کد مقاله کد نشریه سال انتشار مقاله انگلیسی نسخه تمام متن
1080296 950545 2007 11 صفحه PDF دانلود رایگان
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله ISI
Inspiring Healthy Adolescent Choices: A Rationale for and Guide to Strength Promotion in Primary Care
موضوعات مرتبط
علوم پزشکی و سلامت پزشکی و دندانپزشکی پریناتولوژی (پزشکی مادر و جنین)، طب اطفال و بهداشت کودک
پیش نمایش صفحه اول مقاله
Inspiring Healthy Adolescent Choices: A Rationale for and Guide to Strength Promotion in Primary Care
چکیده انگلیسی

The social, emotional, and biological health of adolescents requires their development as autonomous beings who make responsible decisions about their own health. Clinicians can assist in this development by adopting a strength-based approach to adolescent health care, which applies concepts from positive youth development to the medical office setting.

Database: Elsevier - ScienceDirect (ساینس دایرکت)
Journal: Journal of Adolescent Health - Volume 41, Issue 6, December 2007, Pages 525–535
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