در این صفحه تعداد 483 مقاله تخصصی درباره که در نشریه های معتبر علمی و پایگاه ساینس دایرکت (Science Direct) منتشر شده، نمایش داده شده است. برخی از این مقالات، پیش تر به زبان فارسی ترجمه شده اند که با مراجعه به هر یک از آنها، می توانید متن کامل مقاله انگلیسی همراه با ترجمه فارسی آن را دریافت فرمایید.
در صورتی که مقاله مورد نظر شما هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، مترجمان با تجربه ما آمادگی دارند آن را در اسرع وقت برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
مقالات ISI (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
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Keywords: ACC; anterior cingulate cortex; BLA; basolateral amygdala; CeA; central nucleus of the amygdala; ChR2; channelrhodopsin-2; EPM; elevated plus maze; IL; infralimbic cortex; mPFC; medial prefrontal cortex; NpHR; halorhodopsin; OFC; orbitofrontal cortex; OFT
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Keywords: AA; average-anxiety responder; ANOVAs; analyses of variance; Arc; arcuate nucleus; AUD; alcohol use disorders; BLA; basolateral amygdala nucleus; CEA; central amygdala nucleus; EPM; elevated plus maze; Fos-ir; FOS immunoreactivity; HA; high-anxiety respon
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Keywords: BBB; blood-brain-barrier; BDNF; brain-derived neurotrophic factor; BLA; basolateral amygdala; CNS; central nervous system; CMS; chronic mild stress; CRF; corticotropin-releasing factor; CSDS; chronic social defeat stress; Dnmt; DNA methyltransferase; EC
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Keywords: AChE; acetylcholine esterase; BLA; basolateral nucleus of amygdala; BMA; basomedial nucleus of amygdala; BSA; bovine serum albumin; CB; calbindin; CLSM; confocal laser scanning light microscopy; DAB; diaminobenzidine chloride; GAD; glutamic acid decarboxy
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Keywords: AES; American Epilepsy Society; ASD; anti-seizure drug; ASP; Anticonvulsant Screening Program; BLA; basolateral amygdala; CC; convulsant current; CD; convulsive dose; BBB; blood-brain barrier; CNS; central nervous system; ED; effective dose; ETSP; Epileps
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Keywords: Fear conditioning; Novelty seeking; Individual differences; Fear extinction; Ketamine; Fear memory reconsolidation; ACC; anterior cingulate cortex; Bdnf; brain-derived neurotrophic factor; BLA; basolateral amygdala; CA1; cornu ammonis 1; CA3; cornu ammoni
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Keywords: ACC; Anterior Cingulate Cortex; BLA; Baso-Lateral Amygdala; DLS; Dorsolateral Striatum; DMS; Dorsomedial; IL; Infra-Limbic Cortex; lOFC; Lateral Orbitofrontal Cortex; MD; mediodorsal thalamus; mOFC; Medial Orbitofrontal Cortex; mPFC; medial prefrontal cor
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Keywords: BLA; Basolateral Amygdala; CA1; Cornu Ammonis 1; CA3; Cornu Ammonis 3; DGib; Dentate Gyrus inner blade; PFC; the medial Prefrontal Cortex Zilles cg1 region; DMS; dorso-medial striatum; IBA-1; ionized calcium binding adaptor molecule 1; MWM; Morris water m
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Keywords: BLA; basolateral amygdala; DLS; dorsolateral striatum; DMS; dorsomedial striatum; FP; field potential; LTD; long-term depression; LTP; long-term potentiation; MGPNS; multigenerational prenatal stress; mPFC; medial prefrontal cortex; PNS; prenatal stress;
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Keywords: ANC; anticipatory negative contrast; BLA; basolateral nucleus of the amygdala; CeA; central nucleus of the amygdala; cSNC; consummatory successive negative contrast; GABA; gamma-aminobutyric acid; iSNC; instrumental successive negative contrast; PBS; phos
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Keywords: AID; orbitofrontal cortex; ANOVA; analysis of variance; BLA; basolateral amygdala; CA1; hippocampus; Cg3; cingulate cortex; HPA; hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal; mPFC; medial prefrontal cortex; NAc; nucleus accumbens; OFC; orbitofrontal cortex; P21; po
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Keywords: cRGD; brain-targeting drug delivery system; monocyte; depression; trefoil factor 3; cRGD; cyclic RGD; cRGDL; cRGD-modified liposomes; TFF3; trefoil factor 3; cRGDL-TFF3; cRGD liposomes loaded with TFF3; BBB; blood-brain barrier; i.p; intraperitoneal; HBME
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Keywords: AAS; adult attachment style; ACC; anterior cingulate cortex; ANX; anxious attachment style; AV; avoidant attachment style; BDI; Beck Depression Inventory; BLA; basolateral nucleus of amygdala; CMA; central-medial amygdala; dACC; dorsal anterior cingulate
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Keywords: BLa; basolateral nucleus; BLC; basolateral nuclear complex; CCK+; cholecystokinin-positive; DAB; diaminobenzidine; DOR; delta opioid receptor; KOR; kappa opioid receptor; MOR; mu opioid receptor; MOR+; MOR-positive; MOR-ir; MOR-immunoreactivity; PAG; peri
