Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; 2-AG; 2-arachidonoylglycerol; ANOVA; analysis of variance; BLA; basolateral nucleus of amygdala; BSA; bovine serum albumin; CA1; dorsal field 1 of Ammon's horn; CA3; dorsal field 3 of Ammon's horn; CB1; cannabinoid receptor 1; CeA; central amygdaloid
مقالات ISI قشر پیش از قاعدگی (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; Arc; CA1; Cognition; Infralimbic cortex; Prelimbic cortex;
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; FrA; frontal association cortex; DLO; dorsolateral orbital cortex; LO; lateral orbital cortex; VO; ventral orbital cortex; Cg; cingulate cortex; PL; prelimbic cortex; IL; infralimbic cortex; DP; dorsal peduncular cortex; M1; primary motor cortex; M2; seco
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; 4-RAWM; four-arm radial water maze; 5-CSRTT; 5-choice-serial reaction time task; BlA; basolateral amygdala; CeA; central amygdala; Cg; cingulate cortex; CO; control group; COx; cytochrome c oxidase histochemistry; dCA1, dCA3; dorsal hippocampal cornu Ammo
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; BLA; basolateral amygdala; CeA; central amygdala; i.p; intraperitoneal; IL; infralimbic cortex; LC; locus coeruleus; PL; prelimbic cortex; PND; postnatal day; pPVT; posterior paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus; SEM; standard error of the mean; SB3348
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; ACC; anterior cingulate cortex; DHD; duration of head-dips; FEP; free-exploratory paradigm; FEP1; first exposition to the free-exploratory paradigm; FEP2; second exposition to the free-exploratory paradigm; HB; hole board test; mPFC; medial prefrontal cor
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; Addiction; Cocaine; Corticosterone; Endocannabinoids; Prelimbic cortex; Self-administration;
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; BLA; basolateral amygdaloid nucleus, anterior part; BLP; basolateral amygdaloid nucleus, posterior part; Ce; central amygdaloid nucleus; Cg1; cingulate cortex, area 1; CRF; corticotropin-releasing factor; DR; dorsal raphe nucleus; DRC; dorsal raphe nucleu
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; Au1; primary auditory cortex; AuD; secondary auditory cortex, dorsal area; AuV; secondary auditory cortex, ventral area; Cg; cingulate cortex; CNS; central nervous system; DIEnt; dorsintermed entorhinal cortex; DLEnt; dorsolateral entorhinal cortex; DLO;
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; Associative learning; Acquisition; Basolateral amygdala; Prelimbic cortex; Connections; Reward;
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; Progesterone; Basal amygdala; Medial prefrontal cortex; Infralimbic cortex; Prelimbic cortex; Sex differences;
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; aCg; anterior cingulate cortex; aIns; anterior insular cortex; BLA; basolateral nucleus of the amygdala; CE; central nucleus of the amygdala; core; core of the nucleus accumbens; DA; dopamine; DLO; dorsolateral orbitofrontal cortex; DLS; dorsolateral stri
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; Memory; Contextual fear conditioning; Trace conditioning; Medial prefrontal cortex; Prelimbic cortex;
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; ACC; anterior cingulate cortex; FASD; fetal alcohol spectrum disorders; IL; infralimbic cortex; mPFC; medial prefrontal cortex; PBS; phosphate-buffering solution; PD; postnatal day; PL; prelimbic cortex; PV+; parvalbumin-positive; anterior cingulate corte
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; DLPFC; dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; ilPFC; infralimbic cortex; MD; mediodorsal nuclei of the thalamus; mDS; medial dorsal striatum; mPFC; medial Prefrontal Cortex; plPFC; Prelimbic Cortex; rule; set shift; prefrontal cortex; dorsal striatum; neurophysi
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; Cingulate cortex; Executive control; Extradimensional shift; Inhibition; Prelimbic cortex; Spatial memory; Strategy switch;
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; CA1; cornu ammonis area 1; CA3; cornu ammonis area 3; dAC; dorsal anterior cingulate cortex; DG; dentate gyrus; DIEnt; dorsintermed entorhinal cortex; DLEnt; dorsolateral entorhinal cortex; Ect; ectorhinal cortex; IL; infralimbic cortex; M1; primary motor
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; III; third ventricle; IIId; dorsal part of third ventricle; arIII; attachment of the roof of the third ventricle; Acb; nucleus accumbens; ACg; anterior cingulate cortex; AI; agranular insular cortex; AMPA; α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; AC; anterior cingulate cortex; BA; brodman area; BDA; biotinylated dextran amine; DAB; diaminobenzidine; HRP; horseradish peroxidase; IL; infralimbic cortex; LH; lateral hypothalamus; mPFC; medial prefrontal cortex; OX1R; type 1 orexin receptor; PBS; phos
