Keywords: کنترل ناحیه کنترل; VIN; Vinclozolin, or 3-(3,5-dichlorophenyl)-5-methyl-5-vinyloxazolidine-2,4-dione; EDC; Endocrine disrupting compound; M1; 2-[[(3,5-dichlorophenyl)-carbamoyl]oxy]-2-methyl-3-butenoic acid; M2; 3â²,5â²-dichloro-2-hydroxy-2-methylbut-3-enanilide; AR; Andr
مقالات ISI کنترل ناحیه کنترل (ترجمه نشده)
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در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: کنترل ناحیه کنترل; MS; Multiple Sclerosis; QTLs; quantitative trait loci; EAE; experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis; IGN; imprinted gene networks; T1D; Type 1 Diabetes; RA; Rheumatoid Arthritis; SLE; Systemic Lupus Erythematosus; HLA; Human Leukocyte Antigen; GWAS; gen
Keywords: کنترل ناحیه کنترل; IPF; idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; AT1; angiotensin type 1 receptor; TGF; Transforming growth factor; BALF; bronchoalveolar lavage fluid; PPARs; peroxisome proliferator activated receptors; ARBs; angiotensin receptor blockers; CCR2b; chemokine C-C moti
pH-triggered surface charge-reversal nanoparticles alleviate experimental murine colitis via selective accumulation in inflamed colon regions
Keywords: کنترل ناحیه کنترل; DiR; 1,1â²-dioctadecyl-3,3,3â²,3â²-tetramethylindotricarbocyanine iodide; DSS; dextran sulfate sodium; ES; Eudragit® S100; GI; gastrointestinal; H&E; hematoxylin and eosin; HPLC; high-performance liquid chromatography; IBD; inflammatory bowel disease;
Original ArticleThe long non-coding RNA 91H increases aggressive phenotype of breast cancer cells and up-regulates H19/IGF2 expression through epigenetic modifications
Keywords: کنترل ناحیه کنترل; H19 antisense; Long non-coding RNA; Breast tumorigenesis; Genomic imprinting; lncRNA; long non-coding RNA; ICR; imprinting Control Region; CTCF; CCTC-binding factor; TUNEL; Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling; ChIP; chromatin-immu
TRIM28 regulates Igf2-H19 and Dlk1-Gtl2 imprinting by distinct mechanisms during sheep fibroblast proliferation
Keywords: کنترل ناحیه کنترل; SEF; sheep embryonic fibroblast; ICR; imprinting control region; DMRs; differentially methylated regions; CTCF; CCCTC-binding factor; IG-DMR; intergenic differentially methylated region; Trim28; Imprinted gene; Epigenetic; DNA methylation; Proliferation;
Cancer Risk in Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Outlining a Novel (Epi)Genotype Specific Histotype Targeted Screening Protocol
Keywords: کنترل ناحیه کنترل; Beckwith-Wiedemann; meta-analysis; molecular group and tumor risk; oncological surveillance; tumor screening; αFP; Alpha-fetoprotein; BWS; Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome; CDKN1C; Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1C gene; ICR; Imprinting Control Region; ICR
Long noncoding RNAs: Lessons from genomic imprinting
Keywords: کنترل ناحیه کنترل; lncRNA; long noncoding RNA; DMR; Differentially methylated region; ICR; Imprinting control region; PWS; Prader-Willi syndrome; AS; Angelmann syndrome; MEGs; Maternally expressed genes; TTS; Triplex target sites; TFO; Triplex forming oligo; IG-DMR; Inter
Non-coding RNAs in gastric cancer
Keywords: کنترل ناحیه کنترل; ncRNAs; non-coding RNAs; sncRNAs; small ncRNAs; lncRNAs; long ncRNAs; snoRNAs; small nucleolar RNAs; piRNAs; Piwi-associated RNAs; miRNAs; microRNAs; tiRNAs; transcription initiation RNAs; lincRNAs; long intergenic ncRNAs; GC; gastric cancer; nts; nucleot
Activation of spinal α2 adrenergic receptors induces hyperglycemia in mouse though activating sympathetic outflow
Keywords: کنترل ناحیه کنترل; I.t.; Intrathecal; I.p.; Intraperitoneal; PTX; Pertussis toxin; 6-OHDA; 6-hydroxydopamine; ADX; Adrenalectomy; ICR; Imprinting control region; PEC; The polyethylene glycol 400; ethanol; sodium carboxymethyl cellulose mixture; Gi; inhibitory G protein; DSP
Neuroscience Forefront ReviewCajal-Retzius cells: Update on structural and functional properties of these mystic neurons that bridged the 20th century
Keywords: کنترل ناحیه کنترل; BDNF; brain-derived neurotrophic factor; CRc; Cajal-Retzius cells; Ebf2; early B-cell factor2; ICR; Imprinting Control Region; KCC2; K+-Clâ cotransporter; mGluR1; metabotropic glutamate receptors isoform 1; MZ; marginal zone; RA/PS; retrobulbar area/p
