بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی

در این صفحه تعداد 78 مقاله تخصصی درباره بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی که در نشریه های معتبر علمی و پایگاه ساینس دایرکت (Science Direct) منتشر شده، نمایش داده شده است. برخی از این مقالات، پیش تر به زبان فارسی ترجمه شده اند که با مراجعه به هر یک از آنها، می توانید متن کامل مقاله انگلیسی همراه با ترجمه فارسی آن را دریافت فرمایید.
در صورتی که مقاله مورد نظر شما هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، مترجمان با تجربه ما آمادگی دارند آن را در اسرع وقت برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
مقالات ISI بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; Prediction of mortality; Intensive care unit; Severity of illness; Scoring systems; Clinical performance; APACHE; Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation; AUC; Area Under the Curve; CI; Confidence Interval; CRP; C-reactive protein; FDR; False Disco
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; CECMP; cytoskeletal and extra-cellular matrix protein; DFS; disease-free survival; ECM; extra-cellular matrix; GDC; genome data commons; OS; overall survival; SNP; single nucleotide polymorphism; SNV; single nucleotide variation; SPSS; statistical package
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; BD; bipolar disorder; CGI-BP-OS; Clinical Global Impression for Bipolar Disorder-Overall Severity; CI; 95% confidence interval; CMF; Clinical Monitoring Form; df; degrees of freedom; HR; hazard ratio; MINI; Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview; S
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; Algal-bacterial symbiosis; Genotoxicity reduction; Nitrification-denitrification; Textile wastewater treatment; AP; alkaline phosphatase; BOD; biochemical oxygen demand; β-gal; β-galactosidase; COD; chemical oxygen demand; DO; dissolved oxygen; HRT; hyd
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; ANOVA; Analysis of Variance; BD; Bipolar Disorder; BOLD; Blood-Oxygen-Level Dependent; BPRS; Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale; DSM; Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; GM; Grey Matter; HDRS; Hamilton Depression Rating Scale; ICD; Internat
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; Odor emission rate; Physico-chemical characterization; Principal component analysis; Multivariate regression; Dynamic respirometry; Dynamic olfactometry; CIC; soluble inorganic carbon (%); COXC; oxidable organic carbon (%); CTC; soluble total carbon (%);
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; IOM; Institute of Medicine; AAP; American Academy of Pediatrics; US; United States; LSAC; longitudinal study of Australian children; NAP SACC; nutrition and physical activity self-assessment for child care; STROBE; strengthening the reporting of observati
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; PAM; pulse amplitude modulation; WW; well-watered; WD; water deficit; DAT; days after treatment; UV; ultraviolet; R; red; FR; far-red; Chl_Index; chlorophyll index; Flav_Dx; flavonol index from sensor dualex®4 scientific; NBI; nitrogen balance index; LED
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; AC; air conditioning; ADEME; Agence de l′Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l′Energie; BAU; business-as-usual; BEN; Balanço Energético Nacional; CEREN; Centre d´Études et de Recherches Économiques sur l´Énergie; CO2; carbon dioxide; EDF; Elect
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; AIDS; Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome; ART; Anti-Retroviral Therapy; CD4; Cluster of Differentiation; HAART; Highly active antiretroviral therapy; HADS; Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; HIV; Human Immunodeficiency Virus; PLHA; People Living with
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; BNSS; Brief Negative Symptom Scale; CAINS; Clinical Assessment Interview for Negative Symptoms; FDA; Food and Drug Administration; PANSS; Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale; SANS; Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms; NIMH; National Institute o
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; Squamous cell carcinoma; Vulva; Surgery; Resection margin; Recurrence rate; FIGO; International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics; GOCS; Gynecological Oncology Center South; HPV; Human Papilloma Virus; HSIL; High-grade squamous intraepithelial lesi
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; HLA-G; human leukocyte antigen G; HLA-E; human leukocyte antigen E; PD-L1; programmed cell death 1 ligand 1; IL-10; interleukin-10; TGF-β; transforming growth factor beta; sHLA-G; soluble HLA-G; OL; oral leukoplakia; GB; granzyme B; OPL; oral precancerou
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; Diet adherence; Celiac disease; Non-celiac gluten sensitivity; Gluten exposure; Gluten contamination; ATI; amylase-trypsin inhibitor; BMI; body mass index; BMR; basal metabolic rate; BMR-factor; energy intake and basal metabolic rate-ratio; CD; coeliac di
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; LSE; life skills education; RCT; randomized controlled trial; COMBI; communication for behavioral impact - program in Dengue prevention; DASS; the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales; RSES; Rosenberg self-esteem scale; UN; United Nations; UNICEF; The Unite
