Keywords: پیک ها; Toxoplasma gondii; Peyer's patches; Ileum; Mesenteric lymph node; Interferon gamma (IFN-γ);
مقالات ISI پیک ها (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: پیک ها; Gut; Associated lymphatic tissue; Water; Fasting; Gut morphology; ERAS; GALT; Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissue; PP; Peyer's Patches; IEL; Lymphocytes in intraepithelial Spaces; LPL; Lymphocytes in lamina Propria; PN; Parenteral Nutrition; EN; Enteral Nutrit
Keywords: پیک ها; DCs; dendritic cells; FAE; follicle-associated epithelia; GALT; gut-associated lymphatic tissues; GC; germinal center; GIT; gastrointestinal tract; GMs; glucan microparticles; GRAS; generally recognized as safe; HPV; human papilloma virus; IBD; inflammato
Keywords: پیک ها; Linfocitos T; Linfocitos B; Timo; Médula ósea; Ãrganos linfoides secundarios; Bazo; Ganglio linfático; Placas de Peyer; T lymphocytes; B lymphocytes; Thymus; Bone marrow; Secondary lymphoid organs; Spleen; Lymphoid node; Peyer's patches;
Keywords: پیک ها; Dendritic cells; Macrophages; Peyer's patches; Mucosal immunity; Small intestine
Keywords: پیک ها; Parenteral glutamine supplementation; Enteral nutrition; Peyer's patches; Immunoglobulin A; Sepsis;
Mucosal immunomodulatory evaluation and chemical profile elucidation of a classical traditional Chinese formula, Bu-Zhong-Yi-Qi-Tang
Keywords: پیک ها; Bu-Zhong-Yi-Qi-Tang (BZYQT); Peyer's patches; Immunomodulation; Chemical profile; UPLC-Q/TOF-MS;
A novel mouse model for tracking the fate of CXCR5-expressing T cells
Keywords: پیک ها; Follicular helper T cells; CXCR5; Memory T cells; Humoral immunity; GC; Germinal center; Tfh; Follicular helper T; OVA; Ovalbumin; CXC-R5; C-X-C chemokine receptor type 5; CCR7; C-C chemokine receptor type 7; ICOS; Inducible costimulator; PD-1; Programmed
MicroRNAs 15A and 16-1 Activate Signaling Pathways That Mediate Chemotaxis of Immune Regulatory B cells to Colorectal Tumors
Keywords: پیک ها; Immune Regulation; Tumor Immunosuppression; microRNA15A/16-1; Colon Cancer Model; AD; azoxymethane with dextran sodium sulfate; CAC; colitis-associated colorectal cancer; CRC; colorectal cancer; CXCL; chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand; DSS; dextran sodium
Biphasic Ccl20 regulation by Toll-like receptor 9 through the activation of ERK-AP-1 and non-canonical NF-κB signaling pathways
Keywords: پیک ها; IEC; intestinal epithelial cells; EC; epithelial cells; LTβR; lymphotoxin β receptor; ActD; actinomycin D; DC; dendritic cells; FAE; follicle-associated epithelium; PP; Peyer's Patches; ILF; isolated lymphoid follicles; TLR; Toll-like receptor; PRR; pat
Postnatal lethality and abnormal development of foregut and spleen in Ndrg4 mutant mice
Keywords: پیک ها; Growth retardation; Hyperkeratosis; Erythrocyte; Conditional knockout; NDRG; N-myc downstream regulated gene; ES; embryonic stem; PP; Peyer's patches; wt; wild-type; wp; white pulp; rp; red pulp;
Augmentation of T helper type 1 immune response through intestinal immunity in murine cutaneous herpes simplex virus type 1 infection by probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum strain 06CC2
Keywords: پیک ها; Probiotics; Th1 immunity; HSV; DTH; Peyer's patches; NK cell activity
Basic nutritional investigationHigh-fat-diet-induced obesity is associated with decreased antiinflammatory Lactobacillus reuteri sensitive to oxidative stress in mouse Peyer's patches
Keywords: پیک ها; Diet-induced obesity; High-fat diet; Lactobacillus reuteri; Peyer's patches; Anti-inflammatory response;
Systemic administration of RANKL overcomes the bottleneck of oral vaccine delivery through microfold cells in ileum
Keywords: پیک ها; M cells; RANKL; Peyer's patches; Dendritic cells; Oral vaccine;
Increased serum IgA in Fcα/μR-deficient mice on the (129 x C57BL/6) F1 genetic background
Keywords: پیک ها; Fcα/μR; IgA; Peyer's patches; FDC; Germinal center
The novel adjuvant dmLT promotes dose sparing, mucosal immunity and longevity of antibody responses to the inactivated polio vaccine in a murine model
Keywords: پیک ها; IPV; formalin inactivated poliovirus vaccine; OPV; oral poliovirus vaccine; dmLT; double mutant heat-labile enterotoxin from E. coli LT(R192G/L211A); PV; poliovirus; ID; intradermal; IM; intramuscular; DU; D antigen units; PP; Peyer's patches; dmLT; Polio