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; Fear conditioning; Novelty seeking; Individual differences; Fear extinction; Ketamine; Fear memory reconsolidation; ACC; anterior cingulate cortex; Bdnf; brain-derived neurotrophic factor; BLA; basolateral amygdala; CA1; cornu ammonis 1; CA3; cornu ammoni
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; AMPA; 2-amino-3(3-hydroxy-5-methyl-isoxazol-4yl)propanoic acid; BNST; bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; CeA; central nucleus of the amgydala; CSF; cerebrospinal fluid; DLS; dorsolateral striatum; DMS; dorsomedial striatum; EC; external capsule; EPSP; e
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; Stress; Dendrititc morphology; Dendritic spines; Prelimbic cortex; Infralimbic cortex; Extinction; PTSD
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; Drug addiction; Conditioned suppression; Cocaine; Sucrose; Prelimbic cortex; Orbitofrontal cortex;
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; Associative learning; Attention; Behavioural flexibility; Fear renewal; Prelimbic cortex;
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; ANOVA; analysis of variance; CA1; cornu ammonis 1; CA3; cornu ammonis 3; CG; cingulate cortex; DG; dentate gyrus; HE; hepatic encephalopathy; IL; infralimbic cortex; PBS; phosphate-buffered saline; PL; prelimbic cortex; PP; portal pressure; Prh; perirhina
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; 3V; 3rd ventricle; 5HT; serotonin; ACg; anterior cingulate cortex; Ach; acetylcholine; AMPA; α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoazol-4-propionate acid; ARAS; ascending reticular activating system; BF; basal forebrain; CA; ammons' horn of the hippocampus (CA1
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; “One-trial” aversive conditioning; Fear memory reconsolidation; Fear memory extinction; Local temporary reversible treatments; Amygdala; Hippocampus; Infralimbic cortex; Prelimbic cortex; Entorhinal cortex;
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; Fear extinction; Exposure therapy; Augmented relearning; Reconsolidation; Drug development; Cognitive enhancer; 5-HT; 5-hydroxytryptamine = serotonin; AC; adenylate cyclase; AMPA; α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid; AMY; amygdala; BA;
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; Cocaine; Sensitization; Prefrontal cortex; Perseveration; Prelimbic cortex; Reversal learning;
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; Prelimbic cortex; Opioid receptors; Autonomic; Restraint stress; aCSF; artificial cerebrospinal fluid; ANOVA; analysis of variance; HR; heart rate; MAP; mean arterial pressure; MPFC; medial prefrontal cortex; PAP; pulsatile arterial pressure; PL; prelimbi
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; ADHD; attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder; ANOVA; analysis of variance; CTR; control; D1; type 1 dopamine receptors; D2; type 2 dopamine receptors; DA; dopamine; DER; denial of expected reward; DOPAC; 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid; HPLC; high-perfor
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; Stress; Adolescence; Prelimbic cortex; Synaptic transmission; Learned fear; Anxiety;
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; DNA methylation; Okadaic acid; Morphine addiction; Conditioned place preference; Hippocampus; Prelimbic cortex; 5-aza; 5-aza-2-deoxycytidine; DNMTs; DNA methyltransferases; PL; prelimbic cortex; mCPP; morphine-induced conditioned place preference; PP; pro
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; Fear extinction; Retrieval; C57BL/6J; 129S1/SvImJ; Picrotoxin; Fluoxetine; Infralimbic cortex; Prelimbic cortex
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; Prelimbic cortex; Subthalamic nucleus; Reversal learning; NMDA; Muscimol; Executive functioning
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; Chemotherapy; Aging; Executive functions; Hippocampal proliferating cells; Glucose; Mouse; 5-FU; 5-fluorouracil; aCSF; artificial cerebral spinal fluid; Area 35 PRh; area 35 of the perirhinal cortex; Area 36 PRh; area 36 of the perirhinal cortex (ectorhin
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; Acb; accumbens nucleus; ANOVA; analysis of variance; BlA; basolateral amygdala; BST; bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; CA1, CA3; hippocampal cornu ammonis; CeA; central amygdala; Cg; cingulate cortex; COx; cytochrome c oxidase; DG; dentate gyrus; EE; e
Effect of electrical stimulation of the infralimbic and prelimbic cortices on anxiolytic-like behavior of rats during the elevated plus-maze test, with particular reference to multiunit recording of the behavior-associated neural activity
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; ANOVA; analysis of variance; HPC; hippocampal formation; IC; integrated circuit; IL; infralimbic cortex; mPFC; medial prefrontal cortex; PL; prelimbic cortex; SEM; standard error of the mean; vmoPFC; ventromedial orbital prefrontal cortex; Anxiolytic-like