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; Nutrition; Non-communicable diseases; Arab countries; Research agenda; Diet; NCDs; Noncommunicable diseases; CVD; Cardiovascular diseases; BMI; Body-mass index; DALY; The Disability-adjusted life years; CMD; Cardiometabolic diseases and diabetes mortality
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; Y/O; years old; CON; control (similarly handled control group); AI; airway inflammation (experimental group); LB; labored breathing (experimental group); AI + LB; airway inflammation + labored breathing (experimental group); HDM; house dust mite; MCH;
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; AUC; Area under the curve; CSFTT; Cerebrospinal fluid tap test; DESH; Disproportionately enlarged subarachnoid space hydrocephalus; FAB; Frontal assessment battery; iNPH; idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus; MMSE; Mini mental state examination; PD; P
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; WHO; World Health Organisation; NCDs; non-communicable diseases; FCW; Food Choice at Work study; IPAQ; International Physical Activity Questionnaire; NetWisp; net weighed intake software program; SPSS; Statistical Package for the Social Sciences; MANCOVA;
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; Am-Fe; amorphous Fe-oxides; ANOVA; analysis of variance; CEC; cation exchange capacity; EDTA; ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; HAc; acetic acid; ICP-MS; inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry; OM; organic matter; RDA; redundancy analysis; RP; recalc
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; Parametric cost estimation; Water treatment plant; Cost driver; Descriptive statistics ranking; Principal component analysis; Artificial neural networks; EFA; Exploratory Factor Analysis; ANN; Artificial Neural Network; EFCBC; Egyptian Federation for Cons
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; UK; United Kingdom; EU; European Union; OECD; The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; EIA; The U.S. Energy Information Administration; IEA; The International Energy Agency; EMSI; Electricity Market Sustainability Index; GDP; Gross dome
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; AES; acute encephalitis syndrome; AFP; acute flaccid paralysis; AMES; acute meningitis-encephalitis syndrome; BNG; Bangladesh; CHN; China; CSF; cerebrospinal fluid; ELISA; enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; GFIMS; Global Framework for Immunization Monitor
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; Acquired brain injury; Behavioural family intervention; Acceptance and Commitment Therapy; Randomised controlled trial; Parenting; AAABIQ; Acceptance and Action ABI Questionnaire; ABI; Acquired Brain Injury; ACT; Acceptance and Commitment Therapy; ASD; Au
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; BIA; bioelectrical impedance analysis; BMD; bone mineral density; BMI; body mass index; CβS; cystathionine beta-synthase; DXA; dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry; ESPEN; European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism; HCPA; Hospital de Clínicas de
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; VBNC; viable but nut culturable; MLST; multi-locus sequence typing; MALDI-TOF; matrix assisted laser desorption ionisation-time of flight; MS; mass spectrometry; SMM; shotgun mass mapping; PCR; polymerase chain reaction; ERIC; enterobacterial repetitive i
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; D50; median diameter; EQPC; diameter of a circle of equal projection Area; IA; image analysis; IDF; International Dairy Federation; mJ/m2; milliJoule per square meter; mL; milliliter; Rpm; rotation per minute; S; seconds; °C; degree celsius; SPSS; Statis
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; BPRS; brief psychiatric rating scale; DS; deficit schizophrenia; HC; healthy control; NDS; nondeficit schizophrenia; OSI; oxidative stress index; SANS; scale for the assessment of negative symptoms; SAPS; scale for the assessment of positive symptoms; SCI
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; A; androsterone; amu; atomic units; CIR; carbon isotopic ratio; C.V.%; coefficient of variance; DUB; dysfunctional uterine bleeding; E1; estrone; E2; 17β-estradiol; E3; estriol; Etio; etiocholanolone; eV; electron volt; GC-C-IRMS; gas chromatography
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; AgRP; agouti-related protein; ANOVA; analysis of variance; b-FGF; basic fibroblast growth factor; BMI; body mass index; BTC; betacellulin; CI; Confidence interval; CRF; corticotropin-releasing factor; CRP; C reactive protein; CTE; childhood trauma exposur
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; AAS; atomic absorption spectrophotometer; ANOVA; analysis of variance; BDL; below detection limits; CA; cluster analysis; CAS; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Cd; cadmium; Cr; chromium; CRL; Centralized Resource Laboratory; Cu; copper; DIM; average daily int
