Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Temporal lobe epilepsy; Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures; Emotional regulation; Skin conductance responses; Psychiatric comorbidities;
مقالات ISI تنظیمات احساسی (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Oxytocin; Bulimia nervosa; Anger; Emotional regulation; Attentional bias;
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Dating violence; Emotional intelligence; Emotional regulation; Adolescence;
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Poly-victimization; Binge drinking; Self-Regulation; Impulse control; Emotional regulation; Young Adulthood;
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Adverse childhood experiences; Household and community; National Survey of Child Health; Children and adolescents; Emotional regulation; Allostatic load;
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Authentic movement; Mover; Volition; Embodiment; Emotional regulation;
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Early weaning; Social deprivation; Wild rat; Exploration; Learning; Emotional regulation; Pre-juvenile; Peers;
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Emotional regulation; Cognitive control; Mental resources; Reward processing; Self-control; Resource depletion; Mental fatigue; Anxiety;
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Chronic pain; Emotional regulation; Low-back pain; Rumination; Somatosensory amplification; Transdiagnostic approach;
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Alexithymia; Emotional regulation; Voxel-based morphometry; Difficulty identifying feelings; Difficulty describing feelings;
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Attachment anxiety; Attachment avoidance; Emotional regulation; Risky sex; Sexting; Sexual behavior;
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Behaviorally and emotionally dysregulated youth; Elastic net; Emotional regulation; Longitudinal; Neural mechanism; Penalized regression;
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Music psychotherapy; Improvisational music therapy; Resonance frequency breathing; Heart rate variability; Emotional regulation; Anxiety;
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Integrative medicine; Mood management; Herbal therapies; Diet and supplements; Meaning and purpose; Spirituality; Mind-body therapies; Physical therapies; Emotional regulation;
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Self-assessment; Self-regulated learning; Self-efficacy; Self-evaluation; Self-regulation; Learning strategies; Motivation; Gender educational differences; Self-regulated learning measurement; Emotional regulation;
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Disociación; Personalidad; Sugestionabilidad; Alexitimia; Regulación emocional; Dissociation; Personality; Suggestibility; Alexithymia; Emotional regulation;
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Antisocial behavior; Early identification; Treatment; Callous-unemotional traits; Emotional regulation; Diagnosis;
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Family incivility; Counterproductive work behavior; State self-esteem; Emotional regulation; Work-home resources model;
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Pyroglutamyl peptide; Antidepressant-like effect; Emotional regulation; Neurogenesis; Gluten
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Emotions; Emotional health; Emotional regulation; Professional face; Self awareness;
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Parent training; Emotional regulation; Cognitive behavioral therapy; Prevention; Chinese cultural groups;
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Smoking; Craving; Reappraisal; Suppression; Defusion; Acceptance and Commitment Therapy; Emotional regulation;
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; VP, very preterm; VLBW, very low birth weight; FT, full-termVery preterm children; Emotion; Emotional regulation; Executive functions; Effortful control; Development
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Dialectical behaviour therapy; Emotional regulation; Deliberate self-harm;
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Preterm infants; Early intervention; Development; Effectiveness; Behavior; Mother-infant interaction; Emotional regulation; Mediator;
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures; Conversion disorder; Alexithymia; Emotional regulation; Attachment;
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Emotional regulation; Dyadic play; Social adjustment; Intellectual disability;
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Mindfulness; Emotional regulation; Attachment theory; Depression; Sequential mediation model
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Adolescent; Drug abuse prevention; Emotional regulation; Executive function; Impulse control; Inhibitory control; Mindfulness
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Trichotillomania; Hair-pulling disorder; Internet survey; Emotional regulation; Body-focused repetitive behaviour (BFRB)
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Serious games; Emotional regulation; User interface; Adolescents; Embodiment
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; T2D; HbA1c; Emotional regulation; Emotional intelligence
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Childbirth experience; Childbearing women; Emotional regulation; Midwives
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Emotional exhaustion; Emotional regulation; Emotional intelligence; Emotional politics; Professional development; Relationships; Student emotions; Teacher education; Teacher emotion; Teacher identity
Estrogen levels, emotion regulation, and emotional symptoms of women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder: The moderating effect of estrogen receptor 1α polymorphism
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Premenstrual dysphoric disorder; Estrogen; Estrogen receptor α; Menstrual cycle; Emotional regulation;
Peer victimization and diurnal cortisol rhythm among children affected by parental HIV: Mediating effects of emotional regulation and gender differences
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Peer victimization; Emotional regulation; Diurnal cortisol; Gender differences; Mediation;
Le délaissement parental : quelles conséquences sur la régulation émotionnelle des enfants et adolescents placés en famille d'accueil ?
