Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; (PRRs); pattern recognition receptors; (PAMPs); pathogen-associated molecular patterns; (TLRs); Toll-like receptors; (AIM2); absent in melanoma 2; (ALRs); AIM2-like receptors; (NOD); nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain; (NLRs); NOD-like receptors; (
مقالات ISI گیرنده های تشخیص الگو (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; Sensing; Particles; Nanoparticles; Silica; Innate immunity; PRR; DAMP; HAMP; Cytokines; Alarmins and inflammasome; PRRs; Pattern Recognition Receptors; DAMPs; Damage-Associated Molecular Patterns; HAMPs; Homeostasis-Altering Molecular Processes; LMP; Lyso
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; TSLP; thymic stromal lymphopoietin; TSLPR; TSLP receptor; iNKT; invariant natural killer T cell; TH; CD4+ T helper cell; ILC2; group 2 innate lymphoid cell; Ig; immunoglobulin; IFN; interferon; IL; interleukin; HMGB1; high-mobility group box 1 protein; PR
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; TRAP; Tartrate resistant acid phosphatase; BSP; bone sialoprotein; RANKL; receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappaB ligand; OPG; osteoprotogerin; OC; osteoclast; OB; osteoblast; LPS; lipopolysacharide; MPLA; monophosphoryl Lipid A; F(A)SLE; fetal (adult
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; Aging; Oral mucosa; Microbial sensing; Pattern recognition receptors; Nonhuman primates; Periodontitis;
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; auto-anticorps; lupus systémique; pentraxines; rupture de tolérance; vascularite à ANCA; ANCA-associated vasculitis; auto-antibodies; pentraxins; systemic lupus; tolerance breakdown; Ac; Anticorps; ANCA; anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody; BPI; Bacte
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; AGE; advanced glycation end products; AICAR; 5-Aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide; AMPK; 5â² adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase; APC; antigen-presenting cell; Atg7; autophagy-related gene 7; ATP; adenosine triphosphate; ATRA; all-t
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; Atherosclerosis; Sterile inflammation; Damage-associated molecular patterns; NLRP3 inflammasome; Immune cells; AAASP; age-associated arterial secretory phenotype; AIM; Absent in Melanoma; ALRs; AIM 2-like receptors; AGER/RAGE; advanced glycation endproduc
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; BCAA; branched chain amino acids; CAT; cationic amino acid transporter; COX; cytochrome c oxidase; ED; Entner-Doudoroff; EMP; Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas; GlcNAc; N-acetyl-glucosamine; GM-CSF; granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor; IL-4; interleukin
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; AD; Alzheimer's disease; AGEs; advanced glycation end products; BBB; blood-brain barrier; BDNF; brain-derived nerve growth factor; CML; carboxymethyllysine; CMRg; cerebral metabolic rate of glucose; DAMPs; damage-associated molecular patterns; GLUT; gluco
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; Microbiota; Microglia; Vagal afferents; Food intake; BDNF; brain-derived neurotrophic factor; CCK; cholecystokinin; CNS; central nervous system; GDNF; glia-derived neurotrophic factor; GF; germ-free; GI; gastrointestinal; HF; high fat; IRS1; Insulin recep
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; AGT; alanine-glyoxylate aminotransferase; AKI; acute kidney injury; CKD; chronic kidney diseases; cGN; crescentic glomerulonephritis; DAMPs; danger associated molecular patterns; DCs; dendritic cells; ECM; extracellular matrix; ESRD; end stage renal disea
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; CCF; commensal colonization factor; DCs; dendritic cells; EOS; extremely oxygen sensitive prokaryotes; GF; germ free; HF; high saturated-fat diet; HMAGM; healthy mature anaerobic gut microbiota; IFR; interfollicular region; ILCs; innate lymphoid cells; Ig
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; BATF; basic leucine zipper transcription factor; BM; bone marrow; Bregs; regulatory B cells; BTLA; B and T lymphocyte attenuator; CFSE; carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester; CML; cell mediated lympholysis; CNI; calcineurin inhibitor; CPM; counts per minu
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; ATM; ataxia telangiectasia mutated; ATR; ATM-Rad3-related; AMPK; AMP-activated protein kinase; AD; Alzheimer's disease; ARE; antioxidant response element; ATF6; activating transcription factor 6; BiP; binding immunoglobulin protein; BRAC1; Breast cancer 1
