator; Fluorescent paint; Microalgae; Wavelength; Intensity;
Keywords: شدت; Transcranial alternating current stimulation; Neurosensory side effects; Parameter setting; Intensity; Frequency; Electrode montage; Study design;
Keywords: شدت; ejaculate allocation; experimental evolution; house mouse; intensity; mating duration; Mus domesticus; paternity success; risk; sperm competition;
Keywords: شدت; Nociceptive flexion reflex (RIII reflex); facial expression; pain modulation; Bubbles technique; intensity; unpleasantness;
Keywords: شدت; Weathering; Intensity; Rate; Intact rock strength; Sandstone; Sabah
Keywords: شدت; Hydrogen fluoride; Hydrogen chloride; Hydrogen bromide; Hydrogen iodide; Dipole moment function; Intensity;
Keywords: شدت; Depression; Major depression; Psychotherapy; Intensity; Meta-analysis;
Keywords: شدت; Free electron laser; Lasing without inversion; Undulator; Laser threshold; Intensity; Power
Keywords: شدت; Cyathostominae; Prevalence; Intensity; Niche breadth; Cluster analysis; Horses; Romania
Keywords: شدت; Intensity; Investment; Mean–variance; Pair correlation function; Point process
Keywords: شدت; Educational video game; Exergame; Heart rate; Intensity; Interest