هدف پستانداران رپامایسین

در این صفحه تعداد 733 مقاله تخصصی درباره هدف پستانداران رپامایسین که در نشریه های معتبر علمی و پایگاه ساینس دایرکت (Science Direct) منتشر شده، نمایش داده شده است. برخی از این مقالات، پیش تر به زبان فارسی ترجمه شده اند که با مراجعه به هر یک از آنها، می توانید متن کامل مقاله انگلیسی همراه با ترجمه فارسی آن را دریافت فرمایید.
در صورتی که مقاله مورد نظر شما هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده باشد، مترجمان با تجربه ما آمادگی دارند آن را در اسرع وقت برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
مقالات ISI هدف پستانداران رپامایسین (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; IL-1B; interlukins 1-beta; LPS; lipopolysaccharide; ICE; IL-1β converting enzyme; TLE; temporal lobe epilepsy; BBB; blood brain barrier; NMDA; N-methyl-d-aspartate; IL-1R1; interlukin-1 receptor, type 1; TNF-alpha; tumor necrosis factor- alpha; PTZ; pent
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; AraC; cytosine arabinoside; αSyn; α-synuclein; BSA; bovine serum albumin; Con; control; CQ; chloroquine; DIV; days in vitro; DMSO; dimethyl sulfoxide; E. coli; Escherichia coli; FBS; fetal bovine serum; GAPDH; glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase; G
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; AMPK; AMP-activated protein kinase; ATF6; activating transcription factor 6; BNIP3; BCL2/adenovirus E1B 19 kDa interacting protein 3; CHOP; C/EBP homologous protein; DRP1; dynamin-related protein 1; FIS1; fission protein 1; GRP78; 78 kDa glucose-regulat
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; BS Ext; Black soybean extract; DEX; dexamethasone; DM; differentiation medium; DMEM; Dulbecco modified Eagle's medium; ER; estrogen receptors; ERE; estrogen response element; FBS; fetal bovine serum; GLUT4; glucose transporter 4; GM; growth medium; mTOR
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; a-syn; Alpha-synuclein; PD; Parkinson's disease; DLB; Dementia with Lewy bodies; MSA; Multiple system atrophy; CNS; central nervous system; MJFF; Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research; HSP; Heat shock proteins; mTOR; mammalian target of rapamy
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; Atopic eczema; dermatitis; skin; proteomic; filaggrin; kallikrein-7; cyclophilin A; AE; Atopic eczema; ANXA3; Annexin A3; CFL1; Cofilin-1; CTSV; Cathepsin V; eIF; Eukaryotic initiation factor; FLG; Filaggrin; IPA; Ingenuity Pathway Analysis; KLK7; Kallikr
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; Cytokines; Signal transduction; Drug development; Inflammation; Autoimmunity; Therapy; JAK; Janus Kinase; STAT; Signal transducer and activator of transcription; NF-kB; nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells; MAPK; Mitogen activate
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; AD; Alzheimer's disease; APP/PS1; amyloid precursor protein/presenilin 1; Aβ; β-amyloid; CNS; central nervous system; CTRL; control; EPM; elevated plus maze; FST; forced swimming test; GLP-1R; glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor; i.c.v.; intracerebrovent
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; ASD; autism spectrum disorders; BTBR; BTBR T+Itpr3tf/J mouse strain; cKO; conditional knockout; CNS; central nervous system; CNTNAP2; contactin-associated protein-like 2; DREADD; designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs; DSM-5; Diagnosti
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; Early-life stress; Hippocampus; Susceptibility; Resilience; Nucleus accumbens; Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis; Neuropeptide Y; Corticotropin-releasing factor; Prefrtonal cortex; Mammalian target of rapamycin; Major depressive disorder;
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; Immunology; primary immunodeficiency; whole-exome sequencing; hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; common variable immunodeficiency; severe combined immunodeficiency; hyper-IgE syndrome; AIP1; Actin-interacting protein 1; APDS; Activated PI3Kδ syndro
