Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Knowledge management; Codification; Socialization; Knowledge alignment; Project performance
مقالات ISI ترجمه شده اجتماعی شدن
مقالات ISI اجتماعی شدن (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Materialism; Values; Socialization; Child development;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Child labor; Child work; Human rights; Parents; Perceptions; Socialization;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Preceptors; Socialization; Enculturation; Nursing culture; Work place learning;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; C91; C93; D01; Children; Competition; Field experiment; Parents; Socialization; Intergenerational transmission;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Individual differences; Religiosity; Peer influence; Socialization;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Mentorship; Social support; Peer group; Nursing students; Nursing graduate education; Nursing doctor of philosophy; Socialization;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Service; Information technology; Socialization; Knowledge conversion; Paper type; Research paper;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Socialization; Social isolation; Social media; Stigma; Epilepsy; Epileptic seizures;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Delincuencia juvenil; Socialización; Reincidencia; Factores dinámicos; Juvenile delinquency; Socialization; Recidivism; Dynamic factors;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Modified ride-on cars; Young children with disabilities; Mobility; Socialization; Parenting stress level;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Firm-hosted online brand community; Socialization; Member education; Interaction support; Participation feedback;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; hustling; film school; film students; socialization; work; reputation; professionalization; cultural industries; creative career; precariousness; ethnography;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Reactions; Emotions; Theory of mind; Autism spectrum disorders; Socialization; Beliefs; Mental states;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Children; Gender; Attitudes; Stereotypes; Encoding; Socialization;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Behavior; Development; Dog; Puppy; Neonate; Socialization;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Cat-human relationships; Ethology; Socialization; Personality; Communication;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Climate change; Attitudes; Socialization; Cultural resources; Trust;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Free/Open Source Software project; Free/Open Source Software community; Socialization; Citizenship behaviors; Mixed-methods;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Authoritative parenting; Parental style; Socialization; Child consumers; Meta-analysis;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Performance goals; Leadership; Socialization; Social identification; Self-competence;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Nursing education; Culture; Socialization; Roles;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Social networking sites; Gender; Language; Social context; Socialization;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Deaf; Cochlear implantation; Speech perception; Communication; Socialization;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Media socialization; Family; Mediatization; Socialization; Social Media; Media environment;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Visión del mundo; Autoritarismo; Dominancia social; Prejuicio; Socialización; Worldview; Authoritarianism; Social dominance; Prejudice; Socialization;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Thin-ideal internalization; Peer groups; Socialization; Selection; Weight conscious
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Innovation; Socialization; Open innovation; Collaboration; Innovation practices; Organizational routines; Industry convergence;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Body image; Preschoolers; Parenting; Socialization; Positive body image; Body self-concept;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Chiropractic; Professionalism; Delivery of Health Care; Referral and Consultation; Socialization; Social Identification;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Social media; Crisis management; Knowledge sharing; Socialization; Structuration theory;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Disability; Stigmatization; Socialization; Self; Elementary school aged children; Cross-cultural analyses;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; J13; J15; Z10; Socialization; Cultural leaders; Assimilation; Integration;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Social intensity syndrome; Military; Socialization; Men; Gender; Group dynamics; Group cohesion
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Exercise; socialization; executive functions; chronic stroke
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Lie-telling; Honesty; Socialization; Expected punishment; Appeals to tell the truth; Truth promotion; Deception
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Distributive justice; Children; Allocation; Socialization; CultureJusticia distributive; Niños; Distribución; Socialización; Cultura
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Release capacity; Visualization; Socialization; Tacit knowledge; Vendor selection; Supplier selection
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Socialization; Prosocial behavior; Helping; Toddlers; Social approval
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Self-regulation; Low-income; Socialization; Preschool; Teacher practices
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Music piracy; Socialization; Survey; Partial least squares regression; Latent class analysis
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Advanced practice nursing; Interprofessional collaboration; Socialization;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; VBSC, venous blood specimen collection; OR, odds ratio; CI, 95% confidence intervalsNursing students; Guideline adherence; Venous blood specimen collection; Medical errors; Socialization
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Socialization; Agency; Communication practices; Development; Inequality
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Parental style; Socialization; Influence strategies; Family communication orientation; Susceptibility to peer influence; Impulse buying tendency; Cross-national
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Religion; Socialization; Child welfare; NSCAW;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Prosocial behavior; Charitable giving; Volunteering; Positive behavior; Modeling; Socialization
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Mediated communication; Embodied interaction; Japanese family; Ethnography; Socialization; Uchi
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Socialization; Prosocial behavior; Infancy;
Keywords: اجتماعی شدن; Disabilities; Mental health; Socialization; Reverse integration; Sport;