Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Preschool; Classroom quality; Social competence; Behavior problems; Urbanicity;
مقالات ISI صلاحیت اجتماعی (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Use of foul language; Developmental change; Emotional competence; Social competence; Moral competence;
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Voice disorder complaint; Dysphonia; Social competence; Behavior problems; CBCL;
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Social competence; Psychometric properties; Validity; Reliability; Bullying; Adolescence; Competencia social; Propiedades psicométricas; Validez; Fiabilidad; Acoso escolar; Adolescencia;
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Adopted child; Middle childhood; Identity; Experience of being adopted; Adoption social disclosure; Social competence;
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Post-institutionalized children; International adoption; Social competence; Aggressive behavior; Prosocial behavior; Social maladjustment;
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Competencia social; Propiedades psicométricas; Validez; Fiabilidad; Acoso escolar; Adolescencia; Social competence; Psychometric properties; Validity; Reliability; Bullying; Adolescence;
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Self-regulation; Social competence; Interpersonal competence; Romantic competence; Dating; Parenting practices; Mechanical Turk; College students;
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Parental emotion socialization; Sadness; Sex differences; Social competence; Fathers;
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Engagement; Mathematics; Social competence; Achievement; Gender; Elementary school;
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; aggression; animal personality; courtship; Pelvicachromis taeniatus; reproductive behaviour; sexual selection; social competence; social isolation;
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Dog; Social cognition; Social competence; Attachment; Domestication; Oxytocin; Stress reactivity; HPA axis; Human-animal interaction;
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Relational orientation; Mitigation model; Social competence; Self-disclosure; Responsiveness; Relationship formation; Relationship
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Epilepsy; Social competence; Adolescence
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Social media; Social networking site; Online communication; College adjustment; Social competence; Technology acceptance;
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Social competence; Personality traits; Parenting; Preadolescence; Differential susceptibility
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Child care quality; Affective self-regulation; Gender; Externalizing behavior; Social competence;
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; High functioning autism; Social competence; Peer interaction; Initiative; Reciprocity; Self-monitoring
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; False belief understanding; Emotion understanding; Social competence; Training; Book reading
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Schizophrenia; Negative symptoms; Social competence; Social cognition; Social functioning;
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Psychosocial function; General adaptive function; Social competence; School competence; Behavioral problems; Quality of life;
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Schizophrenia; Negative symptoms; Social competence; Social functioning;
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Autism spectrum disorder; Social competence; Social story; Audio-augmented paper; Interaction design; Tangible user interface
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Social skills; Social competence; Social and emotional effectiveness; Emotional intelligence; Emotion recognition ability; Personality;
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Child welfare; Grandparents raising grandchildren; Promotive factors; Social competence; Academic competence; Multilevel modeling;
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Very preterm; Low birth weight; Social competence; Behavior; Emotion regulation; Early childhood;
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; prevention program; social competence; behavior problems; structural equation model;
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Social competence; Academic achievement; Social understanding; Theory of mind;
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Social competence; General/adult nurse; Mental health nurse/practitioner
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Video games; Online gaming; Social competence; Social skills; Attachment
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Preschool dosage; School readiness; Social competence; Behavior problems
Who's Gotta Catch 'Em All?: Individual differences in Pokèmon Go gameplay behaviors
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Personality; Video games; Augmented reality; Social competence; Social anxiety; Pokémon Go;
Human interaction in the NICU and its association with outcomes on the Brief Infant-Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment (BITSEA)
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Extreme prematurity; Neonatal intensive care; NICU; Social competence;
Measuring social skills of children and adolescents in a Chinese population: Preliminary evidence on the reliability and validity of the translated Chinese version of the Social Skills Improvement System-Rating Scales (SSIS-RS-C)
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Social competence; Problem behaviors; Social skills; Social skills rating scales (SSRS); Cross cultural; Validity; Reliability;
Harmonious and obsessive Internet passion, competence, and self-worth: A study of high school students in the United States and Russia
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Harmonious Internet passion; Obsessive Internet passion; Cognitive competence; Social competence; General self-worth; Cross-cultural;
Validation de la version francophone de l’Emotion Regulation Checklist (ERC-vf)
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Régulation émotionnelle; Dysrégulation émotionnelle; Validité; Compétences sociales; PersonnalitéEmotion regulation; Emotion dysregulation; Validity; Social competence; Personality
Exploring the impact of a summer sport-based youth development program
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Youth development; Sport; Social competence; Belonging; Athletic competence
(A)Social reputation: Exploring the relationship between online video game involvement and social competence
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Online gaming; Social competence; Social skill; Video game involvement
Promoting social competence and preventing childhood aggression: A framework for applying social information processing theory in intervention research
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; SIP, social information processing; SPS, social problem solvingSocial information processing; Aggressive behavior; Social competence; Social skills training; Intervention research
Practice makes perfect: The longitudinal effect of adolescents’ instant messaging on their ability to initiate offline friendships
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Online communication; Social competence; Friendship initiation; Diversity of communication partners; Self-disclosure
Social competence in internationally adopted and institutionalized children
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Adoption; Institutionalization; Social competence; Sociometric status; Friendship relationships
A brief cognitive–behavioural social skills training for stabilised outpatients with schizophrenia: A preliminary study
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Schizophrenia; Social skills training; Cognitive–behavioural therapy; Social competence; Cognitive impairment
Income and the development of effortful control as predictors of teacher reports of preschool adjustment
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Effortful control; Executive control; Delay ability; Income; Social competence; Adjustment problems
Bidirectional longitudinal relations between father–child relationships and Chinese children's social competence during early childhood
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Father–child relationships; Conflict; Social competence; Bidirectional effects; Early childhood; China
Korean American Parental Depressive Symptoms and Children's Mental Health: The Mediating Role of Parental Acceptance–Rejection
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Korean American; Depressive symptoms; Parental rejection; Social competence; Problem behaviors
Social information processing patterns, social skills, and school readiness in preschool children
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Social information processing; Social competence; School readiness; Preschool; Approaches to learning; Literacy skills
The relation of parenting, child temperament, and attachment security in early childhood to social competence at school entry
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Parenting; Young children; Social competence; Temperament
Social compensation or rich-get-richer? The role of social competence in college students’ use of the Internet to find a partner
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Online dating; Face to face dating; Anxiety; Social competence; Social compensation; Rich-get-richer
“I” value competence but “we” value social competence: The moderating role of voters' individualistic and collectivistic orientation in political elections
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Social competence; Competence; Likeability; Power; Individualism and collectivism; Social perception and social judgment
Social impairment in children with obsessive compulsive disorder: Do comorbid problems of inattention and hyperactivity matter?
Keywords: صلاحیت اجتماعی; Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD); Peer problems; Social competence; Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD);