Keywords: مرد; Xyl; pβ-d-xylopyranosyl residue; MeGlcA; 4-O-methyl-d-glucuronic acid; GH; glycoside hydrolase; Xyln; β-1,4-xylooligosaccharide of 'n' Xyl residues; MeGlcAiXyln; aldouronic acid containing one residue of MeGlcA linked to Xylp residue marked in Xyln
مقالات ISI مرد (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: مرد; fCS; fucosylated chondroitin sulfate; Aj; Apostichopus japonicus; Sc; Stichopus chloronotus; Am; Acaudina molpadioidea; PMP; 1-phenyl-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone; DPPH; 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl; TFA; trifluoroacetic acid; GlcA; glucuronic acid; GalNAc; N-a
Keywords: مرد; Modelling; Polonium-210; Caesium-137; Lichen; Reindeer; Reindeer herder; Man; Wolf; Wolverine; Lynx; Principal component analysis PCA; Partial least square regression PLSR;
Keywords: مرد; Freeze-drying; Cycle development; Bulking agent; Mannitol; Sucrose; Glycerol; Protein stability; Glass transition; Collapse; Crystallization; A; annealing step; aFD; after freeze-drying; API; active pharmaceutical ingredient; AUC; area under the curve; bF
Keywords: مرد; ALG; alginate; Cm; capreomycin; CHI; chitosan; DPIs; dry powder inhalers; E; ethambutol; EC; ethyl cellulose; ECM; extracellular matrix; Eto; ethionamide; FPF; fine particle fraction; HA; hyaluronic acid; HIP/PCA; hydrophobic ion-pairing/precipitation wit
Keywords: مرد; IGFBP-1; insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1; IGF; insulin-like growth factor; PBS; phosphate buffered saline; 2,4-DNP; 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine; CD; circular dichroism; Man; mannose; Fuc; fucose; GlcNAc; N-acetylglucosamine; Gal; galactose; Gl
Keywords: مرد; AMI; Advanced Metering Infrastructure; AMR; Automated Meter Reading; BEV; Battery Electric Vehicle; CAES; Compressed Air Energy Storage; CO2; Carbon dioxide; DG; Distributed Generation; DER; Distributed Energy Resources; ECES; Electro-Chemical Energy Stor
Keywords: مرد; Ara; arabinose; Xyl; xylose; Rha; rhamnose; Fuc; fucose; Gal; galactose; Man; mannose; Glc; glucose; Hex; hexose; PMAA; partially methylated alditol acetate; GC-MS; gas chromatography-mass spectrometry; FTIR; Fourier transform infrared; NMR; nuclear m
Keywords: مرد; ACN; acetonitrile; FA; formic acid; GlcNAc; N-acetylglucosamine acid; hCG; human Chorionic Gonadotropin; hCGα; alpha subunit of the human Chorionic Gonadotropin; hCGβ; beta subunit of the human Chorionic Gonadotropin; Neu5Ac; N-acetylneuraminic acid; mA
Keywords: مرد; Fortified with cereal-seed bread; Antioxidant dietary fibre; Wholegrain-multigrain flour; Phenolic compound; AA; Antioxidant activity; Ara; Arabinose; BPC; Bound phenolic compounds; DF; Dietary fibre; DP; Degree of polymerization; FOS; Fructooligosacchari
Keywords: مرد; Cipro; Ciprofloxacin hydrochloride monohydrate; DPI; dry powder inhaler; DVS; dynamic vapor sorption; ED; emitted dose; FPF; fine particle fraction; FTIR; Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; Lac; lactose; Leu; l-leucine; Man; mannitol; MSLI; Multi-St
Keywords: مرد; Ach; acetylcholine; AChE; cholinesterase; AD; Alzheimer disease; AMT; adsorptive mediated transcytosis; APP; amyloid precursor protein; ARND; age related neurodegenerative disorders; ALS; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; BBB; blood brain barrier; CMT; carri