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; HA; hyaluronic acid; Tregs; regulatory T cells; T1DM; type 1 diabetes mellitus; IBD; inflammatory bowel disease; RA; rheumatoid arthritis; MHC; major histocompatibility complex; HLA; human leukocytes antigens; TLRs; toll-loke receptors; PRRs; pattern reco
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; COPD; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; DAMPs; damage-associated molecular patterns; DC; dendritic cells; IFN; interferon; IKK (IKB); inhibitor kappa B kinase; IL; interleukins; MHC; major histocompatibility complex; MyD88; myeloid differentiation pr
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; Sarcoidosis; Pattern recognition receptors; TLR2; TLR4; Mycobacteria; Propionibacterium;
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; BAC; blood alcohol concentration; BSA; bovine serum albumin; CD; cluster of differentiation; CFT; clot formation time; CT; clotting time; EDTA; ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; FBS; fetal bovine serum; FVIII; coagulation factor VIII; FVIII:C; FVIII activi
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; APCs; antigen-presenting cells; DAMPs; danger-associated molecular patterns; DCs; Donor-derived dendritic cells; ET; endotoxin tolerance; FFA; free fatty acids; Gsdmd; gasdermin D; HDAC11; Histone deacetylase 11; HFD; high fat diet; HMGB1; high mobility g
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; Innate immunity; Microbiota; Pattern recognition receptors; Pathogen associated molecular patters; Genetic defects; Dysbiosis;
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; Pattern recognition receptors; Innate sensing; Immune response; Autophagy; Phagosome maturation; Antigen presentation;
Macrophages treated with non-digestible polysaccharides reveal a transcriptionally unique phenotype
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; CLRs; C-type lectin receptors; GO-BP; gene ontology - biological process; IECs; intestinal epithelial cells; LCES; lentinan containing extracted from shiitake; M(NDP); NDP specific macrophage subsete; NDP; non-digestible polysaccharide; PCA; principal c
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; BAI1; brain-specific angiogenesis inhibitor 1; BDNF; brain derived neurotrophic factor; BRDU; bromodeoxyuridine; C3; complement component 3; CCL11; eotaxin; Cq1; complement component 1; CR3; complement receptor 3; CSF-1R; colony stimulating factor-1 recep
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; CARD; caspase recruitment domain; CC; coiled coil; DAMP; danger-associated molecular pattern; DD; death domain; DED; death effector domain; NBD; nucleotide-binding domain; NLR; nucleotide binding and oligomerization domain (NOD) leucine-rich repeat (LRR)-
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; 7AAD; 7-aminoactinomycin D; αSMA; alpha smooth muscle actin; AKT; protein kinase B; ALK; activin receptor-like kinase; Ang; angiopoietin; Ang II; angiotensin II; BCRP1; breakpoint cluster region pseudogene; bFGF; basic fibroblast growth factor; C1P; cera
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; Chicken; Spleen; Salmonella LPS; Toll like receptor 4; STm; Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium; PAMPs; pathogen associated molecular patterns; PRRs; pattern recognition receptors; TLRs; toll like receptors; HRP; horseradish peroxidase; PCNA; prolifer
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; AMPs; antimicrobial peptides; ETR; erythematotelangiectatic rosacea; hTCEpi; telomerase-immortalized human corneal epithelial cell line; MC; mast cells; KLK5; kallikrein 5; PPR; papulopustular rosacea; PRR; pattern recognition receptors; TLR; toll-like re
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; Autophagy; host defense; inflammasome; inflammatory disorders; innate immunity; macrophages; organelle; pattern recognition receptors; reactive oxygen species; signal transduction; AIM2; Absent in melanoma 2; ASC; Apoptosis-associated speck-like protein c
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; Colorectal cancer; Advanced glycation end-products; Receptor for advanced glycosylation end-products; Epidemiology; sRAGE; Body weight; Obesity; Nε-(carboxymethyl)-lysine; Pattern recognition receptors;
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; APC; antigen presenting cells; CSP; circumsporozoite protein; DHF; dengue haemorrhagic fever; DSS; dengue shock syndrome; GMP; good manufacturing practices; HBsAg; hepatitis B surface antigen; HBV; hepatitis B virus; HIV; human immunodeficiency virus; HPV
