Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Payment systems; Agent based; Game theory; Simulation; Policy
مقالات ISI ترجمه شده نظریه بازی ها
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Security; Freight; Networks; High-value cargo; Game theory; Variational inequalities; Security policy;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Quality enhancement; Sales effort; Timing of commitment; Game theory;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; C7; C25; L2; L81E-commerce; Empirical research; Game theory; Online selling; Modeling research; Monitoring technologies; Probit model; Reputation games
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Collaborative product development; Game theory; Nash Bargaining; Revenue sharing; Collaboration level; Collaboration strategy;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; dwelling; alternative; selection; multiple criteria; fuzzy; game theory; MCDM; heating system
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Subcontractor; Co-operative; Game theory; Shapley value;
مقالات ISI نظریه بازی ها (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Online and offline price dispersion; Retailer type; Shopping risk; Consumer search; Pricing strategy; Game theory;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; False data injection attack; Game theory; Optimal load shedding; State estimation;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Win-win game; Game theory; Development assistance; Environmental protection; China; Japan;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Game theory; Zero sum matrix game; Matrix norms; Min-max theorem;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Water reuse; Game theory; Optimization; Sustainability assessment; Life cycle cost; Water conflict;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Econophysics; Social dynamics; Growth model; Network theory; Game theory;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Complex system; Game theory; Potential games; Phase transitions;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; OR in energy; Coalition formation; Game theory; Load scheduling; Forecast algorithm;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Game theory; Coalition structure; Convex geometry; Proportional coalition solidarity value; Proportional coalition Shapley value;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Game theory; Supply chain management; Procurement; Gain sharing;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Layout of multistatic radar; Pareto optimal; Game theory;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Game theory; Fisheries economics; International fisheries; National fisheries;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Personality disorders; Game theory; Cooperation;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; epidemiology; ecology; autonomy; game theory; collective welfare; MMR; Measles, mumps, rubella; VICP; Vaccine Injury Compensation Program;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Information acquisition; Horizontal competition; Game theory;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Game theory; Fisheries economics; Atlantic mackerel;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Origin and evolution; Criticality; Self-organized; Game theory;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Game theory; Cloud cooperation; Fairness; Social conformity;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Hermaphroditism; Sex allocation; Game theory; Mean fitness; Instantaneous fitness; Stability;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Q18; L13; D24; Input constraints; Quality control; Food safety; Quality regulation; Game theory;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; aggression; bird feeders; citizen science; competition; game theory; interspecific; Picidae;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Game theory; Networks; Allocations; Robust receding horizon control;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Game theory; Utility function; Community detection;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Environmental pollution liability insurance; Game theory; Environment risk management; Risk mitigation;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Closed-loop supply chain; Consumer's preference; Game theory; Nash bargaining;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Game Theory; Patient engagement; Self-care; Qualitative analysis; Disparities; Underinsured;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Stochastic control; Stochastic systems; Verification; Safety analysis; Reachability; Game theory; Duality; Dynamic programming;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Eco-evolutionary dynamics; Game theory; Cooperation; Dilution;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Watershed management; Game theory; Fuzzy programing; Conflict analysis; Pareto optimality; Nash bargaining solution;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Decision-making; Graph Model for Conflict Resolution; Inverse engineering; Game theory; Preferences;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Technology advancement; Standard development; Game theory;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Resource allocation; Development aid; Game theory; Global health; Bilevel programming; Stackelberg game;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Cooperation; Praise; Game theory; Social behavior; Theory of evolution; Prosocial behavior;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Power system stability; Probabilistic assessment; Sensitivity analysis; Small-disturbance stability; Game theory; Uncertainty;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Evolution; Game theory; Knowledge; Replicator dynamics; Reputation;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Demand response programs; Game theory; Nash equilibrium; Automatic load control; Day ahead scheduling;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Carbon quota constrains; Competitiveness; Game theory; Supply partnership;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Benefit allocation; Multiple-reservoir; Game theory; Shapley method; Propensity to disrupt;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Electric vehicles; Evolutionary dynamics; Diffusion; Policy; Game theory;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Wireless video streaming; Rate and dependency control; Energy efficiency; Game theory;
Keywords: نظریه بازی ها; Guidance systems; Linear optimal control; Game theory;