
در این صفحه تعداد 549 مقاله تخصصی درباره گلو که در نشریه های معتبر علمی و پایگاه ساینس دایرکت (Science Direct) منتشر شده، نمایش داده شده است. برخی از این مقالات، پیش تر به زبان فارسی ترجمه شده اند که با مراجعه به هر یک از آنها، می توانید متن کامل مقاله انگلیسی همراه با ترجمه فارسی آن را دریافت فرمایید.
در صورتی که مقاله مورد نظر شما هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، مترجمان با تجربه ما آمادگی دارند آن را در اسرع وقت برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
مقالات ISI گلو (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
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Keywords: گلو; a and b; kinetic parameters; D2O; deuterium oxide; DM; dry matter; h; hydrolysis equivalents; 1H NMR; 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy; IR; infrared spectroscopy; MSC; Multiplicative Scatter Correction; NIR; near infrared spectroscopy; PCA; prin
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Keywords: گلو; Cys; cysteine; GSH; glutathione; Glu; glutamate; Gly; glycine; OPT; ophthalmic acid; γGCS; γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase; GS; glutathione synthetase; ROS; reactive oxygen species; 2AB; 2-aminobutyric acid; Met; methionine; 2OB; 2-butyric acid; CBS; cyst
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Keywords: گلو; CoA; coenzyme A; Cys; cysteine; Fd; ferredoxin; HiPIP; high-potential iron sulfur protein; His; histidine; Asp; aspartate; Glu; glutamate; Ser; serine; NHE; normal hydrogen electrode; HMQC; heteronuclear multiple quantum correlated spectroscopy; NMR; nucl
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Keywords: گلو; Narcolepsy; Cataplexy; Orexin; Hypocretin; Neurodegeneration; Animal models; 5-HT; 5-hydroxytrytamine (serotonin); α1; noradrenergic alpha 1 receptor; α2; noradrenergic alpha 2 receptor; ACh; acetylcholine; Atax; orexin/ataxin-3 transgenic; BAC; bacteri
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Keywords: گلو; Ala; alanine; Arg; arginine; Asn; asparagine; Asp; aspartic acid; Cys; cysteine; Gln; glutamine; Glu; glutamic acid; Gly; glycine; His; histidine; Ile; isoleucine; Leu; leucine; Lys; lysine; Met; methionine; Phe; phenylalanine; Pro; proline; Ser; serine;
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Keywords: گلو; III; third ventricle; IIId; dorsal part of third ventricle; arIII; attachment of the roof of the third ventricle; Acb; nucleus accumbens; ACg; anterior cingulate cortex; AI; agranular insular cortex; AMPA; α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic
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Keywords: گلو; AA; amino acid; EAA; essential amino acid; SAA; source amino acids; TAA; trophic amino acids; Ala; alanine; Arg; arginine; Asn; asparagine; Asp; aspartic acid; Cys; cysteine; His; histidine; Glu; glutamic acid; Gly; glycine; Ile; isoleucine; Leu; leucine;
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Keywords: گلو; 5-FU; 5-fluoro-2′-deoxyuridine; ACh; acetylcholine; AMPA; α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid; ANOVA; analysis of variance; Ca2+;  calcium; [Ca2+]i; intracellular calcium; CCD; cooled charge-coupled device; DIV; days in vitro; DMEM; D
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Keywords: گلو; 2Nal; 3-(2-naphthy)-alanine; AFWK; pheylalanine/tryptophan/lysine triple auxotrophic E. coli; DHB; 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid; DHF; dihydrofolate; DHFR; dihydrofolate reductase; Glu; glutamic acid; LB; Lria-Broth; Lys; lysine; MALDI-TOF MS; matrix-assisted
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Keywords: گلو; ALT; alanine transaminase; AMYL; amylase; AspAT; serum aspartate aminotransferase; BBB; blood-brain barrier; CID; collision-induced dissociation; CREA; creatinine; GLU; glucose; HGB; haemoglobin; HCT; hematocrit; IDO; indoleamine 2,3-dioxygnease; lyso PCs
