Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; Space radiation; Solar particle event; Radiation countermeasures; Acute effects of radiation; Long-term effects of radiation; ARS; acute radiation sickness; aPTT; activated partial thromboplastin time; BBI; Bowman-Birk inhibitor; BBIC; BBI concentrate;
مقالات ISI یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; AKI; Acute kidney injury; AKIN; Acute Kidney Injury Network; NICU; Neonatal intensive care unit; SCr; Serum creatinine;
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; SCR; Synthesis gas; V2O5/WO3/TiO2; H-mordenite; Ammonia removal;
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; sCr; serum creatinine; AKIN; Acute Kidney Injury Network; AKI; Acute Kidney Injury; ADQI; Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative; ICA; International Club of Ascites; NSAIDs; non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; SBP; spontaneous bacterial peritonitis; HRS; he
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; Wine production residues; Winery residue; Grape marc; By-products valorization; Biomass characterization; hhv; higher heating value; NHV; net heating value; LHV; lower heating value; DT; ash deformation temperatures; FT; ash flow temperatures; LSD; least
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; ACPase; acid phosphatase; AKI; acute renal injury; ALP; alkaline phosphatase; BBM; brush border membrane; BBMV; brush border membrane vesicles; BUN; blood urea nitrogen; CP; cisplatin; CPFXO; cisplatin-flaxseed oil; FXO; flaxseed oil; FBPase; fructose-1,6
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; PTC; Parabolic trough collector; SH; Superheater; CLFR; Compact linear fresnel reflector; EC; Economizer; FPC; Flat Plate Collector; RH; Reheater; SCR; Solar central receiver; AH; Air Heater; ETC; Evacuated tubular collector; TSS; Thermal storage system;
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; CVS; Constant Volume Sampling; DOC; Diesel Oxidation Catalyst; DPF; Diesel Particulate Filter; ECU; Engine Control Unit; EGR; Exhaust Gas Recirculation; EUDC; Extra Urban Driving Cycle; Euro; Emission Standard; G-DI; Gasoline Direct Injection; NEDC; New E
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; Corticotropin-Releasing Factor Receptor 1 (CRF-R1) Antagonist; Fear Conditioning; Extinction; aINS; anterior insula; aMCC; anterior midcingulate cortex; AMYG; amygdala; BOLD; blood-oxygen levelâdependent; CRF-R1; corticotropin-releasing factor receptor
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; APS; primary amino-grafted silica gel; APTES; 3-aminopropyltriethoxy silane; Ami; quarternary salt of Amitriptyline; Cbz; Carbamazepine; Dfn; Diclofenac; EF; enrichment factor; EME; electromembrane extraction; HILIC; hydrophilic interaction liquid chromat
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; EDA; electrodermal activity; EMG; electromyography; ERP; event-related potentials; SCR; skin conductance response; UCS; unconditioned stimulus; Lie detection; Polygraph; Deception; Classical conditioning; Startle response;
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; Co-MOF-74; Temperature effect; Morphology; SCR; DeNOx
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; Mn/TiO2 catalyst; SCR; Na; Sb; Resistance; Promotion mechanism
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; NOx sensor; Empirical sensor model; Cross-sensitivity factor; Dynamic model; SCR; Control-oriented modeling; Diesel engines; Emission control
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; Fear; Conditioning; Preparedness; Instructions; SCR
Synergistic effect of Cu2+ doping and sulfation in Cu-Ce-S, tolerance to H2O and SO2 and decomposition behaviors of ammonia salts
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; Cu-Ce-S catalysts; Sulfation; Cu2+doping; Decomposition of ammonia salt; SCR;
Study the low-temperature SCR property of M-doped (M=Ni, Cr, Co, Se, Sn) MnO2(100) through density functional theory (DFT): Improvement of sulfur poisoning resistance
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; Low-temperature; SCR; SO2 resistance; DFT; Manganese-based catalyst;
Predictors of bioresorbable scaffold failure in STEMI patients at 3â¯years follow-up
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; BRS; bioresorbable scaffolds; DES; drug-eluting stents; DoCE; device-oriented composite endpoint; TLR; target-lesion revascularization; TVR; target-vessel revascularization; ScT; scaffold thrombosis; ScR; scaffold restenosis; ARC; academic research consor
Plasma microRNA signature of patients with IgA nephropathy
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; IgAN; Immunoglobulin A nephropathy; miRNAs; microRNAs; NC; normal control; qRT-PCR; quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction; ROC; receiver operating characteristic curve; AUC; areas under the curve; ESRD; end-stage renal disease; eGFR
Selective catalytic reduction in a rotary air heater (RAH-SCR)
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; Boiler; Rotary air heater; SCR; NOx reduction;