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; Adhesin; Peptide; Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Protection; Keratitis; HmpA; hypothetical membrane protein; PRRs; pattern recognition receptors; HCEC; human corneal epithelial cells; CFTR; cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator; ARVO; Association f
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; AD; Alzheimer's disease; TLRs; toll-like receptors; AβPP; amyloid-β protein precursor; NSAIDs; non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; CNS; central nervous system; TNF-α; tumor necrosis factor-α; IL-1β; interleukin 1-β; IL-6; interleukin-6; NO; nit
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; Pattern recognition receptors; Innate immunity; DAMP; Endoplasmic reticulum stress; Excitotoxicity; Cytokine; Chemokine; CpG ODN; Neuroprotection; Neurodegeneration; Injury;
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; pattern recognition receptors; crosstalk; signaling; innate immunity; infection
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; PM; particulate matter; O3; ozone; COPD; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; PM2.5-10; PM with an aerodynamic diameter 2.5-10 μm; PM2.5; PM with an aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 μm; PM0.1; PM with an aerodynamic diameter less than 0.1 μm
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; BFA; Brefeldin A; CCU; colour-changing units; GA; gestational age; IL; interleukin; LPS; lipopolysaccharide; PBMC; peripheral blood mononuclear cells; PRRs; pattern recognition receptors; PTB; preterm birth; spp.; species; TLR; Toll-like receptor; TNF; tu
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; Intestine; Microbiota; Pattern recognition receptors; Weaned piglets
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; ACP5; Acid phosphatase 5; ADAR1; Adenosine deaminase RNA-specific 1; AGS; Aicardi-Goutières syndrome; ALRs; AIM2-like receptors; AIM2; Absent in melanoma 2; ASC; Apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a CARD; CANDLE; Chronic atypical neutroph
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; AID; autoimmune disorders; AF; adjuvant formulations; ASIA; autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants; CFA; complete Freundâ²s adjuvant; CIA; collagen-induced arthritis; DA; dark Agouti; DC; dendritic cells; EAE; experimental autoimmune encep
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; AF; ascitic fluid; AIM2; absent in melanoma 2; EcDNA; genomic bacterial DNA from E. coli; Poly(dA:dT); poly(deoxyadenylic-deoxythymidylic) acid sodium salt; SBP; spontaneous bacterial peritonitis; PRRs; pattern recognition receptors; Inflammasome; Absent
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; pattern recognition receptors; inflammasome; NLRP3; caspase; IL-1β; viroporin
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; Damage-associated molecular patterns; Innate immune system; Pattern recognition receptors; Sepsis
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; Toll-like receptors; Pattern recognition receptors; JAK/STAT signaling; Agnathostome immunity; Innate immunity; VLR immunity;
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; sepsis; innate immune system; pattern recognition receptors; toll-like receptors; immunotherapy; cytokines; chemokines; complement; endothelium
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; prion-like polymerization; signaling; pattern recognition receptors; signal transduction
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; Pattern recognition receptors; Spinal cord injury; Toll-like receptors; NOD-like receptors; Inflammasome; Neuroinflammation
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; BabA; blood-group antigen binding adhesion A; CagA; cytotoxin-associated antigen A; cagPAI; cag pathogenicity island; CD74; HLA II-associated invariant chain; CLR; C-type lectin receptor; IL; interleukin; FUT4; fucosyltransferase 4; HLA II; human leukocyt
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; IM; interstitial macrophage; DPPC; dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine; CRD; carbohydrate recognition domain; CAM; classically activated macrophage; AAM; alternatively activated macrophage; SP; surfactant protein; ManLAM; mannosylated lipoarabinomannan; PIM; p
Keywords: گیرنده های تشخیص الگو; ABCA; ATP-binding cassette transporter; AIM; Apoptosis inhibitor of macrophage; APC; antigen-presenting cell; ASC; apoptotic speck protein containing a caspase recruitment domain; AT; adipose tissue; ATM; AT macrophage; BLT; leukotriene B4 receptor; BM; b