Keywords: مرد; (1)-(10); cell cluster 1-10; A1; antenna 1; A2; antenna 2; A1Nv; antenna 1 nerve; A2Nv; antenna 2 nerve; AMPN; anterior medial protocerebral neuropil; AnN; antenna 2 neuropil; CB; central body; DGN; dorsal giant neuron; HN; hemiellipsoid body neuropil
Keywords: مرد; Anorexie mentale; Anxiété; Cas clinique; Homme; Hypersensibilité; Obésité; Prise en charge; Revue de littérature; Trouble des conduites alimentaires; Anorexia nervosa; Anxiety; Care management; Clinical case; Eating disorders; Female; Hypersensitivi
Keywords: مرد; dog; immunohistochemistry; man; osteosarcoma;
Comparability study of Rituximab originator and follow-on biopharmaceutical
Keywords: مرد; AA; amino acid; ABC; ammonium bicarbonate; ACN; acetonitrile; ADCC; antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity; CD; circular dichroism; CDC; complement-dependent cytotoxicity; CDRs; complementarity determining regions; CH; constant region of heavy chain; CH
Keywords: مرد; Ultrafiltration; Adsorption; Polyphenols recovery; Eucalyptus bark; Biorefinery; Ara; arabinose; BV; bed volume; DF; diafiltration; DJWOCE; diafiltration of OCE; DJWCJW; diafiltration of pre-concentrated OCE with membrane JW; DPLEICPLEI; diafiltration of
Keywords: مرد; AA; acrylic acid; AAm; acrylamide; AASO3H; 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid; AN; acrylonitrile; APBS; amidoximated polymerized banana stem; APS; ammonium persulfate; ARP; ammonia recycle percolation; ATPR; atom transfer radical polymerization; A
Keywords: مرد; Ovalbumin; N-acetylglucosamine; Ascidian; N-acetylglucosaminidase; Allergenicity; AVE; ascidian viscera extract; AVNA; ascidian viscera N-acetylglucosaminidase; AVPP; ascidian viscera protein precipitate; ciELISA; competitive indirect enzyme-linked immuno
Keywords: مرد; Gender; Health-related quality of life; Man; Preferred sleep duration; Sleep; Sleep duration; Sleep loss; Woman;
Keywords: مرد; AMF; arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi; CLO; fresh white clover; COI; poplar tree compost; COV; vegetable, fruit, and yard waste compost; ILVO; Institute for Agriculture and Fisheries Research; MAN; cattle manure; OA; organic amendments; PLFA; phospholipid fat
Keywords: مرد; Optical communications; Electronic dispersion compensation; DQPSK; Direct detection; MAN; FPGA;
Keywords: مرد; MTT; 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide; Ara; arabinose; APS; Astragalus membranaceus; DC; dendritic cells; DMEM; dulbeccoâ¿¿s modified eagle medium; FBS; fetal bovine serum; FITC; fluorescein isothiocyanate; GLP; Ganoderma luci
Keywords: مرد; DES; deep eutectic solvent(s); CC; choline chloride; Glu; glucose; Man; mannose; Ara; arabinose; Xyl; xylose; Rf; retention factor; Deep eutectic solvents; Green reaction system; Glycolipid synthesis; Lipase; Transesterification;
Keywords: مرد; COPD; chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases; dA; aerodynamic diameter; dA,theory; theoretical aerodynamic diameter; dG; geometric diameter; DI; dispersibility index; DPI; dry powder inhaler; DXT; dextran sulfate; ED; emitted dose; FPF; fine particle frac
Keywords: مرد; ACPP; activated cell-penetrating peptide; AFM; atomic force microscopy; AN; angiopeptin; ANP; NP modified with ACPP peptide; APE-1; apurinic endonuclease-1; AU; gold; AUC; area under the curve; AUNP; gold nanoparticles; AUNS; gold nanoshells; BAT; brain a
Keywords: مرد; comparative pathology; dog; man; soft tissue sarcoma
Keywords: مرد; EPS; exopolysaccharide; CDW; cell dry weight; RP-HPLC; reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography; UV-vis; ultraviolet-visible; Glc; glucose; Gal; galactose; GalA; galacturonic acid; GlcA; glucuronic acid; Man; mannose; Rha; rhamnose; PMP; 1