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Keywords: گلو; N; nitrogen; LN; low nitrogen; G-6-P; glucose-6-phosphate; 2-KG; 2-ketoglutaric acid; PPP; pentose phosphate; Glu; glutamic acid; Gln; glutamine; Asp; aspartic acid; Asn; asparagine; Ser; serine; Gly; glycine; Ala; alanine; Leu; leucine; Thr; threonine; L
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Keywords: گلو; ACC; anterior cingulate cortex; CDRS-R; Children's Depression Rating Scale-Revised; CSF; cerebrospinal fluid; FAST; Fourier acquired steady state; FDR; false discovery rate; Gln; glutamine; Glu; glutamate; 1H-MRS; proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy; I
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Keywords: گلو; Capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry; Amino acids; Chiral separation; Cerebrospinal fluid; AA; amino acid; Ala; alanine; APFO; ammonium perfluorooctanoate; Arg; arginine; Asn; asparagine; Asp; aspartic acid; CSF; cerebrospinal fluid; Glu; glutamic
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Keywords: گلو; ALR; inner loop air-lift reactor; B1-3; marking of biotransformation experiments; E1-3; marking of extraction experiments; EtOH; ethyl alcohol; Glu; glucose; PAA; phenylacetic acid; PEA; 2-phenylethanol; Phe; l-phenylalanine; RES; reservoir with organic p
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Keywords: گلو; MTT; 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide; Ara; arabinose; APS; Astragalus membranaceus; DC; dendritic cells; DMEM; dulbeccoâ¿¿s modified eagle medium; FBS; fetal bovine serum; FITC; fluorescein isothiocyanate; GLP; Ganoderma luci
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Keywords: گلو; SM; sphingomyelin; SMS; sphingomyelin synthase; Cer; ceramide; CerS; ceramide synthase; S1P; sphingosine 1 phosphate; LC/ESI-MS/MS; liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry; VLCFA; very long-chain fatty acid; HexCer; hexosylc
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Keywords: گلو; 5-HIAA; 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid; 5-HT; serotonin; AAA; aromatic amino acids; AAT; aspartate aminotransferase; ADT; large neutral amino acid mixture; ALA; alanine; ASP; aspartate; BBB; blood-brain barrier; BCAA; branched-chain amino acids; BHM; β-hy
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Keywords: گلو; Ade; adenosine; ADP; adenosine di-phosphate; ANLS; astrocyte-neuron lactate shuttle; ATP; adenosine tri-phosphate; DAB; 1,4-dideoxy-1,4-imino-d-arabinitol; EEG; electro-encephalogram; EMG; electro-myogram; EOG; electrooculogram; FDG; fluoro-deoxy glucos
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Keywords: گلو; DES; deep eutectic solvent(s); CC; choline chloride; Glu; glucose; Man; mannose; Ara; arabinose; Xyl; xylose; Rf; retention factor; Deep eutectic solvents; Green reaction system; Glycolipid synthesis; Lipase; Transesterification;
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Keywords: گلو; AA; arachidonic acid; ABCA1; adenosine triphosphate-binding cassette transporter A1; ACE-I; angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ACSL1; acyl-CoA synthase 1; ADMA; asymmetric dimethylarginine; Akt; protein kinase B; Aldo; aldosterone; AMPK; adenosine m
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Keywords: گلو; ABTS; 2,2′-Azino-bis-(3-ethyl benzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid); BET; Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller; BJH; Barrett, Joyner and Halenda; BPA; bisphenol-A; CA; clofibric acid; CBZ; carbamazepine; CNTs; carbon nanotubes; DCF; diclofenac; EDC; N-(3-Dimethylami
