Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Latent variables; Knowledge engineering; Bayesian networks
مقالات ISI متغیرهای باقیمانده (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Structural equation modeling of multiple-indicator multimethod-multioccasion data: A primer
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Longitudinal confirmatory factor analysis; Multitrait-multimethod; Multiple reporters; Measurement equivalence; Structural equation modeling; Multistate model; Latent variables; Inattention;
Identification of oil, sugar and crude fiber during tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) seed development based on near infrared spectroscopy
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Tobacco seed; Seed development; Seed composition; Near infrared spectroscopy; 1st D; first derivate; LS-SVM; least-squares support vector machine; LVs; latent variables; MC-UVE; Monte Carlo uninformative variable elimination; MSC; multiplicative scatter c
FTIR-PAS coupled to partial least squares for prediction of ash content, volatile matter, fixed carbon and calorific value of coal
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; SIMPLS; Statistically Inspired Modification of Partial Least Square; MCCV; Monte Carlo cross-validation; LVs; Latent variables; SEC; Standard error of calibration; SECV; Standard error of cross-validation; RD; Substitution error; (RCV2); The coefficient o
Consumer segmentation in multi-attribute product evaluation by means of non-negatively constrained CLV3W
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Consumer segmentation; Three-way structure; Clustering of variables; CLV; CLV3W; Clusterwise Parafac; Latent variables; Acceptance patterns; Non-negativity;
Input uncertainty on watershed modeling: Evaluation of precipitation and air temperature data by latent variables using SWAT
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Input uncertainty; Latent variables; Model calibration; Precipitation; Air temperature; SWAT; IPEAT;
Modeling car-sharing membership as a mobility tool: A multivariate Probit approach with latent variables
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Car-ownership; Car-sharing; Season ticket; Mobility tool; Multivariate probit; Attitudes; Latent variables;
A framework for identifying the adaptations responsible for differences in pegboard times between middle-aged and older adults
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Pegboard tests; Middle-aged; Older adults; Manual dexterity; Latent variables; Independent component analysis;
Identification and quantification of turkey meat adulteration in fresh, frozen-thawed and cooked minced beef by FT-NIR spectroscopy and chemometrics
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; AUC; area under the ROC curve; AUCC; area under the ROC curve for calibration; AUCCV; area under the ROC curve for cross-validation; AUCP; area under the ROC curve for prediction; C; cooked meat samples; d1; first derivative; d2; second derivative; DNA; d
Joint diversity regularization and graph regularization for multiple kernel k-means clustering via latent variables
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Clustering; Kernel k-means; Latent variables; Diversity regularization; Graph regularization;
On accommodating spatial interactions in a Generalized Heterogeneous Data Model (GHDM) of mixed types of dependent variables
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Spatial econometrics; Multidimensional mixed data models; Latent variables; Maximum approximate composite marginal likelihood (MACML) estimation;
Development of a NIRS calibration for total antioxidant capacity in maize germplasm
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; ABTS; 2,2â²-Azino-Bis/3-Ethylbenzthiazoline-6-Sulphonic Acid; DPPH; 2,2-Diphenyl-1-Picrylhydrazyl; EMSC; Extended Multiplicative Scatter Correction; LV; Latent Variables; MSC; Multiplicative Scatter Correction; NIRS; near-Infra-red Reflectance Spectrosco
On-line sequential extreme learning machine based on recursive partial least squares
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Single-hidden layer feedforward neural networks; Least-squares; Partial least-squares; Latent variables;
Behavioral and fMRI evidence of the differing cognitive load of domain-specific assessments
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; BOLD; blood oxygenation level-dependent; fMRI; functional magnetic resonance imaging; LV; latent variables; MI; misspelled identified; MNI; Montreal Neurological Institute; MU; misspelled unidentified; NAPLAN; National Assessment Program - Literacy and
Assessment of input uncertainty by seasonally categorized latent variables using SWAT
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Input uncertainty; Latent variables; Model calibration; IPEAT; SWAT;
State of the aRt personality research: A tutorial on network analysis of personality data in R
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Network analysis; Psychometrics; Latent variables; Centrality; Clustering; Personality traits; HEXACO
Estimation of a regression function corresponding to latent variables
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; 62G08; 62G20Common factor analysis; Latent variables; Least squares; Nonparametric regression; Consistency
Non-negative matrix factorization of multimodal MRI, fMRI and phenotypic data reveals differential changes in default mode subnetworks in ADHD
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; fMRI; Multimodal data; NMF; ADHD; Phenotype; MRI; Latent variables; Biomarkers; Sparsity; Machine learning; Topic modeling; Attention deficit; Default mode;
Bayesian semiparametric analysis of short- and long-term hazard ratios with covariates
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Bayesian nonparametrics; Crossing hazards; Increasing additive process; Lévy-driven process; Latent variables; Survival analysis;
Modeling rating data with Nonlinear CUB models
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; CUB models; Decision process; Latent variables; Ordinal data; Rating data; Transition probability; Eurobarometer
Subscale structure for the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS): A proposed solution focused on clinical validity
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA); Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS); Psychotic symptoms; Latent variables; Schizophrenia;
NMR-based metabonomic in hippocampus, nucleus accumbens and prefrontal cortex of methamphetamine-sensitized rats
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; MAP; methamphetamine; NMR; nuclear magnetic resonance; PFC; prefrontal cortex; NAC; nucleus accumbens; PLS-DA; partial least squares discriminant analysis; TSP; (3-trimethylsilyl)-2,2,3,3-tetradeuteriopropionate; LVs; Latent Variables; NAA; N-acetyl-aspar
Two online dam safety monitoring models based on the process of extracting environmental effect
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Dam safety monitoring; Environmental variables; Latent variables; Square prediction error; Contributions plot; Support vector machines
