Keywords: تولید - محصول; 54B10; 54B20; 54C25; 54F15; Continuum; Embedding; Finite graph; Product; Symmetric products;
مقالات ISI تولید - محصول (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: تولید - محصول; Activity; Product; Facilities; Conservation; Economy; Visitors; Economic;
Keywords: تولید - محصول; Crossmodal correspondences; Typeface; Taste; Design; Product;
Keywords: تولید - محصول; primary; 54F15; secondary; 54F50; Chainable; Continuum; Product; Kelley continuum; Knaster continuum; Product; Pseudo-arc; Solenoid;
Keywords: تولید - محصول; High-boron iron; Concentrate; Carbothermic reduction; Magnetic separation; Metallic iron; Boron-rich non-magnetic; product;
Keywords: تولید - محصول; primary; 54B20; 54C65; 54F05; 54B10; Vietoris topology; Continuous weak selection; Separately continuous weak selection; Product; Hereditary paracompact; Totally disconnected;
Keywords: تولید - محصول; Biomass; Briquette; Microwave; Pyrolysis; Product; Yield and quality;
Keywords: تولید - محصول; Everyday aesthetics; Design; Product; Packaging; Pristine beliefs; Contamination;
Keywords: تولید - محصول; PL; pulsed light; IS; internal standard; Abs; absorbance; P; product; LC-DAD-MS; liquid chromatography-diode array- mass spectrometry; MSD; mass selective detector; APCI; atmospheric pressure chemical ionization; MRM; multiple reaction monitoring; EIC; ex
Keywords: تولید - محصول; primary; 54C65; secondary; 54A20; 54B10; 54B20; 54F05; Continuous weak selection; Weakly orderable space; Suborderable space; Orderable space; Product; Space with a single non-isolated point;
Keywords: تولید - محصول; primary; 18A22; 46M40; 54B10; 18A35; 54B30; 18B35; secondary; 06D10; 18A30; 54A05; 54E55; 18B30; Directed set; Inverse system; Inverse (projective) limit; Plain texture; Ditopology; Thread; Bonding map; Product; Equalizer; Real texture; Contravariant func
Keywords: تولید - محصول; primary; 26A21; 03E15; secondary; 03E04; 03E50; Baire class 1; Linearly; Partially ordered set; Polish space; Universal; Laczkovich's Problem; Completion; Product; Lexicographical;
Keywords: تولید - محصول; management; production; product; process; strategy; quality;
Keywords: تولید - محصول; Planning; Integration; Manufacturing; Product; Development
Keywords: تولید - محصول; Tolerance; Analysis; Product; Maturation
Keywords: تولید - محصول; Virtual Reality; Manufacturing; Learning; Simulation; Product; Assembly;
Keywords: تولید - محصول; Oxybenzone; Chlorination; Product; Disinfection byproducts; Genotoxicity;
Keywords: تولید - محصول; Portion size; Consumer; Decision making; Product; Marketing;
Keywords: تولید - محصول; Enrofloxacin; Mn(VII); Oxidation pathway; Product; Antibacterial potency;
Keywords: تولید - محصول; Indoor air quality; Chemical reaction; Occupant surface; Ozone; Product; Displacement ventilation;
Keywords: تولید - محصول; Sewage sludge; Life cycle assessment; Wastewater treatment; Product; Waste; Environmental burden;
Keywords: تولید - محصول; 15A42; 15A18; 15A69; Tensor; Triangular blocked tensor; Product; Inverse; Determinant; M-tensor;
Keywords: تولید - محصول; DME; dimethyl ether; Mater; material; STM; syngas to methanol; STO; syngas to fuel oil; MTO; methanol to fuel oil; WTD; steam used in dimethyl ether synthesis; FG; furnace off-gas; Prod; product; STD; syngas to dimethyl ether; MTD; methanol to dimethyl et
Keywords: تولید - محصول; Ac; acetyl; acac; acetylacetonate; AHPCS; allylhydridopolycarbosilane; Bn; benzyl; Boc; tert-butoxycarbonyl; BPR; back pressure regulator; bpy; 2,2â²-bipyridine; Bu; butyl; CFL; compact fluorescent lamp; DCB; 1,4-dicyanobenzene; de; diastereomeric excess
Keywords: تولید - محصول; Origin; Product; Life cycle assessment; Food; Labelling; Consumer
Keywords: تولید - محصول; primary; 03E15; secondary; 54H05; Borel class; Separation; Rectangle; Dichotomy; Hurewicz; Product;
Keywords: تولید - محصول; Metal forming; Product; Properties;
Keywords: تولید - محصول; 15A69; 15A72; Tensor; Product; Similarity; Hypergraph;