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Keywords: گلو; Acat2; cholesterolacyl transferase 2; ALT; alanine aminotransferase; AST; aspartate aminotransferase; Bax; Bcl-2-associated x protein; BUN; blood urea nitrogen; CREA; creatinine; DBIL; direct bilirubin; DMEM; Dulbecco's modified eagle medium; Gclc; glut
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Keywords: گلو; AD; Alzheimer's disease; ANT-1; adenine nucleotide translocator-1; Ap5A; P1,P5-di(adenosine-5′)pentaphosphate; ATP D.S.; ATP detecting system; ATR; atractyloside; BME; basal medium Eagle; CGCs; cerebellar granule cells; COX; cytochrome c oxidase; DIDS
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Keywords: گلو; ROS; reactive oxygen species; GSH; reduced glutathione; GSSG; oxidized glutathione; TNF-α; tumoral necrose factor alpha; IL-1β; interleukin 1β; CAT; catalase; SOD; superoxide dismutase; GPx; glutathione peroxidase; GR; glutathione reductase; G6PDH; glu
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Keywords: گلو; ACh; acetylcholine; BF; basal forebrain; BOLD; blood oxygenation level dependent; BS; brainstem; deoxyHb; deoxyhemoglobin; ECoG; electrocorticogram; Glu; glutamate; LFi; low-frequency index; metHb; methemoglobin; MR; magnetic resonance; NB; nucleus basali
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Keywords: گلو; ALB; albumin; ALT; alanine aminotransferase; ALP; alkaline phosphatase; AST; aspartate aminotransferase; APTT; activated partial thromboplastin time; BW; body weight; BUN; urea nitrogen; CK; creatine kinase; CRE; creatinine; FIB; fibrinogen; GLU; glucose;
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Keywords: گلو; aBom; acidic bombolitin V; aLL-37; acidic LL-37; aMel; acidic melittin; AMP; antimicrobial peptides; caAM; calcein acetoxymethylester; Chol; cholesterol; cnDNA; condensed DNA; cryo-TEM; cryo-transmission electron microscopy; DAPI; 4′, 6-diamidino-2-phen
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Keywords: گلو; BFR; background firing rate; Glu; glutamate; ISO; isoproterenol; NA; noradrenaline; RMC; magnocellular; RN; red nucleus; RPC; parvicellular; SD; standard deviation; YO; yohimbine hydrochloride; noradrenaline; glutamate; red nucleus; electrophysiology; mic
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Keywords: گلو; IPC; intraperitoneal chemotherapy; NRP-1; neuropilin-1; NRP-2; neuropilin-2; A; Ala; C; Cys; D; Asp; E; Glu; F; Phe; G; Gly; H; His; I; Ile; K; Lys; L; Leu; M; Met; N; Asn; P; Pro; Q; Gln; R; Arg; S; Ser; T; Thr; V; Val; W; Trp; Y; Tyr; X; any amino acid;
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Keywords: گلو; 5-HT; 5-hydroxytryptamine; AChE; acetylcholinesterase (EC; APx; L-ascorbate peroxidase (EC; ATPase; adenosinetriphosphatase (EC; CAT; catalase (EC; DA; dopamine; Glu; glutamate; GSH; glutathione; GSH-Px; glutathione
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Keywords: گلو; Ketamine (PubChem CID: 3821); S-Ketamine (PubChem CID: 182137); R-Ketamine (PubChem CID: 644025); Fenfluramine (PubChem CID: 3337); Riluzole (PubChem CID: 5070); Lanicemine (PubChem CID: 3038485); Dexamethasone (PubChem CID: 5743); Clozapine (PubChem CID:
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Keywords: گلو; CNS; central nervous system; CRH; corticotropin releasing hormone; CRHR1; corticotropin releasing hormone receptor type 1; irCRH; immune-reactive CRH; PET; positron emission tomography; SPECT; single photon tomography; fMRI; functional magnetic resonance
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Keywords: گلو; 3D; three-dimensional; c log P; the calculated log octanol/water partition coefficient; DNA; deoxyribonucleic acid; ATP; adenosine triphosphate; HPT1; intestinal peptide-associated transporter 1; PEPT1; peptide transporter 1; OCT; organic cation transpo