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; Diabetes mellitus; Antioxidants; Oxygen free radicals; Nitrative stress; Animal; Human; eNOS; endothelial nitric oxide synthase; NOS3; nitric oxide synthase 3; cNOS; constitutive nitric oxide synthase; nNOS; neuronal nitric oxide synthase; iNOS; induced n
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; AANTs; anodic alumina nanotubes; Akt; protein kinase B; AMPK; AMP-activated protein kinase; AONs; aluminum oxide nanorods; CNFs; cellulose nanofibers; CTNs; carboxylated titanium nanobelts; H295R; human adrenocarcinoma cells; HepG2; hepatocellular carcino
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; •OH; hydroxyl radical; 2,2-BP; 2,2-bipyridyl; ABC; ATP-binding cassette; AIF; apoptosis-inducing factor; AMPK; AMP-activated protein kinase; AMPKK; AMPK kinase; ANT; adenine nucleotide translocase; AP-1; activator protein 1; Apaf-1; protease activating
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; ADP; adenosine diphosphate; AMP; adenosine monophosphate; ATP; adenosine triphosphate; [Ca2+]i; intracellular calcium concentration; CaM; calmodulin; CaMKII; Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase II; cAMP; cyclic adenosine monophosphate; COX-2; cyclooxygenase-
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; Ovarian cancer; Chemotherapy resistance; Natural compounds; Autophagy; Apoptosis; Ovarian cancer stem-like cells; ABCG2; ATP-binding cassette G2; AE; Amla extracts; Akt; protein kinase B; ALDH1; aldehyde dehydrogenase 1; ARE; antioxidant-response element;
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; BMD; bone mineral density; BMI; body mass index; BMU; basic multicellular unit; CAV; cardiac allograft vasculopathy; CKD; chronic kidney disease; CS; corticosteroids; DXA; dual energy X-ray absorptiometry; FASL; FAS ligand; FRAX; Fracture Risk Assessment
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; Ac; acetyl group; AUC; area under the curve; BBB; Blood-brain barrier; BCRP; breast cancer resistance protein; CDK; cyclin-dependent kinase; CLIA; Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments; CNS; Central nervous system; CNS-TAP; CNS Targeted Agent Predict
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; AD; Alzheimer's disease; ADF; alternate day fasting; ALS; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; APP; β-amyloid precursor protein; BDNF; brain-derived neurotrophic factor; CER; continuous energy restriction; CR; caloric restriction; CREB; cyclic AMP response e
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; Depression; Ketamine; Stressor; LPS; Cytokine; Neurogenesis; 5-HIAA; 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid; 5-HT; serotonin; ANOVA; analysis of variance; DCX; doublecortin; FST; forced swim test; GM-CSF; granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor; HPA; hypoth
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; Gut-Kidney axis; Inflammation; Kidney injury; Short-chain fatty acids; AKI; acute kidney injury; βarrs; β-arrestins; cAMP; cyclic adenosine monophosphate; CKD; chronic kidney disease; CIN; contrast-induced nephropathy; ESRD; end-stage renal disease; E
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; VFI; voluntary feed intake; AMPK; adenosine monophosphate activated protein kinase; mTOR; mammalian target of rapamycin; AgRP; agouti-related peptide; Apo A-IV; apolipoprotein A-IV; ADG; average daily gain; ADFI; average daily feed intake; DE; digestible
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; Retinal ganglion cells; Axon regeneration; Cancer genes; PTEN; Visual system repair mechanisms; AAV; Adeno-associated virus; CNS; Central Nervous System; CNTF; ciliary neurotrophic factor; DLK; dual leucine zipper kinase; DRG; dorsal root ganglion; EGFR;