Congenital Imprinting Disorders: A Novel Mechanism Linking Seemingly Unrelated Disorders
Keywords: کنترل ناحیه کنترل; BWS; Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome; ICR; Imprinting control region; ID; Imprinting disorder; MLMD; Multilocus methylation defect; SRS; Silver-Russell syndrome; TNDM; Transient neonatal diabetes mellitus; UPD; Uniparental disomy;
Imprinted DNA methylation reprogramming during early mouse embryogenesis at the Gpr1-Zdbf2 locus is linked to long cis-intergenic transcription
Keywords: کنترل ناحیه کنترل; DNA methylation; Genomic imprinting; Imprinting control region; Differentially methylated region; Non-coding RNA
Imprinted gene expression in fetal growth and development
Keywords: کنترل ناحیه کنترل; Genomic imprinting; Placenta; Imprinted gene expression; Fetal development; AGA; Appropriate for Gestational Age; ICR; Imprinting Control Region; IPA; Ingenuity Pathway Analysis; IUGR; Intrauterine Growth Restriction; LGA; Large for Gestational Age; MDS;
Rhus parviflora and its biflavonoid constituent, rhusflavone, induce sleep through the positive allosteric modulation of GABAA-benzodiazepine receptors
Keywords: کنترل ناحیه کنترل; BBB; blood-brain barrier, BZD, benzodiazepine; c.c.; column chromatography; CHCl3; chloroform; CMC; carboxymethyl cellulose; CNS; Central nervous system; CON; control group; DPM; disintegrations per minute; DW; distilled water; DZP; diazepam; EtOAc; ethyl
Sequences in the H19 ICR that are transcribed as small RNA in oocytes are dispensable for methylation imprinting in YAC transgenic mice
Keywords: کنترل ناحیه کنترل; CTCF; CCCTC-binding factor; DMR; differentially methylated region; Dnmt; DNA methyltransferases; ICR; imprinting control region; Igf2; insulin-like growth factor 2; miRNA; micro RNA; piRNA; PIWI-interacting RNA; siRNA; small interfering RNA; TgM; transgen
Silver–Russell syndrome
Keywords: کنترل ناحیه کنترل; epigenetic; asymmetry; relative macrocephaly; imprinting control region; hypomethylation; IGF-II; H19
Hypomethylation of the IGF2 DMR in Colorectal Tumors, Detected by Bisulfite Pyrosequencing, Is Associated With Poor Prognosis
Keywords: کنترل ناحیه کنترل; Epigenetics; Clinical Outcome; Therapeutic Target; Imprinting Control Region; CI; confidence interval; CIMP; CpG island methylator phenotype; DMR; differentially methylated region; HR; hazard ratio; IGF2; insulin-like growth factor 2; LOI; loss of imprint
Effect of tamoxifen treatment on global and insulin-like growth factor 2-H19 locus-specific DNA methylation in rat spermatozoa and its association with embryo loss
Keywords: کنترل ناحیه کنترل; Tamoxifen; estrogen; DNA methylation; genomic imprinting; imprinting control region; embryo development
An intronic DNA sequence within the mouse Neuronatin gene exhibits biochemical characteristics of an ICR and acts as a transcriptional activator in Drosophila
Keywords: کنترل ناحیه کنترل; Neuronatin; Imprinting; Imprinted; DNA methylation; Chromatin organisation; Mouse; Imprinting control region; Epigenetics
Comparative analyses of genomic imprinting and CpG island-methylation in mouse Murr1 and human MURR1 loci revealed a putative imprinting control region in mice
Keywords: کنترل ناحیه کنترل; CGI; CpG island; DMR; differentially methylated region; COBRA; combined bisulfite restriction analysis; ICR; imprinting control region; RFLP; restriction-fragment length polymorphism; RT-PCR; reverse transcription-PCR; SNP; single nucleotide polymorphism;
Detailed analysis of the methylation patterns of the KvDMR1 imprinting control region of human chromosome 11
Keywords: کنترل ناحیه کنترل; Genomic imprinting; Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome; KCNQ1OT1 promoter; Cytosine methylation; DNA methylation boundaries; Imprinting control region; Human chromosome 11p15.5
Establishment of male-specific epigenetic information
Keywords: کنترل ناحیه کنترل; BORIS; brother of the regulator of imprinted sites; BRDT; bromodomain testis-specific; CDYL; chromodomain Y-like; CIS cells; carcinoma in situ cells; CTCF; CCCTC binding factor; DMR; differentially methylated region; Dnmt; DNA methyltransferase; DSB; doub