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Keywords: گلو; Advanced material; Alzheimer's disease; Bioimaging; Biological fluid; Detection; Neurotransmitter; Optical biosensing; Optical sensing; Parkinson's disease; Schizophrenia; 5-HT; serotonin; AA; ascorbic acid; ACh; acetylcholine; AChE; acetyl cholinesterase
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Keywords: گلو; 3V; 3rd ventricle; 5HT; serotonin; ACg; anterior cingulate cortex; Ach; acetylcholine; AMPA; α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoazol-4-propionate acid; ARAS; ascending reticular activating system; BF; basal forebrain; CA; ammons' horn of the hippocampus (CA1
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Keywords: گلو; ASV; Anodic stripping voltammetry; AuNP; Gold nanoparticle; CNT; Carbon nanotube; CPE; Carbon-paste electrode; CV; Cyclic voltammetry; DNA; Deoxyribonucleic acid; DPASV; Differential pulse anodic solid voltammetry; DPV; Differential pulse voltammetry; dsD
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Keywords: گلو; Bone graft; Bovine bone; Bending strength; Sub-chronic; Toxicity; Xenograft; SD; Sprague-Dawley; HTOs; High tibia osteotomies; NP; Not present; WBC; White blood cell; NE; Neutrophils; LY; Lymphocyte; MO; Monocyte; EO; Eosinophil; BA; Basophil; RBC; Red
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Keywords: گلو; AGPase; glucose-1-phosphate adenyltransferase; Ala; alanine; CEF; cyclic electron flow; DXPS; X days post stress; FNR; ferredoxin-NADP + reductase; GABA; γ-aminobutyric acid; Glu; glutamate; gs; stomatal conductance; Gewurtz.; Gewurztraminer; ISO; isoc
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Keywords: گلو; Bovine hair; Peptide; Purification; Characterization; Antioxidant activity; Oxidative injury; BHP; a novel antioxidant peptide from bovine hair hydrolysates; GFC; gel filtration chromatography; HPSEC; high performance size exclusion chromatography; MALDI-
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Keywords: گلو; Diaveridine; Acute study; Sub-chronic study; Toxicity; Diaminopyrimidines; ALB; albumin; ALP; alkaline phosphatase; ALT; alanine aminotransferase; ANOVA; Analysis Of Variance; AST; aspartate aminotransferase; b.w.; body weight; BUN; blood urea nitrogen; C
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Keywords: گلو; 18F-FAZA; 18F-labeled fluoroazomycin arabinoside; 18F-FDG; 18F-labeled fluorodeoxyglucose; 18F-FLT; 18F-labeled fluorothymidine; 18F-HX4; 18F-labeled flortanidazole; 18F-MISO; 18F-labeled fluoromisonidazole; 62Cu-ATSM; 62Cu-labeled diacetyl-bis(N-methylth
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Keywords: گلو; 3-CQA; 3-caffeoylquinic acid; 4-CQA; 4-caffeoylquinic acid; 5-CQA; 5-caffeoylquinic acid; 3,4-diCQA; 3,4-dicaffeoylquinic acid; 3,5-diCQA; 3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid; 4,5-diCQA; 4,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid; 3-FQA; 3-feruloylquinic acid; 4-FQA; 4-feruloylquin
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Keywords: گلو; AD; Alzheimer's disease; CSF; cerebrospinal fluid; NT; neurotransmitters; UPLC; ultra-performance liquid chromatography; HPLC; high-performance liquid chromatography; LOD; limit of detection; LOQ; limit of quantification; IS; internal standard; Glu; gluta
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Keywords: گلو; Amino acids; Pregnancy; New-born; Oily fish; Nutrition; n-3 LC-PUFA; n-3 long chain-polyunsaturated fatty acid; AA; amino acid; Tau; taurine; Thr; threonine; Ser; serine; Asn; asparagine; Glu; glutamic acid; Gln; glutamine; Pro; proline; Gly; glycine; Ala