Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; Increased temperature; Normalized difference vegetation index; Soil adjusted vegetation index; Aboveground biomass; Gross primary production;
مقالات ISI شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; ARIS; annual relative irrigation supply; ARWS; annual relative water supply; CTZ; irrigation district Canal Toro Zamora; CV; coefficient of variation; CVG; irrigation district Canal Villagonzalo; Ea; irrigation efficiency; ET; crop water requirement or cr
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; LISA; Influence of Life-style related factors on the development of the Immune System and Allergies in East and West Germany; NDVI; Normalized Difference Vegetation Index; Cat; Confounding; Effect modification; Dog; Endotoxin; Greenspace;
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; Health geography; Incidence rate ratio; Mental health; Normalized difference vegetation index; Prospective study; Survival analyses;
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; Neighborhood; green space; normalized difference vegetation index; frailty; transitions; physical activity; older adults; path analysis;
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; Remote sensing; NDVI; Normalized difference vegetation index; Climate change; Arctic; Moss community;
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; ADF; acid detergent fiber; CARI; Chlorophyll Absorption Ratio Index; CP; crude protein; GDU base-5; cumulative growing degree units since last alfalfa harvest (base temperatureâ¯=â¯5â¯Â°C); GDUALT; cumulative growing degree units since last alfalfa har
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; Soil respiration; Autotrophic component; Heterotrophic component; Mycorrhiza; GPP; Grassland; ASRS; automated soil respiration system; BD; bulk density; EC; eddy covariance; Exc; control (no exclusion) treatment; Exr; root-exclusion treatment; Exrm; root-
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; AI; aridity index; β; normalized blue; BCCH; Biologische Bundesanstalt Bundessortenamt and Chemical Industry scale; DTM; digital terrain model; ETc; crop evapotranspiration; ETo; reference evapotranspiration; EVI; enhance vegetation index; ExB; excess bl
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; Normalized difference vegetation index; Soil-adjusted vegetation index; Gross primary production; Aboveground biomass; Climatic change; Alpine grassland;
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; NDVI; Normalized Difference Vegetation Index; PTB; preterm birth; SGA; small for gestational age; SES; socioeconomic status; NSES; neighborhood socioeconomic status; NPIC; National Perinatal Information Center; RIDOH; Rhode Island Department of Health; IQ
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; Biological invasion; Vegetation indices; Vegetation phenology; Normalized difference vegetation index; Ligustrum sinense; Chinese privet; Random forest;
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; AWC; average wavelet coherence; BWC; bivariate wavelet coherency; DEM; digital elevation model; DSM; digital soil mapping; Elev; elevation; EMD; empirical mode decomposition; FT; Fourier transform; LST; land surface temperature; MAT; mean annual temperatu
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; Residential carbon emissions; Nighttime light; Urban scale; Spatial pattern; DN; Digital number; EANTLI; EVI adjusted nighttime light index; EVI; Enhanced vegetation index; HD; Heating days, representing the number of days when daily temperature is below
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; Fractional vegetation cover; Mixture model; Vegetation index; Normalized difference vegetation index; Multi-angle observations;
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; BMI; Body mass index; IRB; Institutional Review Board; MET; Metabolic equivalent; NDVI; Normalized Difference Vegetation Index; NLCD; National Land Cover Database; SES; Socioeconomic status; WHO; World Health Organization; Greenness; Obesity; Physical act
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; Watershed land use change; Clark's conceptual Rainfall-Runoff model; Artificial Intelligence; Wavelet-Entropy; Normalized difference vegetation index; Little River Watershed;
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; CUHI; canopy layer urban heat island; CUHII; canopy layer urban heat island intensity; DCUHI; diurnal canopy layer urban heat island; DSUHI; diurnal surface urban heat island; DTC; diurnal temperature cycle; GST; ground surface temperature; LST; land surf
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; ARI; anthocyanin reflectance index; Chl; chlorophyll; CRI; carotenoid reflectance index; δ13C; carbon isotope composition; GY; grain yield; NDII; normalized difference infrared index; NDRE; normalized difference red edge; NDVI; normalized difference vege
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; AMSR-E; advanced microwave scanning radiometer - Earth observation system; CD; climate division; CI; condition index; CCI; combined condition index; CONUS; Continental United States; DSI; drought severity index; LST; land surface temperature; MODIS; mod
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; HB-HR; high building density and high road density; HB-LR; high building density and low road density; LB-HR; low building density and high road density; LB-LR; low building density and low road density; MPPW; Ministry of Physical Planning and Works; NDVI
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; BREATHE; BRain dEvelopment and Air polluTion ultrafine particles in scHool children; CIs; Confidence intervals; OR; Odds ratio; OLI; Operational Land Imager; NDVI; Normalized Difference Vegetation Index; SES; Socioeconomic status; TIRS; Thermal Infrared S
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; AE; agronomic efficiency; CS-PNM; active canopy sensor-based precision nitrogen management strategy; FNP; farmer's nitrogen practice; GHG; greenhouse gas; INSEY; in-season estimates of potential yield; IRNM; soil test-based in-season root zone nitrogen
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; PCa; prostate cancer; PSA; prostate screening antigen; DRE; digital rectal examination; NDVI; normalized difference vegetation index; CI; confidence interval; Prostate cancer; Greenness; Case-control study; GIS; Environment;
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; DACT; degrees above canopy threshold (°C); DANS; degrees above non-stressed canopy (°C); Dr; root zone depletion or soil water deficit (mm); DP; deep percolation (mm); ET; evapotranspiration (mm/day); ETc; crop evapotranspiration (mm/day); ETr; alfalfa-
