Keywords: قمارباز; Gambling; Adolescents; Mentalization; Reflective function; Impulsivity; Time perspective;
مقالات ISI قمارباز (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: قمارباز; Gambling; Immersion; Flow; Attention; Electronic gaming machine; Slot machine;
Keywords: قمارباز; Gambling; fMRI; Addiction; Decision making; Risk taking;
Keywords: قمارباز; Gambling; Nurse; Addiction; Students; Dependence;
Keywords: قمارباز; Gambling; Tobacco; Alcohol; Industry; Vested interests;
Keywords: قمارباز; Cluster analysis; Area deprivation; Alcohol; Fast food; Tobacco; Gambling;
Keywords: قمارباز; Gambling; Stress; Comorbidity; Adverse life events; Stressful events;
Keywords: قمارباز; Gambling; Gambling disorder; Chasing; Maladaptive personality domains; DSM-5; PID-5-BF;
Keywords: قمارباز; Gambling; Depression; Mental health;
Keywords: قمارباز; Self-discontinuity; Nostalgia; Behavior change; Gambling; Drinking;
Keywords: قمارباز; Sport; Corruption; Sports betting; Gambling; Sport integrity; Anti-corruption; Match fixing; Spot fixing; Insider information; Transnational organised crime;
Keywords: قمارباز; Executive function; Autism; Gambling; Repetitive behaviour;
Keywords: قمارباز; Prize linked savings; Gambling; Risk aversion; Financial literacy; Credit unions; G21; D14; L83;
Keywords: قمارباز; Lotteries; Gambling; Financial innovation; Cumulative prospect theory; Callable bull/bear contract (CBBC); D03; D81; G12; G13; G23;
Keywords: قمارباز; Shame; Mediation; Depression; Alcohol; Gambling; Longitudinal;
Keywords: قمارباز; G02; G11; G12; Structured retail products; Behavioral finance; Overconfidence; Gambling;
Keywords: قمارباز; Addiction; Dopamine; [18F]DOPA; Gambling; Neuroimaging; Reward;
Keywords: قمارباز; Cannabinoid; Cognition; Decision making; Gambling; Rat;
Keywords: قمارباز; Lottery-type stocks; Turn-of-the-month effect; Gambling; G14;
Keywords: قمارباز; Addiction; Gambling; Harm; India; Legislation; Public health;
Keywords: قمارباز; Nonmedical; Stimulant; Prescription; Adolescent; Teen; Female; Depression; Eating disorder; Weight control; Gambling;
Keywords: قمارباز; Gambling; Decision making; Impulsivity;
Keywords: قمارباز; Adolescents; Young adults; Alcohol; Cannabis; Gambling;
Keywords: قمارباز; 5-HT; serotonin; FR; fixed-ratio; ICSS; intracranial self-stimulation; VR; variable-ratio; Intracranial self-stimulation; Gambling; Serotonin; Cost/benefit decision-making; Variable-ratio;
Keywords: قمارباز; Addiction; Cognition; Gambling; Impulsivity; Latent; Subtypes;
Keywords: قمارباز; Forgone care; Gambling; Population-based survey; Substance use; Health social inequalities;
Keywords: قمارباز; Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC); Immigrants; Adolescents; Gambling; Family; Family affluence;
Keywords: قمارباز; Life history; Risk; Personality; Attitudes; Crime; Gambling;
Keywords: قمارباز; Gambling; Problem gambling; Trauma; Life events; Comorbidity; Substance abuse; Men;
Keywords: قمارباز; Addiction; Empathy; Gambling; Perspective-taking; Visuospatial; Cognitive marker;
Keywords: قمارباز; Knapsack problem; Friedman-Savage; Expected utility theory; Gambling; Insurance;
Keywords: قمارباز; Late adolescents; Gambling; Decision-making; Magical thinking;
Keywords: قمارباز; ERP; event-related potential; FRN; feedback-related negativity; MFN; medial-frontal negativity; fERN; feedback error-related negativity; RT; response time; WAIS-R; Wechsler Intelligence Scale Revised; IQ; intelligence quotient; VQ; verbal quotient; PQ; pe
Keywords: قمارباز; Excessive trading; Trading addiction; Stock market investment; Gambling; Structural characteristics;
Keywords: قمارباز; Gambling; Personalized behavioral feedback; Informed decision making; Responsible gambling; Electronic gambling machines; Tools;
Keywords: قمارباز; Gambling; Dopamine; Tolcapone; Prefrontal cortex; Ventral striatum; Frontostriatal;
Keywords: قمارباز; Gambling; Future-oriented mental travel; Autonoetic consciousness;
Keywords: قمارباز; Expectancy; Time-frequency; Feedback processing; Delta; Theta; FN; P300; Gambling; Event-related potential; ERP;
Keywords: قمارباز; Alcohol use disorder; college students; drug use; gambling; young adults;
Keywords: قمارباز; Adolescence; Addiction; Substance use disorders; Gambling; Internet gaming; Video games;
Keywords: قمارباز; Social identity theory; Self-image management; Self-concept; Emotional hedging; Gambling; Consumer behavior;
Keywords: قمارباز; Gambling; Systematic review; Risk factors; Protective factors; Longitudinal studies; Youth;
Keywords: قمارباز; Democracy; Counter-accounts; Public sphere; Social accounting; Gambling;
Keywords: قمارباز; Gambling; near hits; Information; Choice; Pigeons;
Keywords: قمارباز; Gambling; Self-discontinuity; Self-directed change; Natural recovery; Barriers to change;
Keywords: قمارباز; Binary options; Sports betting; Gambling; Sports betting analytics;
Keywords: قمارباز; AI; agranular insular; ANOVA; analysis of variance; AP; anteroposterior; DV; dorsal/ventral; GD; gambling disorder; IL; infralimbic cortex; lOFC; lateral orbitofrontal cortex; ML; medial/lateral; OFC; orbitofrontal cortex; PrL; prelimbic; rBT; rodent Bett
Keywords: قمارباز; Suboptimal choice; Gambling; Commitment; Initial link duration; Pigeons;
Keywords: قمارباز; Religion; Gambling; Risk taking; Casinos; Lotteries; Online gambling; Networks;
Keywords: قمارباز; DAT; dopamine transporter; DDCt; Delta-Delta Ct; GD; Gambling Disorder; LLL; Large & Luck-Linked; PDT; Probabilistic-Delivery Task; SERT; serotonin transporter; SS; Small & Sure; gambling; animal model; epigenomics; serotonin; dopamine; lymphocytes; PBMCs