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; ANOVA; analysis of variance; BDNF; brain-derived neurotrophic factor; CRD; colorectal distension; DRG; dorsal root ganglion; DSS; dextran sodium sulfate; FSS; forced swimming stress; HeICS; heterotypic intermittent chronic stress; HRP; horse radish peroxi
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; AIDs; auto-immune diseases; ASP-PCR; allele specific primer PCR; CI; confidence intervals; CNS; central nervous system; GEO; gene expression omnibus; LD; linkage disequilibrium; miRNA; microRNA; MS; multiple sclerosis; OR; odds ratio; PP; primary progress
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; BD; bipolar disorder; BD I; bipolar I disorder; BD II; bipolar II disorder; CGI-BP-OS; Clinical Global Impression for Bipolar Disorder-Overall Severity; df; degrees of freedom; MINI; Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview; SCID for DSM-IV; Structur
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; Axillary lymph nodes; Elastography; CT; computer tomography; DCE; dynamic contrast enhancement; FNA; fine needle aspiration; MRI; magnetic resonance imaging; NPV; negative predictive value; PET; positron emission tomography; PPV; positive predictive value
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; BMI; Body Mass Index; CAD; Cardiac Arterial Disease; CEU; Utah residents with Northern and Western European ancestry; CRC; Colorectal cancer; DM; Distant Metastasis; DMSO; dimethylsulfoxide; DNA; deoxyribonucleic acid; dNTP; deoxyribonucleotide triphospha
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; ANOVA; Analysis of variance; APO E; Apolipoprotein E; bp; Base pair; CMC; Christian Medical College; EDTA; Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; ELISA; Enzyme linked immuno sorbent assay; EMSA; Electrophoretic mobility shift assay; GBS; Gallbladder stone; HDL;
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; Rg3; Ginsenoside Rg3; Rg3 group; Rg3-treated normal group; POFS; postoperative fatigue syndrome; POFS group; postoperative fatigue syndrome model group; POFS + Rg3 group; Rg3-treated postoperative fatigue syndrome model group; OFT; the open field test
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; Cytotoxic activity; Hemolytic activity; Immunomodulatory activity; Cephalaria; Caprifoliaceae; Triterpene saponin; HeLa; Human Cervix Adenocarcinoma; A549; Human Lung Adenocarcinoma; HEK293; Human Embryonic Kidney Cells; MTT; 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; AMP; Antimicrobial peptides; ANOVA; Analysis of Variance; Bcl-2; B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2), Bax, BCL2 Associated X; DMSO; Dimethyl sulfoxide; TFA; Trifluoroacetic acid; FACS; Fluorescence-activated cell sorting; GAPDH; Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydroge
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; mtDNA; mitochondrial DNA; kya; kilo years ago; BCE; Before Common Era; HVS; Hypervariable Segments; PCA; principal component analysis; SPSS; Statistical Package for the Social Sciences; PC; principal components; REGR; regression; Nef; effective population
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; Endoplasmic reticulum; Epigenetics; Obesity; Triglycerides; Insulin resistance; BMI; body mass index; CASP12; caspase 12; CpG; cytosine-phosphate-guanine site; DBP; diastolic blood pressure; DiOGenes; diet obesity and genes dietary trial; DNAJC1; dnaJ hea
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; AOR; adjusted odds ratio; CI; confidence interval; HIV/AIDS; human immune-deficiency virus/acquired immune-deficiency syndrome; OR; odds ratio; SPPS; statistical package for the social sciences; PLWHA; people living with HIV/AIDS; USD; United States dolla
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; BAI; Beck anxiety inventory; PM; plant museum; GABA; gamma-Aminobutyric acid; GAE; Gallic acid; AlCl3; Aluminum trichloride; QE; Quercetin equivalents; Q; Quercetin; SPSS; Statistical Package for the Social Sciences; SSRI; selective serotonin reuptake inh
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; KIRs; killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors; NK; natural killer; HLA; human leukocyte antigen; LRC; leukocyte receptor complex; IPD-KIR; immuno polymorphism database for KIR; HCV; hepatitis C virus; HIV; human immunodeficiency virus; HSCT; hematopoiet
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; Bibliometrics; h-index; Neurosurgery; United Kingdom; BNTRC; British Neurosurgical Trainee Research Collaborative; GMC; General Medical Council; NNAP; Neurosurgical National Audit Programme; SBNS; Society of British Neurological Surgeons; SPSS; Statistica
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; Energy management; ISO 50001; Maturity model; Knowledge base; Industry; ISO; International Organization for Standardization; EMMM50001; ISO 50001-based Energy Management Maturity Model; PDCA; Plan-Do-Check-Act methodology; EnMS; Energy Management System;
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Keywords: بسته های آماری برای علوم اجتماعی; STZ; Streptozotocin; MECR; Methanol extract of C. reflexa; AECR; Aqueous extract of C. reflexa; IAEC; Institutional animal ethical committee; CPCSEA; Committee for the purpose of control and supervision of experiments on animals; OECD; Organizations for e