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; CtpS; cytidine 5′-triphosphate synthetase (synthase); IMP; inosine monophosphate; IMPDH; inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase; ERES; endoplasmic reticulum exit sites; STORM; stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy; PRPP; phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; PI3K; Phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase; mTOR; mammalian target of rapamycin; MTT; 3-4,5-dimethythiazol-2,5 biphenyl tetrazolium bromide; Rhinella ornata; Rhinella schneideri; Rhinella scitula; Paraguayan toads; Bufadienolide derivatives; Ant
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; Leukemia; Malnutrition; Soy protein; Whey protein; Protein intervention; PEM; Protein-energy malnutrition; HSCT; Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; allo-HSCT; Allogeneic HSCT; BP; Soy-whey blended protein; ND; Natural diet; AML; Acute myeloid leukem
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; Cys; cysteine; GSH; glutathione; Glu; glutamate; Gly; glycine; OPT; ophthalmic acid; γGCS; γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase; GS; glutathione synthetase; ROS; reactive oxygen species; 2AB; 2-aminobutyric acid; Met; methionine; 2OB; 2-butyric acid; CBS; cyst
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; ACL; ATP citrate lyase; Akt; Protein kinase B; ASCT2; Alanine, serine, cysteine-preferring transporter 2; ASS; Argininosuccinate synthetase; BMI; Body mass index; CAF; Cancer-associated fibroblasts; ER; Estrogen receptor; FASN; Fatty acid synthase; GPC; G
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; Biological fingerprinting; Traditional Chinese medicine; Ultrafiltration; Cell membrane chromatography; Immobilized nanoparticles; Capillary electrophoresis; Adsorbed hollow fibers; Two-dimensional turbulent flow chromatography; BF; biological fingerprint
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; ACVR; activin A receptor; ALK; activin receptor-like kinase; BMP; bone morphogenetic protein; BOP; blast over pressure; COX; cyclo-oxygenase; CT; computed tomography; ECM; extracellular matrix; FOP; fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva; HES; hydroxy-ethy
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; Polyphenols; Antibiotics; Antioxidants; PACAP; Aβ; β-amyloid; AD; Alzheimer's disease; AMPK; AMP-activated protein kinase; BBB; blood-brain barrier; BDNF; brain-derived neurotrophic factor; CAT; catalase; CNS; central nervous system; COX-2; cyclooxyge
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; 5-hydroxytryptamine; Tryptophan Hydroxylase; 5-HT2B; Pancreatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia; 5-HT; serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine); CT; computed tomography; ECAR; extracellular acid ratio; HTRs; 5-HT receptors; KPC; KrasG12D/+/Trp53R172H/+/Pdx1-Cre; IHC; im
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; AC; adenyl cyclase; AD; Alzheimer's disease; 2-AG; 2-arachidonoylglycerol; ABHD6; α,β hydrolase 6; AEA; arachidonylethanolamide/anandamide; ALS; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; BBB; blood brain barrier; cAMP; cyclic adenosine monophosphate; CBD; cannabid
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; AA; Angelica Archangelica; AGNHW; AnGongNiuHuang Wan; AM; Astragalus membranaceus; AMP; adenosine monophosphate; AMPK; adenosine 5′-monophosphate activated protein kinase; Ang II; angiotensin II; AP; Astragalus polysaccharide; ASIV; astragaloside IV; AS
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; 2,4-D; dichlorophenoxyacetic acid; [35S]TBPS; [35S]tertiary-butylbicyclophosphorothionate; 3-NP; 3-nitropropionic acid; 4CL; 4-coumarate: CoA ligase; 4-O-MH; 4-O-methylhonokiol; 6-OHDA; 6-hydroxydopamine; 8-oxo-dG; 8-oxo-2′-deoxyguanosine; AChE; acetylc
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; cystic hygroma; reduction; sclerotherapy; sirolimus; CH; cystic hygromas; EXIT; extrauterine intrapartum airway intervention; MRI; magnetic resonance imaging; mTOR; mammalian target of rapamycin;