A method for detecting hidden additivity in two-factor unreplicated experiments
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Interaction effects; Latent variables; Non-additivity
Directional data analysis under the general projected normal distribution
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Bivariate normal distribution; Circular data; Concentration; Latent variables; Markov chain Monte Carlo; Mean direction
Improving the analysis of road pricing acceptability surveys by using hybrid models
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Road pricing; Acceptability; Latent variables; Hybrid models; Perception of fairness
Model-based clustering, classification, and discriminant analysis of data with mixed type
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Classification; Clustering; Discriminant analysis; Latent variables; Mixed type; Mixture models
Practical and empirical identifiability of hybrid discrete choice models
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Hybrid discrete choice models; Latent variables; Identifiability
Taking account of the role of safety on vehicle choice using a new generation of discrete choice models
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Vehicle choice; Latent variables; Car safety; Hybrid discrete choice;
A latent variable framework for modeling dyadic measures in research on shared decision-making
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; shared decision-making; patient involvement; structural equation modeling; latent variables; inter-rater agreementPartizipative Entscheidungsfindung; Patientenbeteiligung; Strukturgleichungsmodelle; latente Variablen; Inter-Rater Übereinstimmung
Inverse problem for multivariate time series using dynamical latent variables
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Inverse problem; Time series; Latent variables; Gene expression data;
Human reliability analysis—Taxonomy and praxes of human entropy boundary conditions for marine and offshore applications
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Entropy; Latent variables; Taxonomy; Praxes; Tripartite; Hypothetical constructs
Latent variables in discrete choice experiments
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Structural equations; Latent variables; Discrete choice experiments;
The tyranny of international index rankings
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; C43; O15; H77; International indexes; Ranking; Latent variables;
A criterion-based model comparison statistic for structural equation models with heterogeneous data
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; 62F15; 62H99; 65C05Bayesian approach; Latent variables; LvLv measure; Calibration distribution; MCMC algorithm
Biomarkers in the early period of acute myocardial infarction in rat serum and protective effects of Shexiang Baoxin Pill using a metabolomic method
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; SBP; Shexiang Baoxin Pill; AMI; acute myocardial infarction; TCM; traditional Chinese medicine; CVs; cardiovascular diseases; LC-MS; liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry; NMR; nuclear magnetic resonance; LADCA; left anterior descending coronary art
A Bayesian analysis on time series structural equation models
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Structural equation model; Latent variables; Time series; MCMC
A Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes (MIMIC) model of Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms in Dementia (BPSD)
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Alzheimer's disease (AD); BPSD; Behavioural sub-phenotypes; Structural Equation Modelling (SEM); Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA); Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes (MIMIC) model; Factors; Latent variables; Differential Item Functioning (DIF); Neurops
Multivariate data analysis in pharmaceutics: A tutorial review
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Multivariate analysis; Latent variables; Pretreatment; Variable selection; PAT; Pharmaceutics
A Bayesian analysis of an agricultural field trial with three spatial dimensions
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Bayesian; Conditional autoregressive (CAR) models; Cubic radial bases; Errors-in-variables; Field trial; Latent variables; Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC); Markov random field (MRF); Orthogonal polynomials; Spatial autocorrelation; Splines; Variance compo
Approximate Bayesian inference in spatial GLMM with skew normal latent variables
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Approximate Bayesian inference; Closed skew normal distribution; Geostatistics; Latent variables; MCMC; Skew normal distribution; Spatial generalized linear mixed model
Latent temporal preferences: An application to airline travel
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Airline demand; Time of day demand; Schedule delay; Discrete choice; Latent variables; Finite mixture models
Regression analysis of longitudinal data with time-dependent covariates in the presence of informative observation and censoring times
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Generalized estimating equations; Informative observation times; Joint modeling; Latent variables; Model checking; Time-varying coefficient
Residential location and transit-oriented development in a new rail corridor
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Transit-oriented development; Relocation decision; Discrete choice models; Latent variables; Latent classes
Structural Choice Modelling: Theory and Applications to Combining Choice Experiments
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Choice Models; Discrete Choice Experiments; Latent Variables; Structural Equation Models;
Prediction intervals in Partial Least Squares regression via a new local linearization approach
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Measurement uncertainty; Multivariate calibration; Latent variables; Prediction intervals; Local linearization; Jacobian matrix
Inclusion of latent variables in Mixed Logit models: Modelling and forecasting
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Latent variables; Discrete choice models; Mixed Logit; Forecasting
Does quality influence choice of general practitioner? An analysis of matched doctor-patient panel data
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; C23; C33; D83; H51; H75; I11; I18; GP services; Health care quality; Health care demand; Latent variables; LISREL model; Panel data; Norway;
Co-determination of capital structure and stock returns—A LISREL approach: An empirical test of Taiwan stock markets
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; Capital structure; Stock returns; Simultaneous equations; Latent variables; LISREL
Nonlinear modelling of target leverage with latent determinant variables — new evidence on the trade-off theory
Keywords: متغیرهای باقیمانده; G32; G33; C61Capital structure; Nonlinear model; Latent variables; Trade-off theory