β-glucan microparticles targeted to epithelial APN as oral antigen delivery system
Keywords: پیک ها; GP; β-glucan microparticle; mAb; monoclonal antibodies; APN; aminopeptidase N; PLGA; poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid); MAMPs; microbe-associated molecular patterns; PP; Peyer's patches; ROS; reactive oxygen radicals; MoDCs; monocyte-derived dendritic cells;
Antiallergic activity of probiotics from Mongolian dairy products on type I allergy in mice and mode of antiallergic action
Keywords: پیک ها; Type I allergy; Probiotics; Mast cells; Th1/Th2 balance; Cytokine; Peyer's patches
Burn-injury affects gut-associated lymphoid tissues derived CD4+ T cells
Keywords: پیک ها; Immune homeostasis; Immune suppression; Peyer's patches; Mesentric lymph nodes; CD4+CD25+ T cells; Apoptosis
Novel Bregs down-regulate TLR9-induced cytokine responses in sheep Peyer's patches
Keywords: پیک ها; Immune regulation; Regulatory cells; Bregs; Peyer's patches; Toll-like receptors; TLR9; CpG ODN; Sheep;
Assessment of gastrointestinal pH, fluid and lymphoid tissue in the guinea pig, rabbit and pig, and implications for their use in drug development
Keywords: پیک ها; Gastrointestinal tract; Physiology; Anatomy; pH; Fluid volumes; Water content; Lymphoid follicles; Peyer's patches; Gut associated lymphoid tissue (GALT); Colonic vaccination; Pre-clinical studies; Rabbit; Guinea pig; Pig
Tolerance to Ingested Deamidated Gliadin in Mice is Maintained by Splenic, Type 1 Regulatory T Cells
Keywords: پیک ها; Food Allergy; Mucosal Tolerance Induction; Treg Cells; Immune Regulation; BM-DC; bone marrow-derived dendritic cells; DC; dendritic cell; DTH; delayed-type hypersensitivity; FACS; fluorescence-activated cell sorter; IFN; interferon; IL; interleukin; MLN
Differences in transcriptomic profile and IgA repertoire between jejunal and ileal Peyer's patches
Keywords: پیک ها; Piglet; Peyer's patches; Cytokines; Ig repertoire;
Association of Lactobacillus acidophilus with mice Peyer's patches
Keywords: پیک ها; Lactobacillus; Peyer's patches; Mannose-specific adhesion; Adhesion inhibition; Pathogens
Development of the thymus and Peyer's patches in the first year of life in red deer (Cervus elaphus)
Keywords: پیک ها; Involution; Peyer's patches; Thymus; Red deer
Effects of early enteral nutrition supplemented with arginine on intestinal mucosal immunity in severely burned mice
Keywords: پیک ها; Arginine; Enteral nutrition; Peyer's patches; Cytokines; Immunoglobulin A; Burns
Effect of the administration of Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei NTU 101 on Peyer's patch-mediated mucosal immunity
Keywords: پیک ها; Peyer's patches; Mucosal immunity; Immunomodulation; Probiotics
Liposomal oral DNA vaccine (mycobacterium DNA) elicits immune response
Keywords: پیک ها; PP; Peyer's patches; GALT; gut-associated lymphoid tissues; MLN; mesenteric lymph nodes; M cells; microfold cells; DCs; dendritic cells; FAE; follicle-associated epithelium; sIgA; secretory IgA; FasL; Fas ligand; IEL; intestinal intraepithelial lymphocyte
Effects of glutamine added to enteral nutrition on Peyer's patch apoptosis in severely burned mice
Keywords: پیک ها; Glutamine; Enteral nutrition; Peyer's patches; Apoptosis; Burn;
Identification of the early VIP-regulated transcriptome and its associated, interactome in resting and activated murine CD4 T cells
Keywords: پیک ها; GPCR; G-protein coupled receptor; VIP; vasoactive intestinal peptide; VPAC1; vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 1; CNS; central nervous system; PP; Peyer's patches; SAM; Significance Analysis of Microarrays; IPA; Ingenuity Pathway Analysis; Treg; regu
Effects of enteral nutrition supplemented with glutamine on intestinal mucosal immunity in burned mice
Keywords: پیک ها; Glutamine; Enteral nutrition; Peyer's patches; Immunoglobulin A; Burns
Genomic analysis of mucosal immunobiology in the porcine small intestine
Keywords: پیک ها; ASC; antibody secreting cells; CT; cholera toxin; ORF; open reading frame; PP; Peyer's patches; Mucosal immune system; Porcine; Small intestine; Peyer's patch; Gene expression;
The influence of Peyer's patch apoptosis on intestinal mucosal immunity in burned mice
Keywords: پیک ها; Apoptosis; Burns; Immunoglobin A; Peyer's patches