The promoted performance of CeO2 catalyst for NH3-SCR reaction by NH3 treatment
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; SCR; CeO2; NH3 treatment; NOx; Activity;
Enhancement of the NH3-SCR catalytic activity of MnTiOx catalyst by the introduction of Sb
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; NOx; SCR; MnTiOx; Catalyst; Sb; Activity; Characterization;
Heat-treated Dolomite-palygorskite clay supported MnOx catalysts prepared by various methods for low temperature selective catalytic reduction (SCR) with NH3
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; SCR; MnOx/M-DPC catalyst; Precipitation; Catalytic performance;
Discovery of 1-(4-((3-(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl)propyl)amino)benzyl)-5-(trifluoromethyl)pyridin-2(1H)-one, an orally active multi-target agent for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; ACR; albumin-to-creatinine ratio; AUC0-t; area under the curve; BuOH; n-butanol; BUN; blood urea nitrogen; Cmax; peak concentration; C13-NMR; C13-nuclear magnetic resonance; CCr; creatinine clearance rate; CCR2; CCchemkin receptor 2; CDCl3; Deuterotrichlo
De-reducibility mechanism of titanium on maghemite catalysts for the SCR reaction: An in situ DRIFTS and quantitative kinetics study
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; NOx; SCR; Maghemite; DRIFTS; Kinetic;
Enhancement of the SO2 resistance of Mn/TiO2 SCR catalyst by Eu modification: A mechanism study
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; SCR; Mn/TiO2 catalyst; Eu modification; SO2 resistance;
The enhanced SCR performance and SO2 resistance of Mn/TiO2 catalyst by the modification with Nb: A mechanistic study
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; Mn/TiO2 catalyst; SCR; Nb; SO2 tolerance;
Enhanced catalytic efficiency of FeMnTiOx SCR catalysts through adding tourmaline nanopowders during the one-step sol-gel process
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; Tourmaline nanopowders; SCR; FeMnTiOx; Valence distribution; Nanoparticles; Composite materials;
Experimental investigation on the efficiency of a diesel oxidation catalyst in a medium-duty multi-cylinder RCCI engine
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; ATDC; After Top Dead Center; ATS; Aftertreatment System; BSFC; Brake Specific Fuel Consumption; CAD; Crank Angle Degree; CDC; Conventional Diesel Combustion; CI; Compression Ignition; CO; Carbon Monoxide; CR; Compression Ratio; DI; Direct Injection; DMDF;
Role of cerium in improving NO reduction with NH3 over Mn-Ce/ASC catalyst in low-temperature flue gas
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; Mn-Ce/ASC; Low temperature flue gas; SCR; Denitration mechanism;
Quercetin ameliorates kidney injury and fibrosis by modulating M1/M2 macrophage polarization
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; Arg-1; arginase-1; BUN; blood urea nitrogen; ELISA; enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay; IFN-γ; interferon-γ; IL-12; interleukin 12; iNOS; inducible nitric oxide synthase; IRF; interferon regulatory factor; LPS; lipopolysaccharide; NF-κB; nuclear trans
Effect of a Contrast Modulation System on Contrast Media Use and the Rate of Acute Kidney Injury After Coronary Angiography
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; AVERT system; contrast induced acute kidney injury; contrast media volume reduction; contrast modulation; CI-AKI; contrast-induced acute kidney injury; CKD; chronic kidney disease; CMV; contrast media volume; eGFR; estimated glomerular filtration rate; PC
The MEK5/ERK5 mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade is an effector pathway of bone-sustaining bisphosphonates that regulates osteogenic differentiation and mineralization
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; ANOVA; analysis of variance; ANT; adenine-nucleotide-translocase; ALPL; alkaline phosphatase; Apppl; ATP analogue triphosphoric acid-1-adenosine-5â²yl ester 3-(3-methylbut-3-enyl) ester; BP; bisphosphonate; EC; endothelial cell; eNOS; endothelial nitric
Fe-HFER and Cu-HFER as catalysts for the NOX SCR using acetylene as a reducing agent: Reaction mechanism revealed by FT-IR operando study coupled with 15NO isotopic labelling
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; Acetylene; SCR; Ferrierite; NOX; Metal cations; FTIR operando; 15NO;
Influence of fuel properties on multi-cylinder PPC operation over a wide range of EGR and operating conditions
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; PPC; partially premixed combustion; BSFC; brake specific fuel consumption; DPF; diesel particulate filter; CN; cetane number; EPA; environmental protection agency; EGR; exhaust gas recirculation; SCR; selective catalytic reduction; HD; heavy duty; HCCI; h
The enhanced SCR performance of Mn/TiO2 catalyst by Mo modification: Identification of the promotion mechanism
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; Mn/TiO2 catalyst; SCR; Mo modification; Promotion;
