Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Li-ion; Separator; Mechanical; Safety; Energy storage;
مقالات ISI یون لیتیوم (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Li-ion; Fast-charging; Ohmic-drop compensation; Temperature; Ageing;
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; BMS; Battery management system; CAES; Compressed air energy storage; DoD; Depth of discharge; EES; Electric energy storage; EV; Electric vehicle; GHG; Greenhouse gases; HEV; Hybrid electric vehicle; ICEV; Internal combustion engine vehicle; Li-ion; Lithiu
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Li-ion; Battery; Cathode; Anode; Electrode;
Aqueous hybrid ion batteries - An environmentally friendly alternative for stationary energy storage?
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Life cycle assessment; Li-Ion; Na-Ion; Stationary battery; Renewable energy; Environmental impact;
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Li-ion; State of Charge; Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy; Extended Kalman filtering; Joint state and parameter estimation;
High temperature stable Li-ion battery separators based on polyetherimides with improved electrolyte compatibility
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Li-ion; Battery; Separator; Polyetherimide;
State of health battery estimator enabling degradation diagnosis: Model and algorithm description
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Li-ion; SOH; BMS; LFP; LTO; Incremental capacity;
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; AC; Alternating Current; BaU; Business as Usual; BMS; Battery Management System; CRI; Color Rendering Index; C-Si; Crystalline Silicon; DC; Direct Current; EV; Electric Vehicle; iHOGA; improved Hybrid Optimization by Genetic Algorithms; LCO; Lithium Cobal
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; AC; alternating current; aCAES; adiabatic compressed air storage; CCGT; combined cycle gas turbine; CSP; concentrated solar power; DC; direct current; E2P; energy-to-power-ratio; EES; electrical energy storage; EEX; European energy exchange; EnDAT; energy
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; AC; Alternating Current; BEV; Battery Electric Vehicle; BMS; Battery Management System; CO2; Carbon Dioxide; DC; Direct Current; DECC; Department of Energy and Climate Change; EPA; Environmental Protection Agency; EU; European Union; EV; Electric Vehicle;
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; AI; annual installed wind capacity; AGC; Automatic Generation Control; ACE; Area Control Error; ACPS1D; Average CPS1 Drop; AC; alternating current; BES; battery energy storage; CI; cumulative installed wind capacity; CDEs; CO2 emissions; CPS; control perf
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Li-ion; Fast-charging; Ohmic-drop compensation; Temperature; Ageing;
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Li-ion; Modeling and simulation;
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Solar home system; LED lamps; Developing regions; Techno-economic assessment; iHOGA modeling; AC; Alternating Current; CdTe; Cadmium-Telluride; CIGS; Copper Indium Gallium Selenide; CRI; Color Rending Index; c-Si; crystalline silicon; DC; Direct Current;
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Li-ion; titanate; surfactant; elongated nanotube; dodecylamine; interlayer expansion; anode;
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Li-ion; Battery pack; Thermal management system; Electrochemical; Conjugate heat transfer; CFD;
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; CAES; Compressed Air Energy Storage; CCS; Carbon Capture and Storage; CHP; Combined Heat and Power; DR; Demand Response; ECF; European Climate Foundation; ETP'14; Energy Technology Perspectives 2014; FOM; Fixed Operation and Maintenance; GT; Gas Turbine
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Li-ion; Anode; Magnetite; High-rate capability; Graphene;
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Mobile phone battery; Recycling; Li-ion; Lighting;
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Binder; Silicon; Li-ion; Anode; Composite
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Battery; Homotopy; Li-ion; Optimization; Parameter estimation; Parameter identification;
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Comb-like copolymers; Solid electrolyte; Li-ion; Lithium battery;
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Bolivia; Paraguay; Sustainable electric mobility; Lithium; Li-ion;
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Hydrometallurgy; Battery; Li-ion; Recycling; NCA;
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Li-Ion; Lithium ion; Battery; Safety; Internal short circuit; Mechanical abuse;
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Nano Si; In situ SEM; Anode; Li-ion; High energy battery;
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Electric vehicles lithium availability; Li-ion; Batteries
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; silicon; electrochemistry; Li-ion; battery; intercalation;
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Nanostructed material; Olivines; Cathode; Li-ion; Li rechargeable batteries;