Transcriptional analysis of Toll-like receptors expression in M cells
Keywords: پیک ها; Peyer's patches; FAE; M cells; TLR; UEA-1; TLR9;
Bioavailability of nanoparticles in nutrient and nutraceutical delivery
Keywords: پیک ها; Lipid nanoparticles; Bioavailability; Dissolution; Uptake; Peyer's patches; BCS dissolution models; Vitamins; Minerals; Food fortification
Characterization of sheep (Ovis aries) palatine tonsil innervation
Keywords: پیک ها; fluorescent tracers; immunohistochemistry; sympathetic innervation; prion diseases; ANS; autonomic nervous system; CCG; cranial cervical ganglia; CGRP; calcitonin gene-related peptide; CNS; central nervous system; CT-FITC; cholera toxin subunit B; CTG; ce
Expression of the Chemokine Binding Protein M3 Promotes Marked Changes in the Accumulation of Specific Leukocytes Subsets Within the Intestine
Keywords: پیک ها; DSS; dextran sodium sulfate; FACS; fluorescence-activated cell sorting; IEC; intestinal epithelial cell; IEL; intraepithelial lymphocyte; LP; lamina propria; LPL; lamina propria leukocyte; MHCII; major histocompatibility complex class II; PCR; polymerase
Development of human lymph nodes and Peyer's patches
Keywords: پیک ها; Lymph nodes; Peyer's patches; Human; Fetal; Lymphoma
The Peyer's patch is a critical immunoregulatory site for mucosal tolerance in experimental autoimmune encephalomylelitis (EAE)
Keywords: پیک ها; Autoimmunity; EAE/MS; Tolerance; T cell receptors; Peyer's patch; EAE; experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis; MS; multiple sclerosis; MBP; myelin basic protein; CNS; central nervous system; PP; Peyer's patches; CFSE; 5,6-carboxy-succinimidyl-fluorensc
Dynamic interactions between bacteria and immune cells leading to intestinal IgA synthesis
Keywords: پیک ها; AID; Bacteria; IgA; Isolated lymphoid follicles; Lamina propria; Peyer's patches; Peritoneal B1 cells
Receptor mediated targeting of M-cells
Keywords: پیک ها; Oral vaccines; M-cells; Peyer's patches; Pattern recognition receptors; B- and T-cells; Lymphocytes
Effect of blocking the mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1 (MAdCAM-1) in a rat small intestinal transplantation model
Keywords: پیک ها; MAdCAM-1; mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1; MLN; mesenteric lymph nodes; PP; Peyer's patches; GALT; gut-associated lymphoid tissues; HEV; high endothelial venules; LP; lamina propria; POD; post operative day; EVT; epithelium villus thickness; VH
Quantification of Peyer's patches in Cheviot sheep for future scrapie pathogenesis studies
Keywords: پیک ها; Peyer's patches; Transmissible spongiform encephalopathy; Cheviot sheep; Age-susceptibility
Effects of chronic stress on the immune response to oral human serum albumin-conjugated starch microparticles in rats
Keywords: پیک ها; Follicle-associated epithelium; Ileum; Oral immunization; Permeability; Peyer's patches; Psychological stress
Seasonal changes in the intestinal immune system of hibernating ground squirrels
Keywords: پیک ها; Peyer's patches; Intraepithelial lymphocytes; Lamina propria leukocytes; Interleukin-10; Interferon-γ; Iga
Short-term Study of the Uptake of PrPSc by the Peyer's Patches in Hamsters after Oral Exposure to Scrapie
Keywords: پیک ها; hamster; Peyer's patches; prion disease; scrapie; sheep
Rat, ovine and bovine Peyer's patches mounted in horizontal diffusion chambers display sampling function
Keywords: پیک ها; Peyer's patches; M cells; Particle absorption; Bacterial adhesion; Ussing chamber
Uptake studies in rat Peyer's patches, cytotoxicity and release studies of alginate coated chitosan nanoparticles for mucosal vaccination
Keywords: پیک ها; Coated nanoparticles; Chitosan; Sodium alginate; Peyer's patches; Cytotoxicity
Targeting antigens to murine and human M-cells with Aleuria aurantia lectin-functionalized microparticles
Keywords: پیک ها; AAL; Aleuria aurantia lectin; WGA; wheat germ agglutinin; M-cells; membranous cells; BP; birch pollen extract; HSA; human serum albumin; Aleuria aurantia lectin; M-cell; Peyer's patches; Oral immunotherapy; Allergy;
Toll-like receptor 9 is expressed on follicle-associated epithelia containing M cells in swine Peyer's patches
Keywords: پیک ها; FAE; M cells; MLNs; Peyer's patches; Swine; Toll-like receptor 9;