The expressional disorder of the renal RAS mediates nephrotic syndrome of male rat offspring induced by prenatal ethanol exposure
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; PEE; prenatal ethanol exposure; GD; gestational day; PW; postnatal week; PD; postnatal day; GDNF; glial-cell-line-derived neurotrophic factor; c-ret; c-ret tyrosine kinase receptor; Ang II; angiotensin II; ACE; angiotensin-converting enzyme; AT2R; angiote
Impacts of an ice-free Northeast Passage on LNG markets and geopolitics
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; AMSA; Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment; BP; British Petroleum; CNPC; China National Petroleum Corporation; EIA; U.S. Energy Information Administration; E&P; Exploration and Production; FID; Final Investment Decision; FSU; Former Soviet Union; GECF; Gas E
Stability of hepatitis C virus RNA and anti-HCV antibody in air-dried and freeze-dried human plasma samples
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; HCV; hepatitis C virus; DTS; dried tube specimens; SCR; signal-to-cutoff ratio; Anti-HCV; antibody to HCV; CLIA; chemiluminescence immunoassay; EQA; external quality assessment; QA; quality control; QA; quality assurance; PT; proficiency testing; Cp; cros
Computational optimization of a combustion system for a stoichiometric DME fueled compression ignition engine
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; ATDC; After Top Dead Center; ACT; apparent combustion time; CAD; Crank Angle Degree (degrees to top dead center); CARB; California Air Resources Board; CFD; computational fluid dynamics; CO; carbon monoxide; COSSO; Component Selection and Smoothing Operat
Analysis of spray dynamics of urea-water-solution jets in a SCR-DeNOx system: An LES based study
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; Large Eddy Simulation; SCR; adBlue injection; Multi-component droplet; Evaporation; Spray dynamics; adBlue spray/gas phase cross flow interaction;
Research paperRemarkable enhancement of the selective catalytic reduction of NO at low temperature by collaborative effect of ethanol and NH3 over silver supported catalyst
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; NOx; SCR; Ethanol; NH3;
Promotion effect of H2 pretreatment on CeO2 catalyst for NH3-SCR reaction
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; CeO2 catalyst; SCR; H2 pretreatment; In situ DRIFT; Mechanism; Rare earths;
Experimental assessment of the bifunctional NH3-SCR pathway and the structural and acid-base properties of WO3 dispersed on CeO2 catalysts
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; NOx; Ammonia; Tungsten; Ceria; SCR; NO oxidation;
Protective effects of Salvia miltiorrhiza on adenine-induced chronic renal failure by regulating the metabolic profiling and modulating the NADPH oxidase/ROS/ERK and TGF-β/Smad signaling pathways
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; CRF; Chronic renal failure; SM; Salvia Miltiorrhizae Radix et Rhizoma; SMWE; Saliva Miltiorrhizae Radix et Rhizoma ethanol extract; SMWE; Salvia Miltiorrhizae Radix et Rhizoma water extract; EMT; epithelial-mesenchymal transition; PCA; Principal component
CO2-free coal-fired power generation by partial oxy-fuel and post-combustion CO2 capture: Techno-economic analysis
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; ABS; absorption column; ASU; air separation unit; BEC; bare erected cost; BF; baghouse filters; CCS; carbon capture and storage; CCTS; carbon capture, transport and storage; CCU; carbon capture and utilization; COE; cost of electricity; CPU; CO2 capture a
Experimental assessment of solid particle number Portable Emissions Measurement Systems (PEMS) for heavy-duty vehicles applications
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; ACEA; European Automobile Manufacturers Association; APC; AVL Particle Counter; CNG; Compressed Natural Gas; CPC; Condensation Particle Counter; CPN; Condensation Particle Number module; DC; Diffusion Charger; DiSC; Diffusion Size Classifier; DOC; Diesel
The growing importance of waste-to-energy (WTE) incineration in China's anthropogenic mercury emissions: Emission inventories and reduction strategies
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; ACI; activated carbon injection; APCD; air pollution control device; CFBC; circulating fluidized-bed combustor; DSI; dry sorbent injection; EF; emission factor; ESP; electrostatic precipitator; FBA; fixed-bed absorber; FF; fabric filter; GDP; gross domest
A review on various after treatment techniques to reduce NOx emissions in a CI engine
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; SCR; NOx; Diesel engine; Pollution; Emission treatment;
MicroRNA 122, Regulated by GRLH2, Protects Livers of Mice and Patients From Ethanol-Induced Liver Disease
Keywords: یکسوساز کنترلشده با سیلیکون; miR-122; AAV; Mouse Model; Ethanol; Gene Expression; ALD; alcoholic liver disease; ALT; alanine aminotransferase; CCl4; carbon tetrachloride; FL; full length; GLuc; Gaussia Luciferase; GRHL2; grainyhead like transcription factor 2; GRHL2-S; splice variant