Keywords: تولید - محصول; primary; 54D20; 54D70; 54F05; 54G20; secondary; 54B10; 54B25; 54E30; Monotone covering properties; Locally-finite; Nötherian; Paracompact; Metacompact; Protometrizable; Orthobase; Scattering process; Monotonically normal; GO-space; LOTS; Product; MSNR; M
Keywords: تولید - محصول; 05C50; 15A69Tensor; Product; Primitive tensor; Primitive degree
Keywords: تولید - محصول; 15A69; 15A09; 15A03Tensor; Left (right) inverse; Tensor rank; Product; Hypergraph
Keywords: تولید - محصول; ACD; acidification; ADP; abiotic depletion potential; BlC; black coal; CCGT; combined cycle gas turbine; EFG; entrained flow gasification; GWP; global warming potential; NG; natural gas; P; product; PCST; pulverised coal steam turbine; Pr; annual producti
Keywords: تولید - محصول; primary; 91B30; secondary; 62P05; 62E20; 62H20; Asymptotics; Dependence; Finite-time ruin probability; Heavy-tailed distribution; Insurance and financial risks; Product;
Keywords: تولید - محصول; 03E15; 54H05; Borel chromatic number; Borel class; Coloring; Product; Rectangle;
Keywords: تولید - محصول; Product; Module; Granularity;
Keywords: تولید - محصول; 62E05; 62H20; 62E20; Subexponentiality; Regular variation; Product; Tail probability;
Keywords: تولید - محصول; Environmental assessment; Innovation; Life cycle thinking; Product; Process; Sustainability
Keywords: تولید - محصول; 54F15Continuum; Fixed point property; Span zero; Join; Product
Keywords: تولید - محصول; Innovation management; Product; Challenges; Case studies; BrazilO32
On the localization of tastes and tasty products in 2D space
Keywords: تولید - محصول; Taste; Space; Correspondence; Product; Shelf-position;
Oxidation of β-blockers by birnessite: Kinetics, mechanism and effect of metal ions
Keywords: تولید - محصول; β-blockers; δ-MnO2; Metal ions; Oxidation; Product;
Câ-embedding implies P-embedding in products of ordinals
Keywords: تولید - محصول; 03E10; 54B10; 54D20; P-embedded; Câ-embedded; Product; δ-Normally separated; Subspace of an ordinal;
Sensory characteristics of wholegrain and bran-rich cereal foods – A review
Keywords: تولید - محصول; Sensory; Wholegrain; Bran; Cereal; Wheat, rice, corn, rye, oats, barley, sorghum; Processing; Product; Bread, biscuit, pasta, snacks; Flavour, taste, odour, texture; Structure; Consumer; Chemical compounds
The effect of B4C particle size on the reaction process and product in the Cu–Zr–B4C system
Keywords: تولید - محصول; Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis; B4C particle size; Reaction process; Product
Notes on the Collins-Roscoe property and D-spaces
Keywords: تولید - محصول; 54D20; 54D99; Point-countable base; Collins-Roscoe property (=(G)); (Monotone) D-space; Product; Linearly ordered space; Generalized ordered space;
Comparative LCA of two approaches with different emphasis on energy or material recovery for a municipal solid waste management system in Gipuzkoa
Keywords: تولید - محصول; acid; Acidification impact category from CML 2001 method; ard; Abiotic Resource Depletion impact category from CML 2001 method; eutro; Eutrophication impact category from CML 2001 method; GHG; Greenhouse Gas; gw; Global Warming impact category from CML 20
A group topology on the free abelian group of cardinality c that makes its finite powers countably compact
Keywords: تولید - محصول; Countably compact; Topological group; Free abelian group; Selective ultrafilter; Product;
Inequalities of Hermite–Hadamard type involving an s-convex function with applications
Keywords: تولید - محصول; Hermite–Hadamard’s integral inequality; ss-Convex function; Symmetric function; Product; Application; Mean
On the products (1ℓ+1)(2ℓ+1)⋯(nℓ+1)(1ℓ+1)(2ℓ+1)⋯(nℓ+1), II
Keywords: تولید - محصول; 11A25Shifted power; Product; Powerful number; Prime
The lexicographic ordered products and the usual Tychonoff products
Keywords: تولید - محصول; 54F05; 54B10; 54B05; Lexicographic order; Product; Ï-bounded; Compact; Ordinal;