Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; BMD; bone mineral density; BV/TV; bone volume fraction; BS; bone surface; BFR/BS; bone formation rate/bone surface; CFU-F; CFU-fibroblast; CFU-Ob; CFU-osteoblast; Car2; carbonic anhydrase II; CTSK; cathepsin K; DFO; deferoxamine mesylate; FPN1; ferroporti
مقالات ISI وسیله نقلیه (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Sulpiride; Horses; Vehicle; Antidopaminergic; Prolactin;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; ATR; atropine; CAT; catalase; DAI; Disease Activity Index; DMSO; dimethyl sulfoxide; DSS; dextran sulfate sodium; GSH; reduced glutathione; HE; hematoxylin & eosin; IBD; inflammatory bowel disease; IEC-6; intestinal epithelial cell; LOOH; lipid hydroperox
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Cognition; Content; Mental representation; Psychological explanation; Realizers; Vehicle;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; 1Â G biofuel; First-generation biofuel; 1.5Â G biofuel; 1.5-generation biofuel; 2Â G biofuel; Second-generation biofuel; 3Â G biofuel; Third-generation biofuel; BP; British Petroleum; CAAM; China Association of Automotive Manufacturers; CARB; California A
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Walking; Physical activity; Transportation; Vehicle; Neighborhood environment;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Cellular automata; Traffic simulation; Bicycle; Vehicle; Interference;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Human-systems integration; Risky driving; BYNDS; Vehicle; Vehicle safety rating; Adolescent;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Fuel cell; Electric; Vehicle; Performance; Hydrogen;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Bridge; Composite material; Vehicle; Collision; Experiment; Finite element method;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Nanocrystals; Dermal application; Size; Passive diffusion; Excipients; Vehicle;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Ethanol; Raw material; Vehicle; Infrastructure;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; DOX; doxycycline; KET; ketamine; NORT; novel object recognition test; RIS; risperidone; SIT; social interaction test; VEH; vehicle; YMT; Y-maze test; Schizophrenia; Antipsychotics; Oxidative stress; Antioxidant; Antibiotics;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Capsaicin; Amitriptyline; Forced swimming test; TRPV1; Depression; Palvanil; Ami; Amitriptyline; Cap; capsaicin; CNS; central nervous system; ED50; dose required to achieve 50% of the maximal effect; EPM; elevated plus maze; FDB; flexor digitorium brevis;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; DHE; Dihydroethidium; CD11b; cluster of differentiation molecule 11b; fam; famotidine; Gr-1; granulocytic marker 1; HDC; histidine decarboxylase; his; histidine; HNMT; histamine N-methyltransferase; IR; ischemia reperfusion; H2R; histamine receptor 2; HW;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; AEA; anandamide; BS; behavioral sensitization; CB1; cannabinoid receptor type 1; CB2; cannabinoid receptor type 2; CL; conditioned locomotion; Coc; cocaine; CPP; conditioned place preference; CS+; positive conditioned stimulus; CS-; neutral conditioned st
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Vehicle; structural design safety; operation; self-diagnostic system; artificial neural networks;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Psycho physiological stress; vehicle; transport; safety;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Urban forests; Green space; Pollution; Contaminants; Vehicle;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Diesel; gasoline; LPG; on-board measurement; pollutant; unit emission; vehicle;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; animal; injury; rural; trauma; vehicle;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; strength analysis; ADINA; vehicle; testing device ;;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; TQ; thymoquinone; Rot; rotenone; SN; substantia nigra; ST; striatum; TH; tyrosine hydroxylase; V; vehicle; Apo; apomorphine; SEM; standard error of the mean; Parkinson's disease; Rotenone; Thymoquinone; Neuroprotection;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Moving load; pavement; computing model; vehicle; beam on elastic foundation; Finite Element Methods;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Road safety; optimization; vehicle; criterion; service life;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Skin care; Vehicle; Topical administration; Nursing; Cosmetics/administration & dosage; Cosmetics;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; DUI; DWI; Alcohol; Fine; Jail; Vehicle;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Ecological species group (eco-group); Forensic marker; Footwear; Plant species; Vegetation database; Vehicle;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Heat stroke; Myocardial injury; Quercetin; Oxidative stress; Inflammation; MAP; mean arterial pressure; HR; heart rate; NC; normothermic controls; V; vehicle; Q; quercetin; HS; heat stroke; PBS; phosphate buffered saline; CK; creatine kinase; PV; pressure
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Vehicle; electronic control system; automotive forensic expert examination; technical diagnosis;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Buried high explosive; IED; Momentum transfer; Specific impulse; Local momentum distribution; Vehicle; Detonation; Ring arrangement setup; Quartz sand; Alluvial sand; Depth of burial; Water content; Saturation; X-ray; High-speed camera;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Vehicle; Pedestrian; Exposures; Carbon monoxide and volatile organic compounds;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Sleep deprivation; Fatigue; Vehicle; Motion sickness; Nausea; Vigilance; Performance;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Collision; Vehicle; Pier; Finite element; Model; Response spectrum method;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Vehicle; Emission control; Scenario; Yangtze River Delta;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Technological innovation system; Recycling; End-of-Life; Vehicle; Car; Iron;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; DCX; doublecortin; DG; dentate gyrus; DI; discrimination indices; ELS; early-life stress; EPM; Elevated Plus Maze; HPA; hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal; MD; maternal deprivation; MIF; mifepristone; NMD; non-maternally deprived; OLT; object-in-location
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; 5-HIAA; 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid; AMPA; aminohydroxymethyl isoxazole propionate receptor; ANOVA; analysis of variance; BLA; basolateral nucleus of the amygdala; CA; Ammon's horn of the hippocampus; CB1; cannabinoid subtype 1 receptor; CB2; cannabin
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Design; Vehicle; Optimization; Genetic programming; Gradient-free optimization;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; pedestrian; multiple; detection; tracking; association; vehicle
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Eco-driving; optimization; vehicle; energy reduction
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Traffic modeling; traffic; simulation; queuing theory; vehicle; signal-controlled road intersections; traffic management; ring road; matrix of correspondence; traffic optimization
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Efficiency; Fleet; Vehicle; Principal component analysis; Data envelopment analysis;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Glucocorticoid; Non-genomic effect; Glucose uptake; C2C12 myotube; Contraction; Glut4 translocation; GCs; glucocorticoids; GRE; glucocorticoid response element; GR; glucocorticoid receptor; AMPK; 5â²-monophosphate (AMP)-activated protein kinase; CaMKII;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Crosswalk; Pedestrian; Vehicle; Cumulative prospect theory; Evolutionary game;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Road dust; Vehicle; Aerosol dispersion; Fugitive emissions; Re-suspension; Unpaved road;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; vehicle; suspension; shock absorber; sprung mass; deformation; oscillation cycle; inefficient work area.
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Air-powered; System design; Mechatronic; Vehicle;
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Vehicle; Hydrogen; Gasoline; Fuel consumption; Emissions; New European Driving Cycle (NEDC);
Keywords: وسیله نقلیه; Vehicle; Topical; Antifungal; Adherence;