Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Protein complex; Connectivity; Semantic similarity; Contribution;
مقالات ISI ترجمه شده پروتئین پیچیده
مقالات ISI پروتئین پیچیده (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Protein complex; Natural crude juices; Carrageenan; Bromelain; BR; bromelain; Carr; carrageenan; LNPE; N-α-carbobenzoxy-L-lysine-p-nitrophenyl ester (Z-L-Lys-ONp);
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Ionic liquids; Protein; Proteome; Membrane protein; Protein complex; 1-(2â²-hydroxylethyl)- 3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)amide (C2OHmim-Tf2N); 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride (BMIM-Cl); 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborat
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Protein complex; Protein interaction; Gene Ontology; The Weighted Network;
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Evolutionary rates; Human; Disease genes; Protein complex; Expression breadth; Multifunctionality
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Single-molecule fluorescence; Single-protein pull-down; Protein complex; RNA interference; Dicer; Drosha; TUT4;
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Protein-protein interaction network; Protein complex; Brainstorming strategy; Gene ontology;
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Co-expression; Expression screening; Gateway; Protein complex; Recombinational cloning; Versatility;
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Dynamic protein-protein interaction network (DPIN); Markov clustering (MCL) algorithm; Firefly algorithm (FA); Protein complex;
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Botulinum neurotoxin; Botulism; Synaptotagmin; Synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2; Protein complex; Host-pathogen recognition; botulinum neurotoxin; BoNT; light chain; LC; heavy chain; HC; N-terminal domain of HC; HN; C-terminal domain of HC; HC; N-terminal
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Quartz crystal microbalance; Microscale thermophoresis; Protein complex; Thymidylate synthase; Dihydrofolate reductase; Thymidylate biosynthesis;
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Intrinsically disordered protein; Intrinsically disordered protein region; Protein-protein interaction; Protein complex; Scaffold; Regulation; Polyvalent interaction;
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Protein complex; Core-attachment structure; Clustering coefficient; Graph weighted density
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Gene-sets; Gene families; Co-localization; Operon; Protein complex; Protein domains; Protein–protein interaction; Transcription factor target; Gene Ontology (GO); Biological pathways; Co-expression; Co-differential expression; Essential genes; Housekeepin
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Tethering; Protein complex; Structural flexibility; Vesicle; HOPS;
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Centrality measures; Essential proteins; Dynamic network topology; Protein complex
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Affinity tag; Tag-removing protease; On-column cleavage; Protein complex; Controlled subunit stoichiometry;
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; CPM; Clique percolation method; CS; community score function; CSS; Consensus method; DAVID; Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery (DAVID); E; edge set; FN; False negative; FP; False positives; G; giving graph; GO; gene ontology;
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Lipid synthesis; Phospholipid; Mitochondria; Membranes; Lipid transport; Protein complex; CDS; CDP-diacylglycerol synthase; CL; cardiolipin (diphosphatidylglycerol); CS; contact sites; DMPE; dimethylphosphatidylethanolamine; ER; endoplasmic reticulum; ERM
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Co-expression; Expression screening; Gateway; Protein complex; Recombinational cloning; VersatilityECFP, enhanced cyan fluorescent protein; DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid; GFP, green fluorescent protein; IPTG, isopropyl-beta-thio-galactoside; MCS, multiple cl
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Biological network; Centrality; Functional motif; List-colored graph; Protein complex
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Dynamic protein-protein interaction network (DPIN); Fruit fly optimization algorithm; Gene expression; Protein complex
Ephrin-B3 binds both cell-associated and secreted proteoglycans
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Ephrin-B3; Proteoglycans; CD44; Affinity; Protein complex;
Cell endogenous activities of fukutin and FKRP coexist with the ribitol xylosyltransferase, TMEM5
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; α-Dystroglycan; O-mannosyl glycan; Fukutin; FKRP; TMEM5; Protein complex;
Cryo-EM structure of a Marseilleviridae virus particle reveals a large internal microassembly
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Cryo-electron microscopy; Tomography; Melbournevirus; Marseilleviridae; NCLDV; Virus; Structure; Capsid; Protein complex; Amoeba;
LEC1 (NF-YB9) directly interacts with LEC2 to control gene expression in seed
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Embryo; Transcription; Nucleus; Maturation; Protein complex;
PCD-DPPI: Protein complex detection from dynamic PPI using shuffled frog-leaping algorithm
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; PCD-DPPI; protein complex detection using dynamic protein protein interaction; PPI; protein protein interaction; TAP; tandem affinity purification; DIP; database of interacting proteins; MIPS; mammalian protein protein interaction database; DCM; discretis
Structural changes of homodimers in the PDB
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Conformational change; Protein complex; Homomultimer; Protein flexibility; Protein interface;
Assembly of proteasome subunits into non-canonical complexes in vivo
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Proteasome; Assembly; Yeast; Protein complex; Native PAGE; CP; core particle; HMWC; high molecular weight complex; RP; regulatory particle; ICAR; immobilized-cobalt affinity resin;
The soluble domains of Gpi8 and Gaa1, two subunits of glycosylphosphatidylinositol transamidase (GPI-T), assemble into a complex
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; GPI anchor; GPI transamidase; Membrane protein; Protein complex; DTT; dithiothreitol; ER; endoplasmic reticulum; GPI; glycosylphosphatidylinositol; GPI-T; glycosylphosphatidylinositol transamidase; GST; glutathione-S-transferase; OST; oligosaccharyl trans
Co-refolding of a functional complex of Dengue NS3 protease and NS2B co-factor domain and backbone resonance assignment by solution NMR
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Dengue virus; NS3 protease; Flavivirus protease; Refolding; Protein purification; Resonance assignment; Protein complex;
Prothymosin α interacts with SET, ANP32A and ANP32B and other cytoplasmic and mitochondrial proteins in proliferating cells
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Cell proliferation; Cross-linking; Mitochondrial apoptosis; Protein complex; Prothymosin alpha; CT; C-terminal; ft; flow-through; FT; formaldehyde treated; NT; N-terminal; ProTα; prothymosin α; Tα1; thymosin α1; STS; staurosporine;
ReviewWhat have we learned on aging from omics studies?