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; NOE; natural outdoor environments; NDVI; Normalized Difference Vegetation Index; IQR; interquartile range; SF-36; the Medical Outcome Study Short Form; 4DSQ; four-dimensional symptom questionnaire; Mental health; Natural outdoor environments; Stress; Phys
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; Urban greening; Remote sensing; Heat island; Normalized difference vegetation index;
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; Normalized difference vegetation index; Change detection; Fencing effect; Precipitation lag effect; Inner Mongolian grassland;
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; ADEME; French Environment and Energy Management Agency (Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l'Energie); BW; body weight; CASA; Carnegie Ames Stanford Approach; CH4; methane; CO%; the proportion of concentrate; CO2; carbon dioxide; CO2eq; c
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; AlaAT; alanine amino transferase; ANOVA; analysis of variance; BRDF; bidirectional reflectance distribution function; CC; canopy cover index; CCD; charge coupled device; CIAT; International Center for Tropical Agriculture; CRG; Curinga; CSSLs; chromosome
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; BWR; Bill Williams River; LCR; Lower Colorado River; LCR MSCP; Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Program; NDVI; Normalized Difference Vegetation Index; SD; standard deviation; SDM; species distribution model; TRI; terrain ruggedness index; U
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; CIR; Colour infra-red; DTM; Digital Terrain Model; DSM; Digital Surface Model; ELL; Edinburgh Living Landscape; HSI; Habitat Suitability Index; HSM; Habitat Suitability Model; LERC; Local Environmental Record Centre; MTSS; Maximum Training Sensitivity and
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; AIC; akaike information criterion; ANOVA; analysis of variance; CCCI; canopy chlorophyll content index; CNC; critical nitrogen curve; DAT; days after transplanting; GNDVI; green normalized difference vegetation index; GRVI; green ratio vegetation index; M
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; GIS; Geographic Information System; BMA; Bangkok Metropolitan Administration; ALOS; Advanced Land Observing Satellite; AVNIR-2; Advanced Visible and Near Infrared Radiometer type 2; NIR; Near Infrared; PRISM; Panchromatic Remote Sensing Instrument for Ste
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; ARS; Agricultural Research Service; ZEF; Center for Development Research; CGCOST; Chhattisgarh Council of Science and Technology; GCM; General Circulation Model; DAAD; German Academic Exchange Service; IITM; Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology; IMK-I
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; GIS; Geographical Information System; ICD-10; International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision; MODIS; Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer; NDVI; Normalized Difference Vegetation Index; O3; ozone; PM10; particulate matter with aerodynami
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; Rift Valley fever; Evapotranspiration; Normalized difference vegetation index; Animal density; Disease mapping
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; BRDF; bidirectional reflectance distribution function; ELM; empirical linear method; NDVI; Normalized difference vegetation index; PTFE; polytetrafluorethylene; R2; determination coefficient; Airborne hyperspectral sensor; Bidirectional reflectance distri
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; DH; days to heading; DM; days to maturity; Eff; efficiency; GM2; grain number per square meter; GY; grain yield; MaxNDVI; theoretical maximum NDVI; NDVI; normalized difference vegetation index; POP; population; RS; rate of senescence; Stg; NDVI value at p
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; BNF; biological nitrogen fixation; CFU; colony forming units; DAE; days after emergence; LCO; lipo-chitooligosaccharides; NDVI; normalized difference vegetation index; PET; potential evapotranspiration; MSM; microbial secondary metabolites; Biological nit
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; Data assimilation; Aerosol transport model; Ensemble Kalman filter; Satellite observation; Aerosol optical thickness; Asian dust; ADAM2; Asian dust aerosol model version 2; AD-Net; Asian dust and aerosol lidar observation network; AERONET; aerosol robotic
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; Heihe River; Phenology; Remote sensing; Alpine vegetation; Normalized Difference Vegetation Index; Climate variability;
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; Photochemical reflectance index; Normalized difference vegetation index; Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence; Radiation use efficiency; Photosynthetic parameters; Senescence
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; OBIA; Object-Based Image Analysis; DEM; Digital Elevation Model; GAM; Generalized Additive Model; NAIP; National Agricultural Imagery Program; NDVI; Normalized Difference Vegetation Index; GLCM; Gray-level Co-occurrence Matrix; MRF; Markovian Random Field
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; Crop calendar; SPOT VGT NDVI; Normalized Difference Vegetation Index; Curve fitting; Gamma distribution; Badhwar growth profile;
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; Phenological observations; Green excess index; Digital camera; Tropical rainforest; Near-surface remote-sensing; Normalized difference vegetation index;
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; NPP; net primary production; NDVI; normalized difference vegetation index; LAI; leaf area index; TSP; total suspended particulates; Bioaerosol; Ecuador; Environmental monitoring; Non-invasive; Protein;
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; Geographically weighted regression; Downscaling; Normalized Difference Vegetation Index; Digital Elevation Model; Precipitation
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; EVI; Enhanced Vegetation Index; NDVI; Normalized Difference Vegetation Index; MCP; multi-sensor capacitance probe; R2; coefficient of determination; r; Pearson correlation coefficient; CSDT; continuous surface depth versus time; θ; water content (m3mâÂ
Keywords: شاخص تنوع گیاه شناسی نرمال شده; Public green spaces; Normalized difference vegetation index; Accessibility; Gini coefficient; Beijing