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Keywords: AMYG; amygdala; ANOVA; analysis of variance; BLA; basolateral amygdaloid nucleus; BSA; bovine serum albumin; CeA; central amygdaloid nucleus; DG; dentate gyrus; dHI; dorsal HI; HI; hippocampus; HPA; hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal; IgG; immunoglobulin
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Keywords: ac; anterior commissure; acp; posterior part of the anterior commissure; ASt; amygdalostriatal transition area; BDA; biotinylated dextran amine; BLA; basolateral amygdaloid nucleus; CeA; central amygdaloid nucleus; CL; centrolateral thalamic nucleus; CM;
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Keywords: BDNF; brain-derived neurotrophic factor; BLA; basolateral amygdala; BNST; bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; CCK; cholecystokinin; CeA; central nucleus of the amygdala; CRF; corticotropin-releasing factor; DRN; dorsal raphe nucleus; HPA; hypothalamic-
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Keywords: BLA; basolateral amygdale; mOFC; medial orbitofrontal cortex; CA1; field CA1 of the hippocampus; NAc Core; nucleus accumbens core; CA3; field CA3 of the hippocampus; NAc Shell; nucleus accumbens shell; DHipp; dorsal hippocampus; OFC; orbitofrontal cortex;
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Keywords: ANOVA; analysis of variance; BA; basal nucleus of the amygdala; BLA; basolateral area of the amygdala; EPSP; excitatory postsynaptic potential; LAT; lateral nucleus of the amygdala; P; postnatal day; amygdala; restraint stress; Golgi; morphology; spine; d
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Keywords: APIR; amygdalopiriform transition area; AStr (or ASt); amygdalostriatal transition area; BLa; anterior basolateral nucleus; BLC; basolateral nuclear complex; BLp; posterior basolateral nucleus; BMa; anterior basomedial nucleus; BMp; posterior basomedial n
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Keywords: Fear extinction; Exposure therapy; Augmented relearning; Reconsolidation; Drug development; Cognitive enhancer; 5-HT; 5-hydroxytryptamine = serotonin; AC; adenylate cyclase; AMPA; α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid; AMY; amygdala; BA;
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Keywords: ADT; afterdischarge threshold; BLA; basolateral amygdala; SE; status epilepticus; SRS; spontaneous recurrent seizures; SSSE; self-sustaning status epilepticus; Epilepsy; Kindling; Seizures; Amygdala; Blood-brain barrier; Hemorrhage;
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Keywords: ANOVA; analysis of variance; BLA; basolateral amygdala; GCs; glucocorticoids; GRs; glucocorticoid receptors; IAPS; International Affective Picture Set; MANOVA; multivariate ANOVA; NE; norepinephrine; NTS; nucleus of the solitary tract; glucocorticoids; me
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Keywords: AMPAR; α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid receptor; BDNF; brain derived neurotrophic factor; BLA; basolateral amygdala complex; BZD; benzodiazepine; CeA; central amygdala nucleus; CNQX; 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione; COR V; laye
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Keywords: AHPs; afterhyperpolarizations; BDNF; Brain-derived neurotrophic factor; BLA; basolateral amygdala; CS; conditioned stimulus; CRF; corticotropin-releasing factor; D2; DA type 2; DA; Dopamine; HCN channels; hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gate
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Keywords: ACG; anterior cingulate gyrus; ANOVA; analysis of variance; BLA; basolateral amygdala; CEA; central amygdala; CON; nonstressed control; CR; conditioned response; CS; conditioned stimulus; DG; dentate gyrus; IL; infralimbic cortex; ITI; inter-trial-interva
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Keywords: ACC; anterior cingulate cortex; BLA; basolateral nucleus of the amygdala; cACC; caudal ACC; CeA; central nucleus of the amygdala; CRD; colorectal distension; IBS; irritable bowel syndrome; IL; infralimbic cortex; MS; maternally separated; NS; non separate
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Keywords: BG; basal ganglia; BLA; basolateral amygdala; CN; caudate nucleus; DA; dopamine; dlPFC; dorsolateral aspect of the PFC; GPe; globus pallidus pars externus; GPi; globus pallidus pars internus; LFP; local field potential; LTD; long-term depression; LTP; lon
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Keywords: 3V; third ventricle; ac; anterior commissure; Arc; arcuate hypothalamic nucleus; ACB; nucleus accumbens; AHy; anterior hypothalamus; BLA; basolateral amygdaloid nucleus; BST; bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; cc; corpus callosum; CCK; cholecystokinin;
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Keywords: ANOVA; analysis of variance; BLA; basolateral amygdala; CS−; unpaired stimulus; CS+; conditioned stimulus; HSD; Honestly Significant Difference; IL; infralimbic; LFP; local field potential; mPFC; medial prefrontal cortex; PL; prelimbic; US; unconditione
