Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; ERA; environmental risk assessment; EMA; European Medicines Agency; OECD; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; EU; European Union; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; GMO; genetically modified organism; VMP; veterinary medicinal prod
مقالات ISI مواد اولیه دارویی فعال (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; ESI; electrospray ionization; DP; declustering potential; EP; entrance potential; CE; collision energy; IS; ion spray; EMS; enhanced MS; EPI; enhanced product ion; MTT; 1-methyl-1H-tetrazole-5-thiol; DMMT; 1-(2-dimethylaminoethyl)-1H-tetrazol-5-thiol; LC-
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; Pharmaceuticals; Environmental risk assessment; Environmental risk ranking; Active pharmaceutical ingredient; Human medicine; Prescription; NDB;
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; biopharmaceuticals characterization; surfactants; protein formulation; NMR spectroscopy; protein aggregation; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; D2O; deuterated water, heavy water, deuterium oxide; JP; Japanese Pharmacopeia; NMR; nuclear magnetic reso
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; D2O; deuterium oxide; DMSO; dimethyl sulfoxide; FTIR; Fourier Transform-Infrared; NMR; nuclear magnetic resonance; HP; hydroxypropyl; HPLC; high performance liquid chromatography; HPSEC; high performance size exclusi
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; RCGD; roll compaction/dry granulation; NIR; near infrared; XμCT; X-ray micro-computed tomography; SCF; specific compaction force; FFT; fast Fourier transform; rpm; revolutions per minute; PAT; process analytical tec
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; APS; amorphous-amorphous phase separation; ASD; amorphous solid dispersion; DSC; differential scanning calorimetry; FEL; felodipine; GA; glycolic acid; HSM; hot-stage microscopy; IBU; ibuprofen; IHM; Indirect Hard Mo
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; Roll compaction; In-line measurements; Process Analytical Technology; Ribbon porosity; RCDG; roll compaction/dry granulation; PAT; Process Analytical Technology; MCC; microcrystalline cellulose; DCPA; dibasic calcium phosphate anhydrate; rpm; rounds per m
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; CP; centerpoint; CQA; critical quality attribute; DOE; design of experiments; MBPH; main-compression bottom punch height; MCC; microcrystalline cellulose; MCD; main-compression displacement; MCF; main compression for
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; amorphous; solid dispersion; QSPR; structure property relationship; in silico modeling; calorimetry (DSC); microscopy; X-ray powder diffractometry; preformulation; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; ASD; amorphous solid dispersion; DSC; differential s
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; protein formulation; multivariate analysis; biotechnology; stability; excipients; formulation; quality by design; protein excipient interactions; pharmaceutical sciences; biopharmaceuticals characterization; L-Histidine (PubChem CID: 6274); L-Histidine hy
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; Disintegration patterns; Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) tablet; Synchrotron radiation X-ray microcomputed tomography (SR-μCT); Principal component analysis (PCA); API; Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient; ANOVA; Analysis of Variance; AS; Area of Surface;
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; Lipid extrusion; Lipid spheronization; Solid lipids; Spheroids; Formation mechanism; Lipid pellets; Metformin hydrochloride (PubChem CID: 14219); Glyceryl trimyristate (PubChem CID: 11148); Glyceryl distearate (PubChem: CID 114690); API; Active pharmaceut
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; Active pharmaceutical ingredient; Predictive model; Read-across; Water-fish-osprey food chain; Wildlife;
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; Active pharmaceutical ingredient; Impregnation profile; Fluidized bed; Particle imaging; SEM/EDS;
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; Freeze-drying; Cycle development; Bulking agent; Mannitol; Sucrose; Glycerol; Protein stability; Glass transition; Collapse; Crystallization; A; annealing step; aFD; after freeze-drying; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; AUC; area under the curve; bF
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; Ultra high-resolution chromatography; Twin-column recycling chromatography; Semi-preparative liquid chromatography; Performance optimization; Active pharmaceutical ingredient; Impurity structure elucidation;
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; API; Active pharmaceutical ingredient; AUC; Area under the curve; BCS; Biopharmaceutical classification system; GRAS; Generally recognized as safe; MRI; Magnetic resonance imaging; NSAID; Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; Nasal drug delivery; Nose-to-