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Aging; Genomics; Proteomics; Transcriptomics; Killifish; Nothobranchius furzeri; Pathways; Protein complex; Stoichiometry; Data integration; Proteostasis; Ribosome; Proteasome; Lysosome; RNAseq; Mitochondria;
Analysis of protein complexes in Arabidopsis leaves using size exclusion chromatography and label-free protein correlation profiling
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Arabidopsis; Protein complex; Size exclusion chromatography; Mass spectrometry; Proteomics;
Analysis of the interface variability in NMR structure ensembles of protein-protein complexes
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Protein complex; NMR; Interface; Inter-residue contacts; CONSRANK; COCOMAPS;
Research ArticleWeighted edge based clustering to identify protein complexes in protein-protein interaction networks incorporating gene expression profile
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Proteomics; SGD; Protein complex; Protein-protein interaction; PPI networks; Gene expression profile;
Blocking the interaction between S100A9 and RAGE V domain using CHAPS molecule: A novel route to drug development against cell proliferation
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; S100A9; S100 calcium-binding protein A9; RAGE; the receptor for advanced glycation end products; HSQC; heteronuclear single quantum correlation; HADDOCK; high ambiguity driven docking; CHAPS; 3-[(3-holamidopropyl)dimethylammonio] -1-propanesulfonate;
Modular construction of multi-subunit protein complexes using engineered tags and microbial transglutaminase
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Biofabrication; Transglutaminase; Metabolon; Protein complex; Quorum sensing;
Tafazzins from Drosophila and mammalian cells assemble in large protein complexes with a short half-life
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Barth syndrome; Cardiolipin; Membrane assembly; Mitochondria; Protein complex; Tafazzin
PCD-GED: Protein complex detection considering PPI dynamics based on time series gene expression data
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Protein-protein interaction; Protein complex; Clustering coefficient; Weighted density;
MOEPGA: A novel method to detect protein complexes in yeast protein–protein interaction networks based on MultiObjective Evolutionary Programming Genetic Algorithm
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Protein–protein interaction (PPI) network; Protein complex; Multiobjective evolutionary; Normalized clustering score
Core and peripheral connectivity based cluster analysis over PPI network
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Protein–protein interaction network; Biological network; Clustering; Protein complex
Towards a comprehensive and dynamic gynoecium gene regulatory network
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; GRN; gene regulatory network; TF; transcription factor; ChIP; chromatin immunoprecipitation; TRAP; translating ribosome affinity purification; PBM; protein binding microarray; Gynoecium development; Gene regulatory network; Transcription factor; Protein c
Proteomic analysis of the crayfish gastrolith chitinous extracellular matrix reveals putative protein complexes and a central role for GAP 65
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; ACC; amorphous calcium carbonate; CqCBP; C. quadricarinatus chitin-binding protein; CqCc1; C. quadricarinatus cryptocyanin 1; GFE; gastrolith-forming epithelium; GMPs; gastrolith matrix proteins; LPS-BP; lipopolysaccharide and beta-1,3-glucan-binding prot
Assembly of Fe/S proteins in bacterial systems
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Ferredoxin:; Fdx; glutaredoxin:; Grx; Iron-sulfur; Fe/S assembly; Fe/S transfer; Frataxin; Protein complex; Protein-protein interaction;
Structural analysis of the KRIT1 ankyrin repeat and FERM domains reveals a conformationally stable ARD-FERM interface
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Crystal structure; X-ray crystallography; Ankyrin repeat; Protein complex; Cerebral cavernous malformations;
Protein complex purification from Thermoplasma acidophilum using a phage display library
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; EM; electron microscopy; IMAC; immobilized metal affinity chromatography; MS/MS; tandem mass spectrometry; Ni-NTA; nickel-nitriloacetic acid; OHA-300; 300Â mM K2HPO4-KH2PO4 elution fraction of Sup12-HMWF; OHA-500; 500Â mM K2HPO4-KH2PO4 elution fra
Expression and interaction of small heat shock proteins (sHsps) in rice in response to heat stress
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; Hsps; heat shock proteins; sHsps; small heat shock proteins; GS; glutamine synthetase; IEF; iso-electrophoresis focus; β-Me; β-mercaptoethanol; CI; confidence interval; PVP; polyvinylpyrrolidone; Rice (Oryza sativa L.); Heat stress; Small heat shock pro
Molecular characterization of the human COQ5 C-methyltransferase in coenzyme Q10 biosynthesis
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; 2D-BN-SDS/PAGE; two-dimensional blue-native-sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; DDMQ; demethyl-demethoxy-Q; DDMQH2; demethyl-demethoxy-QH2; DMQ; demethoxy-Q; DOD; drop-out growth medium with dextrose; 4HB; 4-hydroxybenzoic acid; HPL
Coenzyme Q supplementation or over-expression of the yeast Coq8 putative kinase stabilizes multi-subunit Coq polypeptide complexes in yeast coq null mutants
Keywords: پروتئین پیچیده; 4-AP; 3-hexaprenyl-4-aminophenol; Coq1; the Coq1 polypeptide; COQ1; designates the wild-type gene encoding the Coq1 polypeptide; coq1; designates a mutated gene; DDMQ6; the oxidized form of demethyl-demethoxy-Q6H2; DMQ6; demethoxy-Q6; DMQ6H2; demethoxy-Q6