کد مقاله کد نشریه سال انتشار مقاله انگلیسی نسخه تمام متن
503843 863829 2008 30 صفحه PDF دانلود رایگان
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله ISI
POTHMF: A program for computing potential curves and matrix elements of the coupled adiabatic radial equations for a hydrogen-like atom in a homogeneous magnetic field
موضوعات مرتبط
مهندسی و علوم پایه شیمی شیمی تئوریک و عملی
پیش نمایش صفحه اول مقاله
POTHMF: A program for computing potential curves and matrix elements of the coupled adiabatic radial equations for a hydrogen-like atom in a homogeneous magnetic field
چکیده انگلیسی

A FORTRAN 77 program is presented which calculates with the relative machine precision potential curves and matrix elements of the coupled adiabatic radial equations for a hydrogen-like atom in a homogeneous magnetic field. The potential curves are eigenvalues corresponding to the angular oblate spheroidal functions that compose adiabatic basis which depends on the radial variable as a parameter. The matrix elements of radial coupling are integrals in angular variables of the following two types: product of angular functions and the first derivative of angular functions in parameter, and product of the first derivatives of angular functions in parameter, respectively. The program calculates also the angular part of the dipole transition matrix elements (in the length form) expressed as integrals in angular variables involving product of a dipole operator and angular functions. Moreover, the program calculates asymptotic regular and irregular matrix solutions of the coupled adiabatic radial equations at the end of interval in radial variable needed for solving a multi-channel scattering problem by the generalized R-matrix method. Potential curves and radial matrix elements computed by the POTHMF program can be used for solving the bound state and multi-channel scattering problems. As a test desk, the program is applied to the calculation of the energy values, a short-range reaction matrix and corresponding wave functions with the help of the KANTBP program. Benchmark calculations for the known photoionization cross-sections are presented.Program summaryProgram title:POTHMFCatalogue identifier:AEAA_v1_0Program summary URL:http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/AEAA_v1_0.htmlProgram obtainable from:CPC Program Library, Queen's University, Belfast, N. IrelandLicensing provisions:Standard CPC licence, http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/licence/licence.htmlNo. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.:8123No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.:131 396Distribution format:tar.gzProgramming language:FORTRAN 77Computer:Intel Xeon EM64T, Alpha 21264A, AMD Athlon MP, Pentium IV Xeon, Opteron 248, Intel Pentium IVOperating system:OC Linux, Unix AIX 5.3, SunOS 5.8, Solaris, Windows XPRAM:Depends on1.the number of radial differential equations;2.the number and order of finite elements;3.the number of radial points. Test run requires 4 MBClassification:2.5External routines:POTHMF uses some Lapack routines, copies of which are included in the distribution (see README file for details).Nature of problem:In the multi-channel adiabatic approach the Schrödinger equation for a hydrogen-like atom in a homogeneous magnetic field of strength γ   (γ=B/B0γ=B/B0, B0≅2.35×105 TB0≅2.35×105 T is a dimensionless parameter which determines the field strength B) is reduced by separating the radial coordinate, r  , from the angular variables, (θ,φ)(θ,φ), and using a basis of the angular oblate spheroidal functions [3] to a system of second-order ordinary differential equations which contain first-derivative coupling terms [4]. The purpose of this program is to calculate potential curves and matrix elements of radial coupling needed for calculating the low-lying bound and scattering states of hydrogen-like atoms in a homogeneous magnetic field of strength 0<γ⩽10000<γ⩽1000 within the adiabatic approach [5]. The program evaluates also asymptotic regular and irregular matrix radial solutions of the multi-channel scattering problem needed to extract from the R-matrix a required symmetric shortrange open-channel reaction matrix K [6] independent from matching point [7]. In addition, the program computes the dipole transition matrix elements in the length form between the basis functions that are needed for calculating the dipole transitions between the low-lying bound and scattering states and photoionization cross sections [8].Solution method:The angular oblate spheroidal eigenvalue problem depending on the radial variable is solved using a series expansion in the Legendre polynomials [3]. The resulting tridiagonal symmetric algebraic eigenvalue problem for the evaluation of selected eigenvalues, i.e. the potential curves, is solved by the LDLT factorization using the DSTEVR program [2]. Derivatives of the eigenfunctions with respect to the radial variable which are contained in matrix elements of the coupled radial equations are obtained by solving the inhomogeneous algebraic equations. The corresponding algebraic problem is solved by using the LDLT factorization with the help of the DPTTRS program [2]. Asymptotics of the matrix elements at large values of radial variable are computed using a series expansion in the associated Laguerre polynomials [9]. The corresponding matching points between the numeric and asymptotic solutions are found automatically. These asymptotics are used for the evaluation of the asymptotic regular and irregular matrix radial solutions of the multi-channel scattering problem [7]. As a test desk, the program is applied to the calculation of the energy values of the ground and excited bound states and reaction matrix of multi-channel scattering problem for a hydrogen atom in a homogeneous magnetic field using the KANTBP program [10].Restrictions:The computer memory requirements depend on:1.the number of radial differential equations;2.the number and order of finite elements;3.the total number of radial points. Restrictions due to dimension sizes can be changed by resetting a small number of PARAMETER statements before recompiling (see Introduction and listing for details).Running time:The running time depends critically upon:1.the number of radial differential equations;2.the number and order of finite elements;3.the total number of radial points on interval [rmin,rmax][rmin,rmax]. The test run which accompanies this paper took 7 s required for calculating of potential curves, radial matrix elements, and dipole transition matrix elements on a finite-element grid on interval [rmin=0rmin=0, rmax=100rmax=100] used for solving discrete and continuous spectrum problems and obtaining asymptotic regular and irregular matrix radial solutions at rmax=100rmax=100 for continuous spectrum problem on the Intel Pentium IV 2.4 GHz. The number of radial differential equations was equal to 6. The accompanying test run using the KANTBP program took 2 s for solving discrete and continuous spectrum problems using the above calculated potential curves, matrix elements and asymptotic regular and irregular matrix radial solutions. Note, that in the accompanied benchmark calculations of the photoionization cross-sections from the bound states of a hydrogen atom in a homogeneous magnetic field to continuum we have used interval [rmin=0rmin=0, rmax=1000rmax=1000] for continuous spectrum problem. The total number of radial differential equations was varied from 10 to 18.References:[1]W.H. Press, S.A. Teukolsky, W.T. Vetterling, B.P. Flannery, Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1986.[2]http://www.netlib.org/lapack/.[3]M. Abramovits, I.A. Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Dover, New York, 1965.[4]U. Fano, Colloq. Int. C.N.R.S. 273 (1977) 127; A.F. Starace, G.L. Webster, Phys. Rev. A 19 (1979) 1629–1640; C.V. Clark, K.T. Lu, A.F. Starace, in: H.G. Beyer, H. Kleinpoppen (Eds.), Progress in Atomic Spectroscopy, Part C, Plenum, New York, 1984, pp. 247–320; U. Fano, A.R.P. Rau, Atomic Collisions and Spectra, Academic Press, Florida, 1986.[5]M.G. 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Database: Elsevier - ScienceDirect (ساینس دایرکت)
Journal: Computer Physics Communications - Volume 178, Issue 4, 15 February 2008, Pages 301–330
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