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; salt; solubility; stability; biopharmaceutical; poorly water soluble; solution phase; solid phase; equilibrium; pKa; pH; AB; acetate buffer; ACN; acetonitrile; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; BS; benzoate salt; CB; citrate buffer; DSC; differential
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; AAE; amino acid ester; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; AlaEt; l-alanine ethyl ester; AspEt; l-aspartic acid diethyl ester; IL; ionic liquid; IC50; half maximal inhibitory concentration; MEM; minimum essential media; ProEt; l-proline ethyl ester; Pr
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; FPP; finished pharmaceutical product; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; Ph. Eur.; European Pharmacopoeia; RRT; relative retention time; RSD; relative standard deviation; QC samples; quality control samples; CI; confidence interval; R2; Coefficient of
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; ffc; flowability index; ADMET; absorption distribution metabolism excretion toxicity; IND; investigational new drug; HTS; high throughput screening; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; QbD; quality by design; MCC 102; microcrystalline cellulose PH 102;
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; Antimalarial; Poor-quality; Field survey; Review; Characterisation; Countermeasure; PQM; Poor-quality medicine; IntPro; Intellectual properties; GMP; Good manufacturing practices; NMRA; National medicine regulatory authority; API; Active pharmaceutical in
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; Particle size distribution; Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient; Multivariate analysis; Principal properties; Multiple linear regression; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; APSD; Aerodynamic particle Size Distribution; DPI; dry powder inhaler; MLR; Multi
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; BHB; d-β-hydroxybutyrate sodium; DSC; differential scanning calorimetry; DMSO; dimethyl sulfoxide; FT-IR; Fourier-transform infrared spectrometry; HR; heart rate; LR; lactated Ringer's solution; MAP; mean arterial
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; ALS; alternating least squares; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; MCC; microcrystalline cellulose; MCR; multivariate curve resolution; NIR; near infrared; PEG; polyethylene glycol; PVA; polyvinyl alcohol; PAT; process analytical technology; PLS; proj
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; PXRD; powder X-ray diffraction; HPLC; high pressure liquid chromatography; DSC; differential scanning calorimetry; CSD; Cambridge Structural Database; Piroxicam; Polytypes; Compaction; Tablet and tabletability; PIXEL
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; AQbD; analytical quality by design; ATP; analytical target profile; BBD; Box-Behnken design; CCD; central composite design; CMA; critical method attribute; CMP; critical method parameter; DD; Doehlert design; DoE; de
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; Nanoemulsion; Skin penetration; Tape stripping; 19F NMR; Diclofenac sodium; Semifluorinated alkane; SC; stratum corneum; F6H8; perfluorohexyloctane; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; ZP; zeta potential; PDI; polydispersity index;
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; Salts; Gemfibrozil; Intrinsic dissolution rate; Surface dissolution imaging; Focus variation; GEM; gemfibrozil; DSC; differential scanning calorimetry; XRPD; X-ray powder diffraction; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; BCS; biopharmaceutical classific
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; HPMC; hypromellose, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose; ICH; international council for harmonisation; MCC; microcrystalline cellulose; ODF; orodispersible film; PVA; polyvinyl alcohol; WFT; wet film thickness; Oral film;
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; DSC; differential scanning calorimetry; HME; hot melt extrusion; KETO; ketoprofen; MPT; metoprolol tartrate; NSAID; nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; PCL; polycaprolactone; PEO; poly (ethylene oxide); POM; polariz
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; BCS; biopharmaceutical classification system; Da; Dalton; DCS; developability classification system; DLS; dynamic light scattering; DMPEG; polyethylene glycol dimethyl ether; HPLC; high performance liquid chromatogra
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; ANDA; Abbreviated New Drug Application; API; Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient; BA; Bioavailability; BE; Bioequivalence; BCS; Biopharmaceutics Classification System; CES; Clinical Endpoint Studies; CRS; Confocal Raman Spectroscopy; DMK; Dermatopharmacokine
