Keywords: استرس والدین; Spillover effect; Family cohesion; Parental stress; Marital satisfaction; Behaviour problems; Fathers
مقالات ISI ترجمه شده استرس والدین
مقالات ISI استرس والدین (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: استرس والدین; First-time mothers; Maternal confidence; Maternal mood; Parental stress; Cohort; Community setting; EPDS; Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale; KPCS; Karitane Parenting Confidence Scale; PSS; Parental Stress Scale;
Keywords: استرس والدین; Diabetes mellitus; Glycosylated hemoglobin; Stress management; Depression; Parental stress;
Keywords: استرس والدین; Autism; Parental stress; Self-injurious behaviour; Cortisol; Dysregulation;
Keywords: استرس والدین; Mindfulness; Parental stress; Child behavior problems; Intellectual disability;
Keywords: استرس والدین; Parental embodied mentalizing; Parental reflective function; Parental mentalizing; Coparenting; Parental stress;
Keywords: استرس والدین; Congenital heart disease; Parental stress; Coping; Emotion regulation; Mindfulness;
Keywords: استرس والدین; Autism spectrum disorder; Family quality of life; Family-teacher partnerships; Parental stress;
Keywords: استرس والدین; Down syndrome; Parenting; Parental stress; Intellectual disability;
Keywords: استرس والدین; Epilepsy; Neuromotor development; Quality of life; Parental stress;
Keywords: استرس والدین; family impact; maternal-fetal surgery; myelomeningocele; parental stress; spina bifida;
Keywords: استرس والدین; Autism spectrum disorder; Parental mental health-related quality of life; Parental stress; Children performance; Medical support; Neighbor support
Keywords: استرس والدین; Parental stress; NICU; Neonatal research; International;
Keywords: استرس والدین; Parental resolution with child diagnosis; Family risk situation; Parent–child interaction; Parental stress; Mild intellectual disability
Keywords: استرس والدین; Fathers; Paternal; Infant temperament; Parental stress; Gender interactions
Keywords: استرس والدین; Very preterm birth; PSS: NICU; Parental stress; Nursing staff; Maternal; Paternal; External stressors
Keywords: استرس والدین; Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD); Mothers and fathers; Parental stress; Parental attitude; Parental mental health
Keywords: استرس والدین; Reliability; Parental stress; Families; Caregivers; Learning disability
Keywords: استرس والدین; Parental stress; Assessment of stress; Paediatric Intensive Care Unit; PICU; Psychometric properties;
Keywords: استرس والدین; Prematurity; Family; Hospitalization; Parental stress; Resilience; Protection factors; RewardPrematuridad; Familia; Hospitalización; Estrés parental; Resiliencia; Factores de protección; Recompensa
Keywords: استرس والدین; Moderate hearing loss; Toddlers; Parental stress
Keywords: استرس والدین; Neonatal intensive care; Pediatric palliative care; End-of-life care; Bereavement and coping; Parental stress
Keywords: استرس والدین; Autism spectrum disorder; Preschooler; Parental stress; Behavioral and emotional problems
Keywords: استرس والدین; Child abuse and neglect; Child injuries; Child safety; Collective efficacy; Community interventions; Family support; Neighborhoods; Parenting; Parental efficacy; Parental stress; U.S. Advisory Board on Child Abuse and Neglect; Young children
Keywords: استرس والدین; Childbirth related fear; Fathers; Self-rated health; Parental stress
L'épuisement des mères de jeunes enfants : une étude exploratoire
Keywords: استرس والدین; Ãpuisement maternel; Stress parental; Détresse maternelle; Sentiment de compétence parentale; Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI); Maternal exhaustion; Parental stress; Maternal distress; Parental competence; Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI);
Associations between chronic caregiving stress and T cell markers implicated in immunosenescence
Keywords: استرس والدین; Caregiving; T cell; Aging; Parental stress; Immunosenescence;
Clinical ResearchParental stress, pediatric quality of life, and behavior at baseline and one-year follow-up: Results from the FEBSTAT study
Keywords: استرس والدین; Febrile status epilepticus; Parental stress; Pediatric quality of life; Behavior;
“Mission Impossible”; the Mothering of a Child With Type 1 Diabetes - From the Perspective of Mothers Experiencing Burnout
Keywords: استرس والدین; Burnout; Child diabetes; Chronic stress; Parental stress; Qualitative methods;
Scoping Review of the Mental Health of Parents of Infants in the NICU
