Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Anammox; Low temperature; Nanomaterials; Reduced graphene oxide;
مقالات ISI Anammox یا آناموکس (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Coupled nitrification-denitrification; Denitrification; Anammox; Isotope pairing technique; Nitrous oxide;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Anammox; Salt stress; Thermotolerance; Thermophilic nitrogen removal; Heat stress;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Anammox; Acetate; COD/N; Nitrogen removal performance; Microbial community;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Membrane biofilm reactor; Methane partial pressure; Denitrifying anaerobic methane oxidation; Anammox; Nitrogen removal; Methane utilization efficiency;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Natural nitrogen attenuation; Anammox; Partial nitrification; Septic system; Stable isotopes;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Anammox; Start up; Industrial wastewater; Seeding sludge; Anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Anammox; Starvation; Recovery; Nitrogen removal; Microbial community;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Denitrification; ANAMMOX; nitrification; corncob; solid carbon source;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Low-strength ammonium; ANAMMOX; Deammonification; Microbial community; Biological nitrogen removal;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Anammox; SNAD; Mainstream; COD/N ratio; Microbial community;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Anammox; Temperature; UASB; SAA; Ca. Kuenenia;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Anammox; anaerobic ammonium oxidation; CL; cluster; COD; chemical oxygen demand; CSTR; continuously stirred tank reactor; DAMO; denitrifying anaerobic methane oxidation; DO; dissolved oxygen; DOC; dissolved organic carbon; GHG; greenhouse gas; GWP; global
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Anammox; Paddy soil; Community structure; High-throughput sequencing; qPCR;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Anammox; Anaerobic effluent; Temperature; Ion Torrent sequencing; Nitrogen removal;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; AD; Anaerobic digestion; Anammox; Anaerobic ammonium oxidation; BMP; Bio-methane potential; CHP; Combined heat and power plant; CSTR; Continuous stirred-tank reactor; DQY; Deqingyuan (location of large chicken farm in China); MWel; Installed electrical ca
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Nitrite; River sediments; Seine; Reactive transport modeling; Benthic exchanges; Denitrification; Nitrification; DNRA; Anammox;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Anammox; Biofilm; Granules; MBBR; Start-up;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; ANAMMOX; Sequencing batch reactor; NRR; Specific activity; Contribution; Granule size;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; AD; Anaerobic Digestion; COD; Chemical Oxygen Demand; sCOD; Soluble COD; rbCOD; Rapidly Biodegradable COD; bCOD; Biodegradable COD; BCFC; biogas collection floating covers; FA; Free Ammonia; HDB; Heterotrophic Denitrifying Bacteria; HRT; Hydraulic Retenti
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; AOB; ammonium oxidizing bacteria; ANAMMOX; anaerobic ammonium oxidation; CANON; complete autotrophic nitrogen removal over nitrite; DO; dissolved oxygen; HRT; hydraulic retention time; NOB; nitrite oxidizing bacteria; PDE; partial differential equation; P
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Anammox; Canning industry effluents; Nitrogen removal; Partial nitritation; Saline effluents;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Anammox; Autotrophic denitrification; Electrochemistry technology; Biofilm; Nitrate;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Anammox; Marine sediment; Nitrogen pollution; Shrimp aquaculture; Nitrogen removal;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Anammox; Landfill leachate; High-throughput sequencing; Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC); Nitrogen removal; Denitrification;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; AX; anammox; NRR; nitrogen removal rate; AnMBRs; anaerobic membrane bioreactors; SNAP; single nitrogen removal reactor using anammox and partial-nitrification; NRR; nitrogen loading rate; PCR; polymerase chain reaction; inf; influent; eff; effluent; MLSS;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; IC; inorganic carbon; anammox; anaerobic ammonium oxidation; NRR; nitrogen removal rate; GAC; granular activated carbon; DO; dissolved oxygen; UUM; uninformable untrained microorganisms; Microbial diversity; Inorganic carbon; Anaerobic ammonium oxidation;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Anammox; Nickel; Zinc; Inhibition; Next generation sequencing;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Nitrogen removal; Denitrifying anaerobic methane oxidation; Anammox; Membrane biofilm reactor; Mainstream;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Anammox; CANON; Granular sludge; Mainstream sewage;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Inhibition; Heavy metals; Antibiotics; Partial nitritation; Anammox; Orthogonal test;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Nitrogen removal; Anammox; Salinity effect; Fixed-bed biofilm; Heterotrophic nitrification; 16S rRNA sequencing;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Thermal hydrolysis pre-treated sidestream; Anammox; MBR; Inhibition; Metagenomics;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Low strength wastewater; Anaerobic hybrid reactor (AHR); Anammox; Denitrifying phosphate accumulating organisms;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Constructed wetlands; Biological nitrogen removal; Anammox; Influent COD/N; Intermittent aeration;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Anammox; Expanded bed reactor; Phosphorus recovery; HAP; Precipitation;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Biological nitrogen removal; Low C/N wastewater; Single bioreactor; Airlift bioreactor; Anammox;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Anammox; Biocathode; Bioelectrochemical systems; Denitrification; Microbial desalination; Wastewater;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Anammox; Autotrophic; Mixotrophic; COD/TN ratio; Metabolic discrepancies;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Nitrogen-rich saline wastewater; Anammox; Sponge Carrier; Recovery performance; Kinetics; Nitrite inhibition;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Waste biomass; Anaerobic digestion; Nutrient recovery; Anammox; AnMBR;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Anammox; 16S rRNA transcript; Metabolomics; Nitrogen removal; Biomass yield;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Anammox; Oxytetracycline(OTC); Bio-augmentation (BA); Bacterial community structures;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Leachate characteristics; Leachate treatment; Deammonification; Anammox; Energy efficiency; Technology acceptance;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Biofilm thickness; Anammox; Dissolved oxygen; Biofilms; Bioreactors; Waste-water treatment;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Anammox; Ammonia oxidizing bacteria; Nitritation; Deammonification; Denitrification; Packed-bed reactor;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Anammox; Nitritation; Gel entrapment; Nitrogen removal; Ammonia plant;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Anammox; Extracellular polymeric substances; Protein; Fluorescence; Size exclusion chromatography; Hydrophobicity;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Subsurface vertical flow constructed wetland (VSSF); Saturated zone depth (SZD); Complete autotrophic nitrogen removal over nitrite (CANON); Anammox; Nitrogen transformation;
Keywords: Anammox یا آناموکس; Anammox; Copper nanoparticles; Resistance genes; High-throughput sequencing; Nitrogen removal;