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; ACN; acetonitrile; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; ASD; amorphous solid dispersion; BCS; biopharmaceutical classification system; CAP; cellulose acetate phthalate; DCM; dichloromethane; DMF; N,N-dimethylformamide; DL; drug load; DSC; differential s
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; 5-Fluorocytosine; Active pharmaceutical ingredient; Inorganic acids; Pharmaceutical salts; X-ray diffraction; Crystal structure;
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; Particle engineering; Roller compaction; Image analysis; Flowability; Partial least squares modelling; API; Active pharmaceutical ingredient; BET; Braunauer-Emmett-Teller; FFC; Flow function coefficient; PLS; Partial least squares; RPM; Revolutions per mi
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; nonionic surfactants; micellar solubilization; solubilization capacity; predictive modeling; poorly water-soluble drugs; SCR; solubilization capacity ratio; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; SDS; sodium dodecyl sulfate; ASD; amorphous solid dispersio
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; ATR-FTIR; attenuated total reflection fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; DSC; differential scanning calorimetry; GE; gelatin; GET; gelatin film with 2% TiO2; HPMC; hydroxypropylmethylencellulose film; HPMCT; hy
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; BD; bulk density; CGMPs; current good manufacturing practices; CI; Carr Index; CQAs; critical quality attributes; DoE; design of experiments; EMA; European medicines agency; FDA; food and drug administration; GKF; ge
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; ÎCN; acetonitrile; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; BCS; biopharmaceutics classification system; FeSSGF; fed state simulated gastric fluid; FeSSGFhf; fed state simulated gastric fluid prepared with high fat milk (5% w/v); FeSSGFsk; fed state simula
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; MDMA; 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine; MDAI; 5,6-methylenedioxy-2-aminoindane; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; ANFO; ammonium nitrate fuel oil; ANN; artificial neural network; CTAB; cetyltrimethylammonium bromide; CCD; charge-coupled device; CCSW
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; dry powder inhaler (DPI); force control agent (FCA); blending method; dispersibility; next generation impactor (NGI); single particle aerosol mass spectrometry (SPAMS); time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS); AFM; atomic force microscop
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; Characterization; Nanomedicine; Regulatory; Biological systems; Quality control; AFM; Atomic force microscopy; API; Active pharmaceutical ingredient; BSAI; Biological Surface Adsorption Index; CARPA; Complement activation related pseudo allergy; CRO; Cont
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; ASTM; American Society for Testing and Materials; CCD; charge-coupled device; DSA; density and sound velocity apparatus; PSD; particle size distribution; RSD; relative standard deviation; SCS; side crushing strength;
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; A4D; adapter 4 dialysis; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; DLS; dynamic light scattering; EP; European Pharmacopoeia; FaSSGF; fasted state simulated gastric fluid; FaSSIF; fasted state simulated intestinal fluid; FaSSIF-V2; fasted state simulated int
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; Spray drying; Solid dispersion; Amorphous; Poorly soluble drugs; Formulation; AFM; Atomic force microscopy; ANN; Artificial neural networks; ANOVA; Analysis of variance; API; Active pharmaceutical ingredient; ASD; Amorphous solid dispersion; ATC; Atorvast
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; Degradation products; Impurities; International chemical reference substances; Pharmacopoeial standards; Reference standards; Primary reference standards; Secondary reference standards; Working standards; AAS; atomic absorption spectroscopy; ANDA; abbrevi
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; Tableting; Rotary tablet press; Displacement; Force-time profile; Extended dwell time; Multivariate data analysis; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; AUC; area under the curve; CAR; cumulative axial recovery; CDAAS; data acquisition and analysis syste
Keywords: مواد اولیه دارویی فعال; Fed state; Protein precipitation; Solid phase extraction; Biorelevantmedia; Drug analysis; Physicochemical properties; ÎCN; acetonitrile; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; BA/BE; bioavailability/bioequivalence; CV; coefficient of variation; EtOH; et