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; ATM; ataxia telangiectasia mutated; DDR; DNA-damage response; MAPK; mitogen-activated protein kinase; MMP; matrix metalloproteinase; mTOR; mammalian target of rapamycin; PKD1; protein kinase D1; SASP; senescence-associated secretory phenotype; SCC; squamo
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; mTOR; mammalian target of rapamycin; EBI; early brain injury; SAH; subarachnoid hemorrhage; SD; Sprague-Dawley; BBB; blood-brain barrier; aSAH; aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage; ICP; increasing intracranial pressure; CBF; cerebral blood flow; PI3K; phos
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; ASC; apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a caspase recruitment domain; DAMPs; danger associated molecular patterns; EAE; experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis; HER2; human epidermal growth factor related receptor 2; ERK; extracellular s
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; Cd; cadmium; AD; Alzheimer disease; PD; Parkinson disease; GSH; glutathione; SOD; superoxide dismutase; CAT; catalase; GSH-Px; glutathione peroxidase; ROS; reactive oxygen species; LPO; lipid peroxidation; MDA; malondialdehyde; O2−; superoxide anion; OH
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; Liver transplantation; Machine perfusion; Recurrent disease; Donation after circulatory; Death; De novo cancer; AIH; autoimmune hepatitis; AMR; antibody mediated rejection; BMI; body metabolic index; HBV; hepatitis B Virus; CMV; cytomegalovirus; DBD; dona
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; Telomerase; TERT; Cancer stemness; CSCs; Positive feedback loops; Targeted anticancer therapy; ABC; ATP-binding cassette; Akt; protein kinase B; ALDH1; aldehyde dehydrogenase 1; BAX; BCL-2-associated protein X; BCL; B-cell lymphoma family protein; BMI-1;
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; MTT; 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide; DPPH; 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl; EDTA; ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; ERK1/2; extracellular signal-regulated kinase; mTOR; mammalian target of rapamycin; AMPKα; 5′ adenosine monop
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; β-AR; β-adrenergic receptor; 4-HNE; 4-hydroxynonenal; ACC; acetyl-coA carboxylase; ALT; alanine aminotransferase; AMPK; adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase; ANOVA; analysis of variance; AST; aspartate transaminase; ATGL; adipose triglycerid
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; CK; casein kinase; Cvt; cytoplasm-to-vacuole targeting; DRPs; dynamin-related proteins; ER; endoplasmic reticulum; EPCONS; ER-to-peroxisome contact sites; mPTS; membrane peroxisomal targeting signal; MS; mass spectrometry; mTOR; mammalian target of rapamy
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; NODAT; new onset diabetes after transplantation; IAs; immunosuppressive agents; BAT; brown adipose tissue; Akt; protein kinase B; mTOR; mammalian target of rapamycin; GLUT4; glucose transporter 4; IRS; insulin receptor substrate; JNK; N-terminal Janus act
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; ER; endoplasmic reticulum; GC; glucocorticoid; GREs; glucocorticoid response element; GR; glucocorticoid receptor; mTOR; mammalian target of rapamycin; ORE; oleate response elements; PBD; peroxisome biogenesis disorder; PEX; peroxin; PPAR; peroxisome prol
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; Oxysterols; Survival; Nrf2; Autophagy; 5,6-S; 5,6-secosterol; 24OH; 24-hydroxycholesterol; 25OH; 25-hydroxycholesterol; 27OH; 27-hydroxycholesterol; 7K; 7-ketocholesterol; 7βOH; 7β-hydroxycholesterol; AGE; advanced glycation end products; AMPK; AMP-acti
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Keywords: هدف پستانداران رپامایسین; Agmatine; Antidepressants; Central nervous system; Depression; Neuroprotection; AMPA; α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid; ARE; antioxidant response element; BDNF; brain-derived-neurotrophic factor; BBB; blood-brain barrier; CRE; cAMP