Regulation of glutamate transporter 1 (GLT-1) gene expression by cocaine self-administration and withdrawal
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; Glutamate; Transporter; GLT-1; Cocaine; Self-administration; Methylation; GLT-1; Glutamate Transporter 1; NAc; Nucleus Accumbens; PL; Prelimbic Cortex; BLA; Basolateral Amygdala; ShA; Short-Access; LgA; Long-Access; MeDIP; Methylated DNA Immunoprecipitati
The histone demethylase KDM6B in the medial prefrontal cortex epigenetically regulates cocaine reward memory
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; KDM6B; NR2A; Memory reconsolidation; Cocaine-primed reinstatement; Prelimbic cortex;
Neuroanatomical Distribution of DEK Protein in Corticolimbic Circuits Associated with Learning and Memory in Adult Male and Female Mice
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; BLA; basolateral amygdaloid complex; CA; cornu ammonis; CeA; central amygdaloid complex; CNS; central nervous system; DG; dentate gyrus; DP; dorsal peduncular cortex; ENT; entorhinal cortex; GCL; granule cell layer; HNSCC; human head and neck squamous cel
Can we increase the speed and efficacy of antidepressant treatments? Part II. Glutamatergic and RNA interference strategies
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; Ketamine; microRNA; Prefrontal cortex; Small interfering RNA; RNA interference; 5-HT; serotonin; 5-HT1A receptor; serotonin 1A receptor; A1; adenosine A1 receptor; AchE; acetylcholinesterase; AGO; argonaute; Akt-mTOR; protein kinase B/Akt- mammalian targe
Endogenous glutamate within the prelimbic and infralimbic cortices regulates the incubation of cocaine-seeking in rats
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; Cocaine; Incubation; Prelimbic cortex; Infralimbic cortex; Glutamate; Drug-seeking; Craving;
Chronic morphine selectively sensitizes the effect of D1 receptor agonist on presynaptic glutamate release in basolateral amygdala neurons that project to prelimbic cortex
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; Chronic morphine; D1 receptor agonist; Basolateral amygdala; Prelimbic cortex; glutamate release; Excitability;
Increased training compensates for OX1R blockage-impairment of spatial memory and c-Fos expression in different cortical and subcortical areas
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; OX1R; orexin-A selective receptor; HPC; hippocampus; RSC; retrosplenial cortex (g-granular d-dysgranular); IL; infralimbic cortex; PL; prelimbic cortex; mPFC; medial prefrontal cortex; Re; reuniens; Rh; rhomboid; AD; anterodorsal; CL; centrolateral; CM; c
Cortical and Subcortical Projections from Granular Insular Cortex Receiving Orofacial Proprioception
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; Ac; anterior commissure; AcbC; core part of accumbens nucleus; AcbS; shell part of accumbens nucleus; ACg; anterior cingulate cortex; Agl; lateral agranular cortex; Agm; medial agranular cortex; AI; agranular insular cortex; AM; anteromedial thalamic nucl
Age-dependent and region-specific alteration of parvalbumin neurons and perineuronal nets in the mouse cerebral cortex
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; Aging; Cerebral cortex; Mouse; Parvalbumin; Perineuronal nets; FrA; frontal association cortex; DLO; dorsolateral orbital cortex; LO; lateral orbital cortex; VO; ventral orbital cortex; Cg; cingulate cortex; PL; prelimbic cortex; IL; infralimbic cortex; D
Anteroventral bed nuclei of the stria terminalis neurocircuitry: Towards an integration of HPA axis modulation with coping behaviors - Curt Richter Award Paper 2017
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; avBST; anteroventral subdivision of the bed nuclei of the stria terminalis; BST; bed nuclei of the stria terminalis; CRF; corticotropin-releasing factor; CVS; chronic variable stress; GAD; glutamic acid decarboxylase; GAD-65; glutamic acid decarboxylase,
Inhibitors of the NMDA-Nitric Oxide Signaling Pathway Protect Against Neuronal Atrophy and Synapse Loss Provoked by l-alpha Aminoadipic Acid-treated Astrocytes
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; 2-DG; 2-deoxy-d-glucose; ANOVA; analyses of variance; ATP; Adenosine tri-phosphate; cDMEM; complete Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium; cDNA; complementary deoxyribonucleic acid; CM; conditioned media; cNBM; complete neurobasal A medium; CNS; central nerv
Chronic mild stress impairs latent inhibition and induces region-specific neural activation in CHL1-deficient mice, a mouse model of schizophrenia
Keywords: قشر پیش از قاعدگی; Acb-core; nucleus accumbens core; Acb-shell; nucleus accumbens shell; ANOVA; analysis of variance; BLA; basolateral amygdala; CER; conditioned emotional response; CHL1; Close Homolog of L1; CMS; chronic mild stress; CR; conditioned response; CS; condition