Keywords: استرس والدین; coping; literature review; mental health; neonatal intensive care; NICU; nursing; parents; parental stress; preterm birth; psychological stress;
Estudio piloto sobre el estrés y la resiliencia familiar en recién nacidos prematuros
Keywords: استرس والدین; Prematuridad; Familia; Hospitalización; Estrés parental; Resiliencia; Factores de protección; RecompensaPrematurity; Family; Hospitalization; Parental stress; Resilience; Protection factors; Reward
Emotional and behavioral functioning of typically-developing sisters of children with autism spectrum disorder: The roles of ASD severity, parental stress, and marital status
Keywords: استرس والدین; Autism spectrum disorder; Sisters; Siblings; Marital status; Parental stress;
Symptomatologie dépressive maternelle post-adoption : une étude rétrospective
Keywords: استرس والدین; Adoption; Dépression post-adoption; Stress perçu; Stress parental; Ajustement conjugalAdoption; Post-adoption depression; Perceived stress; Parental stress; Marital adjustment
Quality of life of children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis and its relationship with parental stress
Keywords: استرس والدین; JIA; Quality of life; Parental stress;
Influence of NICU co-care facilities and skin-to-skin contact on maternal stress in mothers of preterm infants
Keywords: استرس والدین; Skin to skin; Co-care; Mother; Neonatal intensive care unit; Parental stress; Preterm infant
Parents’ adulthood stress induces behavioral and hormonal alterations in male rat offspring
Keywords: استرس والدین; Parental stress; Repeated swim stress; Maternal behavior; Hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis; Elevated plus maze; Offspring
Parents of preterm evaluation of stress and nursing support
Keywords: استرس والدین; Premature infants; Parents; Parental stress; Nursing support
Mental training during pregnancy. Feelings and experiences during pregnancy and birth and parental stress 1 year after birth – A pilot study
Keywords: استرس والدین; Parental stress; Mental training; Parenthood; Birth experience; Follow-up study
Behavioural problems in school age children with cerebral palsy
Keywords: استرس والدین; Cerebral palsy; Strengths and difficulties questionnaire; Behavioural difficulties; Parental stress
The development and initial validation of the Immigrant Parental Stress Inventory (IPSI) in a sample of Korean immigrant parents
Keywords: استرس والدین; Immigrant parents; Parental stress; Korean immigrants; Scale development
Parent inclusion in Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention: The influence of parental stress, parent treatment fidelity and parent-mediated generalization of behavior targets on child outcomes
Keywords: استرس والدین; Autism Spectrum Disorders; Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention; Parent training; Treatment fidelity; Parent inclusion; Parental stress;
Parental Support in Neonatal Intensive Care Units: A Cross-Cultural Comparison between New Zealand and Japan
Keywords: استرس والدین; NICU; Nursing support; Parental stress; Cultural comparisons
Parental psychosocial stress and asthma morbidity in Puerto Rican twins
Keywords: استرس والدین; Psychosocial stress; childhood wheeze; Puerto Rico; parental stress; asthma; paternal stress; CIDI 3.0; Composite International Diagnostic Interview version 3.0; DSM-IV; Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition; ETS; Environme
Behavior problems in children with mild intellectual disabilities: An initial step towards prevention
Keywords: استرس والدین; Prevention; Mild intellectual disability; Behavior problems; Parental stress;
Ãvaluation du Programme d'entraînement aux habiletés parentales de Barkley pour les parents d'enfant ayant un TDA/H issus d'une population française
Keywords: استرس والدین; TDA/H; Fonctionnement parental; Stress parental; Comportements perturbateurs; PEHP; ADHD; Parental functioning; Parental stress; Disruptive behaviour; BPT;
Programmes de formation aux habiletés parentales pour les parents d’enfant avec un TDA/H : considérations pratiques et implications cliniques
Keywords: استرس والدین; TDAH; Habiletés parentales; Stress parental; Comportements perturbateurs; PEHPADHD; Parental skills; Parental stress; Behavioral disorders; BPT
Psychological distress among parents of children with mental retardation in the United Arab Emirates
Keywords: استرس والدین; United Arab Emirates; Children; Mental retardation; Parental stress; Psychiatric symptomatology; Family environment