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Keywords: AMYG; amygdala; BLA; basolateral nucleus of the amygdala; CeA; central nucleus of the amygdala; CORT; corticosterone; DIG; digoxigenin; ENK; enkephalin; EPM; elevated plus maze; FISH; fluorescence in situ hybridization; GABA; γ-aminobutyric acid; HYPO; h
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Keywords: 5-HT; serotonin; ACTH; adrenocorticotropic hormone; BDNF; brain-derived neurotrophic factor; BLA; basolateral amygdala; CpG; cytosine phosphate guanosine; CREB; cAMP response element-binding protein; GR; glucocorticoid receptor; HAT; histone acetyltransfe
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Keywords: Acb; accumbens nucleus; BlA; basolateral amygdala; BNST; bed nucleus stria terminalis; CeA; central amygdala; Cg; cingulate cortex; COx; cytochrome c oxidase activity; dCA; dorsal hippocampal cornu ammonis; dDG; dorsal dentate gyrus; EX; exercise; LS; lat
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Keywords: Chemotherapy; Aging; Executive functions; Hippocampal proliferating cells; Glucose; Mouse; 5-FU; 5-fluorouracil; aCSF; artificial cerebral spinal fluid; Area 35 PRh; area 35 of the perirhinal cortex; Area 36 PRh; area 36 of the perirhinal cortex (ectorhin
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Keywords: ACC; anterior cingulate cortex; ALB; anxiety-like behavior; BDNF; brain-derived neurotrophic factor; BLA; basolateral nuclei of amygdala; BrDU; bromodeoxyuridine; BV; bee venom; CCI; chronic constriction injury; CeA; central nuclei of amygdala; CeLC; late
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Keywords: AAV; adeno-associated virus; AGRP; agouti-related peptide; ARC; arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus; Arch; archaerhodopsin; BLA; basolateral amygdala; BNST; bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; CaMKIIα; calcium-calmodulin dependent protein kinase IIα;
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Keywords: AUC; area under the curve; BLA; basolateral amygdala; BSA; bovine serum albumin; CA1; cornu ammonis region 1; CA 3; cornu ammonis region 3; CFC; contextual fear conditioning test; DCX; doublecortin-X; DG; dentate gyrus; DGib; dentate gyrus inner blade; ED
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Keywords: BLA; basolateral amygdala; HPA; hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal; ISEL; in situ end labeling; KA; kainic acid; LS; lateral septum; P; postnatal; PBS; phosphate buffered saline; SE; status epilepticus; vSub/CA1; ventral subiculum/cornu ammonis 1; Seizure
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Keywords: LA; low-anxiety; HA; high-anxiety; IC; inferior colliculus; CIC; central nucleus of the inferior colliculus; AEP; auditory evoked potentials; GABA; γ-aminobutyric acid-A; EPM; elevated plus maze; BLA; basolateral amygdala complex; CEA; central nucleus of
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Keywords: BLA; basolateral amygdala; CBP; CREB binding protein; CREB; cyclic AMP-responsive element binding factor; DG; dentate gyrus; Dnmt; DNA methyl transferase; GR; glucocorticoid receptor; HAT; histone acetyltransferase; HDACs; histone deacetylases; LTD; long-
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Keywords: Acb; accumbens nucleus; ANOVA; analysis of variance; BlA; basolateral amygdala; BST; bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; CA1, CA3; hippocampal cornu ammonis; CeA; central amygdala; Cg; cingulate cortex; COx; cytochrome c oxidase; DG; dentate gyrus; EE; e
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Keywords: AcbC; core of the nucleus accumbens; AcbSh; shell of the nucleus accumbens; ADHD; attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; ATO; atomoxetine; BLA; basolateral amygdala; CC; cingulate cortex; CEA; central nucleus of the amygdala; CPu; caudate putamen; DAT;
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Keywords: ANOVA; analysis of variance; BA; basal nucleus of the basolateral complex; BLA; basolateral complex of the amygdala; BNST; bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; CeA; central amygdala; EPSPs; excitatory post-synaptic potentials; LAT; lateral nucleus of the
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Keywords: Fear conditioning; Fear extinction; Chronic stress; Repeated restraint; Adolescent; Amygdala; ANOVA; Analysis of Variance; BLA; basolateral amygdala; CRF; corticotropin-releasing factor; EPM; elevated plus maze; HPA axis; hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal ax
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Keywords: 5-HIAA; 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid; 5-HT; 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin); aCg; anterior cingulate cortex; aIns; anterior insular cortex; BLA; basolateral nucleus of the amygdala; CE; central nucleus of the amygdala; core; core of the nucleus accumbens
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Keywords: BLa; anterior basolateral amygdalar nucleus; BLC; basolateral amygdalar nuclear complex; CaMK; Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II; DBH; dopamine-beta-hydroxylase; LC; locus coeruleus; LTP; long-term potentiation; NE; noradrenergic/norepinephrine;