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Li-ion; Battery module; 3D model; Pseudo-2D;
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Iron phosphate; Thin film; Atomic layer deposition; Li-ion; Rechargeable batteries; Pseudocapacitance
Demonstration of high current densities and extended cycling in the garnet Li7La3Zr2O12 solid electrolyte
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Critical current density; Solid electrolytes; Dendrite; Battery; Li-ion;
Ab initio calculations of open cell voltage in newly designed PTMA-based Li-ion organic radical batteries
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; DFT; Reduction potential; Solvation; Organic radical; Li-ion;
3D open-worked inverse opal TiO2 and GeO2 materials for long life, high capacity Li-ion battery anodes
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; TiO2; GeO2; Inverse opal; Li-ion; Semiconductor; Anode; Nanomaterials;
Understanding migration barriers for monovalent ion insertion in transition metal oxide and phosphate based cathode materials: A DFT study
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Li-ion; Na-ion; K-ion; Transition metal-ion cathode materials; Migration barriers; DFT calculations;
Effective mitigation of the load pulses by controlling the battery/SMES hybrid energy storage system
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; AES; Auxiliary Energy System; AirFr; air flow rate; AV; average value; BESS; Battery Energy Storage Systems; BPF; band-pass filter; CAES; Compressed Air Energy Storage; CSS; chemical storage system; EcSS; electro-chemical storage system; ELZ; electrolyzer
High capacity binder-free nanocrystalline GeO2 inverse opal anodes for Li-ion batteries with long cycle life and stable cell voltage
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; GeO2; Inverse opal; Li-ion; Semiconductor; Nanomaterials;
High speed pulsed laser cutting of LiCoO2 Li-ion battery electrodes
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Li-ion; LiCoO2; Battery; Laser cutting; Laser ablation; Raman;
Investigation of the N-butyl-N-methyl pyrrolidinium trifluoromethanesulfonyl-N-cyanoamide (PYR14TFSAM) ionic liquid as electrolyte for Li-ion battery
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Pyrrolidinium; ionic liquid; electrolyte; Li-ion; Li metal; trifluoromethanesulfonyl-N-cyanoamide; TFSAM; asymmetrical anion; lithium dicyanamide; LiDCA; LiTFSAM; ethylene carbonate; dimethyl carbonate; vinylene carbonate; NCM; NMC; graphite;
Elevated temperature performance of high voltage Li1+yMn1.5Ni0.5O4âxFx spinel in window-shifted Li-ion cells
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; High voltage cathode spinel; Li-ion; Window-shifted systems; High-temperature cycling stability; Lithium titanate; Titanium disulfide;
Stationary battery technologies in the U.S.: Development Trends and prospects
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; APS; Arizona Public Service; ARRA; American Recovery and Reinvestment Act; CPUC; California Public Utilities Commission; DEEP; Department of Energy and Environmental Protection; DOE; Department of Energy; ERCOT; Electric Reliability Council of Texas; ESSs
Recycling of Battery Technologies - Ecological Impact Analysis Using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; storage; battery; LCA; PbA; Li-Ion; VRF; cradle to cradle;
Electrochemical characterization of silicon/graphene/MWCNT hybrid lithium-ion battery anodes produced via RF magnetron sputtering
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Graphene; MWCNT; Silicon; Li-ion;
Techno-economic assessment of an off-grid PV system for developing regions to provide electricity for basic domestic needs: A 2020-2040 scenario
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; AC; Alternating Current; AGM; Absorbed Glass Mat; CdTe; Cadmium-Telluride; CIGS; Copper Indium Gallium Selenide; C-Si; Crystalline Silicon; DC; Direct Current; DoD; Depth of Discharge; GHG; Green House Gas; HDI; Human Development Index; iHOGA; improved Hy
Experimental validation of a 0-D numerical model for phase change thermal management systems in lithium-ion batteries
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Li-ion; Phase-change; Modeling; Numerical; Lumped; FEA;
Chemically grafted carbon-coated LiFePO4 using diazonium chemistry
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Surface modification; Diazonium; Grafting; Olivine; Cathode; Li-ion;
Doping Qualifications of LiFe1âxMgxPO4-C Nano-scale Composite Cathode Materials
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Li-ion; cathode; magnesium doping; carbon coating; sol-gel-; assisted carbothermal reduction;
Enhanced closed loop State of Charge estimator for lithium-ion batteries based on Extended Kalman Filter
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; Battery Management System (BMS); Extended Kalman Filter (EKF); Hysteresis; Li-ion; Modeling; State of Charge (SOC);
Improvement of the stability of TiSnSb anode under lithiation using SEI forming additives and room temperature ionic liquid/DMC mixed electrolyte
Keywords: یون لیتیوم; TiSnSb; conversion materials; Li-ion; XPS; galvanostatic cycling; ionic liquid