Keywords: مرد; PEM; pectin-enriched material; SBP; sugar beet pulp; GalA; galacturonic acid; S/L; solid/liquid; DM; degree of methylation; DA; degree of acetylation; AMW; average molecular weight; SCW; subcritical water; Fuc; l-fucose; Rha; l-rhamnose; Ara; l-arabinose;
Keywords: مرد; A:X; arabinose:xylose ratio; AIR; alcohol-insoluble residue; Ara; arabinose; ASE; accelerated solvent extractor; CDTA; cyclohexane-1,2-diamine tetraacetate; Fuc; fucose; Gal; galactose; GalA; galacturonic acid; Glc; glucose; GlcA; glucuronic acid; HILIC;
Keywords: مرد; enfant; énurésie; femme; homme; incontinence d’effort; incontinence par impériosité; incontinencemixte; incontinence par regorgement; incontinence urinairechild; enuresis; man; mixed incontinence; overflow incontinence; stress incontinence; urge incontine
Keywords: مرد; CRP; chicory root pulp; HG; homogalacturonan; RG; rhamnogalacturonan; Ara; arabinose; Gal; galactose; Glc; glucose; Xyl; xylose; Man; mannose; Fuc; fucose; UA; uronic acid; GalA; galacturonic acid; Rha; rhamnose; CWPs; cell wall polysaccharides; PS; polys
Keywords: مرد; Glc; glucose; Man; mannose; GlcNAc; N-acetylglucosamine; CNX; calnexin; CRT; calreticulin; UGGT; UDP-glucose:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase; CMG; calmegin; CRT3; calsperin or calreticulin 3; ANS; 8-anilino-1-naphtalene sulfonic acid; CAB; bovine carboni
Keywords: مرد; Neu5Ac; N-acetylneuraminic acid; Neu5Gc; N-glycolylneuraminic acid; Gal; galactose; GalNAc; N-acetylgalactosamine; GlcNAc; N-acetylglucoseamine; Man; mannose; Fuc; fucose; GlcA; glucoronic acid; IdoA; iduronic acid; Xyl; xylose; Personalized-medicine; Sia
Keywords: مرد; MAN; WAN; Ring networks; Spatial reuse; Fairness; Active queue management
Keywords: مرد; NATs; natural antisense transcripts; IDC; intra erythrocytic developmental cycle; PFC; Plasmodium falciparum complicated samples; PFU; Plasmodium falciparum uncomplicated samples; HS-LAS; high sense and low antisense transcripts; HAS-LS; high antisense an
Keywords: مرد; EPS; exopolysaccharide; CDW; cell dry weight; RP-HPLC; reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography; UV-vis; ultraviolet-visible; Glc; glucose; Gal; galactose; GalA; galacturonic acid; GlcA; glucuronic acid; Man; mannose; Rha; rhamnose; PMP; 1
Keywords: مرد; AMC; Athyrium multidentatum (Doll.) Ching; ROS; reactive oxygen species; BHA; butylated hydroxyanisol; BHT; butylated hydroxytoluene; CPA; crude polysaccharides of AMC; H2O2; hydrogen peroxide; TCA; trichloroacetic acid; Vc; vitamin C; Gal; galactose; Man
Keywords: مرد; Trichinellosis; Trichinella; Serological tools; Man; Animal
Expression of glycogenes in differentiating human NT2N neurons. Downregulation of fucosyltransferase 9 leads to decreased Lewisx levels and impaired neurite outgrowth
Keywords: مرد; BSA; bovine serum albumin; dHex; deoxyhexose; EDTA; etylenediaminetetraacetic acid; EGTA; ethylene glycol tetraacetic acid; Fuc; fucose; Gal; galactose; GlcNAc; N-acetylglucosamine; Hex; hexose; HexNAc; N-acetylhexosamine; HNK-1; human natural killer-1; H
Urinary exoglycosidases, reference values in healthy children
Keywords: مرد; FUC; α-fucosidase; GAL; β-galactosidase; GLU; β-glucuronidase; MAN; α-mannosidase; α-Fucosidase (FUC); β-Galactosidase (GAL); β-Glucuronidase (GLU); α-Mannosidase (MAN); Lysosomal exoglycosidases;
