Keywords: اخبار; G01; G15; E52; E62; F36; News; Credit ratings; Credibility; Japanese economy; Financial markets;
مقالات ISI اخبار (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: اخبار; Computational journalism; Digital journalism; Social media; News articles; Twitter; Journalism; News; Audience engagement; Audience attention;
Keywords: اخبار; Reader comments; News; Online discourse; Ideology; Religion; Islam; Catholicism; INC; Islam News Corpus; ICC; Islam Comments Corpus; CNC; Catholicism News Corpus; CCC; Catholicism Comments Corpus;
Keywords: اخبار; Attention effect; Behavioral finance; Investor behavior; Media coverage; Trading volume; News;
Keywords: اخبار; G1; Q51; C58; Greening; News; Stock price returns; Environment;
Keywords: اخبار; Big data; Digital epidemiology; Healthcare informatics; News; Search query log; Text mining;
Keywords: اخبار; Stock return predictability; News; Limits to arbitrage; Limited attention; Overreaction; Underreaction; Text analysis; G12; G14;
Keywords: اخبار; Second screen; News; Information processing; Program liking; Cognitive load;
Keywords: اخبار; Investment specific technology; News; Sentiment; Macroeconomic dynamics; Nowcast; E22; E32; O47;
Keywords: اخبار; Liver Failure; Sepsis; Portal Hypertension; Cirrhosis; Alcohol; ACLF; acute-on chronic liver failure; ARLD; alcohol-related liver disease; AUROC; area under receiver operating characteristic curve; CLD; chronic liver disease; CLIF; chronic liver failure;
Keywords: اخبار; M41; G14; G30; Management earnings forecasts; Value-relevance; News; Noise; Bias;
Keywords: اخبار; Preceding signs; Decision-making; Prevention; IHCA; NEWS;
Keywords: اخبار; C22; G00; Herding; Predictability; Granger causality; News; Sentiment;
Keywords: اخبار; China; News; Translation; Corpus-based critical discourse analysis; Newsweek;
Keywords: اخبار; G12; G15; Z13; Press freedom; News; Governance; Welfare; Jumps; Stock markets;
Keywords: اخبار; Online social networks; News; Social influence; Homophily; Latent space approach;
Keywords: اخبار; Macroeconomic announcement; News; Treasury bond yield; E43; E44; E47; G14;
Keywords: اخبار; Crisis; Crisis communication; News; Social media; Twitter; Live-tweeting; Rumors;
Keywords: اخبار; Health communication; Mass media; News; Pandemics; Machine learning; Validation studies;
Keywords: اخبار; Consumer confidence; Regime switching models; News; Animal spirits; Local projections; E21; E32; D12; C32;
Keywords: اخبار; G14; G39; Textual analysis; Media-expressed tone, negative sentiment; News; Market efficiency;
Keywords: اخبار; Social media; Political disagreement; News; Crosscutting exposure; Political engagement;
Keywords: اخبار; Agent awareness; Informational value; News; Retweeting; Social navigation; Twitter;
Keywords: اخبار; E44; F31; G15; AUD carry trade; Regime shifting; News; Order flows; Speculative positions;
Keywords: اخبار; L82; L13; Media ownership; Viewpoint diversity; News;
Keywords: اخبار; D80; D82; G02; G10; G12; G14; G30; G34; G38; M41; Behavioral finance; Textual sentiment; Internet messages; News; Market efficiency;
Keywords: اخبار; Text mining; Sentiment analysis; News; Social media; Stock market
Keywords: اخبار; Geotagging; News; Geodatabase; Geohazards; Inventories; WebGIS;
Keywords: اخبار; G10; G14; Information; Liquidity; Price discovery; News; Limit order markets;
Keywords: اخبار; D12; D83; D84; E21; 2229; 2240; News; Consumer sentiment; Consumption; Negativity bias;
Keywords: اخبار; C5; D74; P48; Z13; Ethnic tension; Markov Switching; News; Racial tension;
Keywords: اخبار; Justifications; Graffiti; News; Civic order of worth
Keywords: اخبار; NEWS; NEWS-L; ED; Mortality; Critical care
Keywords: اخبار; G10; L82Media; Housing; News; Bubble; Stock market; Real-estate
Keywords: اخبار; Care bundles; Critical Care Outreach; NEWS; Sepsis; Sepsis 6; Reliability
Keywords: اخبار; Social media; Public interest; News; Journalism; Algorithms
Keywords: اخبار; Russia; Belarus; News; Media; Soft power
Keywords: اخبار; Twitter; Politics; Liberal; Conservative; News; Journalism
Tuberculosis in the news: How do Portuguese media cover TB
Keywords: اخبار; News; Media; Communication; Tuberculosis; TB; Mycobacteria; Awareness; Information; Journal; Journalism;
Comparison of the Between the Flags calling criteria to the MEWS, NEWS and the electronic Cardiac Arrest Risk Triage (eCART) score for the identification of deteriorating ward patients
Keywords: اخبار; Early warning scores; MEWS; NEWS; Deteriorating patients; Rapid response systems; Decision support;
Reaction to news in the Chinese stock market: A study on Xiong'an New Area Strategy
Keywords: اخبار; G01; G12; G14; Chinese stock market; Xiong'an New Area; News; Intra-day data;
Consumptor economicus: How do consumers form expectations on economic variables?
Keywords: اخبار; Consumer expectations; Information rigidities; Consumer biases; Partisan bias; News; Emotions; E71; E37; D84;
Why do people use news differently on SNSs? An investigation of the role of motivations, media repertoires, and technology cluster on citizens' news-related activities
Keywords: اخبار; Social networking sites (SNSs); News; Motivations; Media repertoire; Technology cluster;
Exploring the performance of the National Early Warning Score (NEWS) in a European emergency department
Keywords: اخبار; Early warning score; NEWS; Monitoring; Clinical outcomes; Physiological parameters; Deteriorating patients
What's news in exchange rate dynamics: A DSGE approach
Keywords: اخبار; F31; F37; F41; Exchange rate; DSGE; News;
Noisy news and exchange rates: A SVAR approach
Keywords: اخبار; C32; F31; F41; G15; D84; Exchange rates; SVAR; News; Noise; Nonfundamentalness; Invertibility;
What Makes a Good Voice for Radio: Perceptions of Radio Employers and Educators
Keywords: اخبار; Radio broadcaster; Voice; Supranormal voice; Personality; News; Voice-over
Some of these things are not like the others: Examining motivations and political predispositions among political Facebook activity
Keywords: اخبار; Facebook; Motivations; Political participation; Social media; News
Information disclosure and exchange media
Keywords: اخبار; E41; E42; E44; E52Money; Collateral; News; Nondisclosure
48th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology: aspectos relevantes en cáncer de mama
Keywords: اخبار; Reunión anual de la American Society of Clinical Oncology; Cáncer de mama; Novedades; Annual American Society of Clinical Oncology Meeting; Breast cancer; News;