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Délaissement parental; Parcours de placement; Discontinuité; Régulation émotionnelle; Stratégie de coping; Tempérament; Enfance; Adolescence; Famille d'accueil; Parental abandonment; Placement trajectory; Discontinuity; Emotional regulation; Copin
Neural substrates of the emotion-word and emotional counting Stroop tasks in healthy and clinical populations: A meta-analysis of functional brain imaging studies
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Emotion-word Stroop; Emotional counting Stroop; Activation likelihood estimation; fMRI; Meta-analysis; Cognitive control; Emotional regulation;
Perfiles de regulación emocional y estrés académico en estudiantes de fisioterapia
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Regulación emocional; Estrés académico; Perfiles; Estudiantes universitarios; Estresores; Emotional regulation; Academic stress; Profiles; University students; Stressors;
Yoga Therapy for the Mind Eight-Week Course: Participants׳ Experiences
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; yoga; mindfulness; emotional regulation; depression; anxiety; mental health;
Ãvaluation d'une intervention par conférence web à l'intention d'aidantes d'un proche atteint d'un trouble neurocognitif sévère
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Conférence web; Proches aidantes; Trouble neurocognitif sévère; Groupe; Régulation des émotions; Web conference; Family caregiver; Major neurocognitive disorders; Group intervention; Emotional regulation;
Uncinate fasciculus connectivity in patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures: A preliminary diffusion tensor tractography study
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures; Diffusion tensor imaging; Tractography; Uncinate fasciculus; Emotional regulation;
The Situational Test of Emotional Management – Brief (STEM-B): Development and validation using item response theory and latent class analysis
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Emotional intelligence; Emotional regulation; Situational judgment test; Latent class analysis; Item response theory
El volumen de la amígdala como predictor del desempeño en tareas de regulación emocional: aplicación de nuevas técnicas de morfometría basada en vóxeles
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Amígdala; Morfometría basada en vóxeles; Regulación emocional; Solución de problemas emocionales; Sistema límbicoAmygdala; Voxel based morphometry; Emotional regulation; Emotional solving problems; Limbic system
Positive benefits of caring on nurses’ motivation and well-being: A diary study about the role of emotional regulation abilities at work
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Emotional job demands; Emotional regulation; Nursing; Positive affect; Vigour; Vitality
Attachement narratif, fonction réflexive et régulation émotionnelle chez des sujets déprimés
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Dépression; Femme; Attachement narratif; Réflexivité; Régulation émotionnelle; Edicode; Discours; QuestionnaireDepression; Women; Narrative attachment; Reflexivity; Emotional regulation; Edicode; Discourse; Interview
Procesamiento emocional en pacientes TCA adultas vs. adolescentes. Reconocimiento y regulación emocional
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Anorexia; Bulimia; Adolescentes; Alexitimia; Regulación; emocionalAnorexia; Bulimia; Adolescents; Alexithymia; Emotional regulation
Social-emotional delays at 2 years in extremely low gestational age survivors: Correlates of impaired orientation/engagement and emotional regulation
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; ELGAN; Extremely Low Gestational Age Newborn; ER; Emotional Regulation; O/E; Orientation Engagement; NO/Q; non-optimal or questionable; BSID-II; Bayley Scales Infant Development-II; BRS; Behavior Rating Scale; MDI; Mental Development Index; PDI; Psychomot
The Spanish version of the Emotional Labour Scale (ELS): A validation study
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Emotional labor; Emotional regulation; Emotional work; Emotional management; Nursing; Nursing student; Instrument validation; Factor analysis
Estime de soi et bien-être émotionnel des élèves en difficulté scolaire : une étude en vie quotidienne
Keywords: تنظیمات احساسی; Réussite scolaire; Anxiété; Dépression; Estime de soi; Gestion émotionnelle; Academic achievement; Anxiety; Depression; Self esteem; Emotional regulation;