St6gal1 knockdown alters HBV life cycle in HepAD38 cells
Keywords: مرد; Hepatitis B virus; N-glycan; Sialylated N-glycan; Complex-type N-glycan; HBV; Hepatitis B virus; SVP; Sub-viral particle; WT; Wild-type; Tet(+); Tetracycline-supplemented; Tet(â); Tetracycline-free; ER; Endoplasmic reticulum; St6gal1; β-galactoside α2
Temporal transcriptome analysis of the white-rot fungus Obba rivulosa shows expression of a constitutive set of plant cell wall degradation targeted genes during growth on solid spruce wood
Keywords: مرد; AA; auxiliary activity; AAO; aryl alcohol oxidase; AE; acetylesterase; AGL; α-galactosidase; AGU; α-glucuronidase; AOX; alcohol oxidase; BGL; β-1,4-glucosidase; CAZy; CAZyme, carbohydrate-active enzyme; CBH; cellobiohydrolase; CDH; cellobiose dehydroge
Pectic enzymes as potential enhancers of ascorbic acid production through the D-galacturonate pathway in Solanaceae
Keywords: مرد; Ara; arabinose; AsA; ascorbic acid; BR; breaker; CG; candidate gene; CW; cell wall; DHA; dehydroascorbate; DME; degree of pectin methylesterification; Fuc; fucose; Gal; galactose; GalA; galacturonic acid; GlcA; glucuronic acid; HGA; homogalacturonic acid;
Improvement in the water solubility of drugs with a solid dispersion system by spray drying and hot-melt extrusion with using the amphiphilic polyvinyl caprolactam-polyvinyl acetate-polyethylene glycol graft copolymer and d-mannitol
Keywords: مرد; IMC; Indomethacin; MAN; d-mannitol; Solid dispersion; Spray drying; Hot-melt extrusion technique; Amorphous; Powder technology;
Modifications of cell wall pectin in chilling-injured 'Friar' plum fruit subjected to intermediate storage temperatures
Keywords: مرد; AFM; atomic force microscopy; AIR; alcohol insoluble residues; Ara; arabinose; CI; chilling injury; CSP; chelator-soluble pectin; Gal; galactose; GalA; galacturonic acid; Glu; glucose; HG; homogalacturonan; Man; mannose; MDA; malondialdehyde; MW; molecula
Cell wall and metabolite composition of berries of Vitis vinifera (L.) cv. Thompson Seedless with different firmness
Keywords: مرد; ANOVA; analysis of variance; Ara; arabinose; Fuc; fucose; Gal; galactose; GalA; galacturonic acid; GC-MS; Gas Chromatography-mass spectrometry; Glc; glucose; GlcA; glucuronic acid; HPLC; High-performance liquid chromatography; Man; mannose; PCA; princip
The regulation of inflammation and oxidative status against lung injury of residue polysaccharides by Lentinula edodes
Keywords: مرد; ARPS; acidic-RPS; Ara; arabinose; BALF; bronchoalveolar lavage fluid; CAT; catalase; C3; complement 3; Dex; dexamethasone; DPPH1; 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl; ERPS; enzymatic-RPS; Gal; galactose; GC; gas chromatography; Glu; glucose; GSH-Px; GSH peroxid
Structural studies of two thermostable laccases from the white-rot fungus Pycnoporus sanguineus
Keywords: مرد; ABTS; 2,2â²-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonate); DMP; 2,6-dimethoxyphenol; MAN; mannose; NAG; N-acetyl-glucosamine; PsLac; laccase from Pycnoporus sanguineus; PsLacI; isoform I of laccase from Pycnoporus sanguineus; PsLacII; isoform II of laccas
Damage of cystatin due to ROS-generation and radical-scavenging activity of antioxidants and associated compounds
Keywords: مرد; BC; brain cystatin; Cur; curcumin; QE; quercetin; NO; nitric oxide; H2O2; hydrogen peroxide; free radical; hydroxyl radical: OH; Man; mannitol; S.B.; sodium benzoate; Purification of buffalo brain cystatin; Thiol proteinases inhibitors; H2O2; Free radical