Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Electromyography; Force-displacement characteristics; Key travel distance; Computer-related musculoskeletal disorders; Usability;
مقالات ISI ترجمه شده الکترومیوگرافی
مقالات ISI الکترومیوگرافی (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Electromyography; Height adjustment; Carriage system;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Shoulder; Muscle activation; Electromyography; Perceived exertion;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Botulism; Infant; Electromyography; Botulinum toxin;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; CPN; common peroneal nerve; EMG; electromyography; ENS; electrical nerve stimulation; PGS; passive ground stepping; RI; reciprocal inhibition; Sol; soleus muscle; TA; tibialis anterior muscle; Spinal reflexes; Plasticity; Electrical nerve stimulation; Pas
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Congenital myasthenic syndrome; Endplate acetylcholinesterase deficiency; Electromyography; Repetitive compound muscle action potential; COLQ;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; Sensory abnormalities; Electromyography; Neuropathy;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Differential diagnosis; Electromyography; Facial nerve; Hemifacial spasm; Magnetic resonance imaging; Movement disorders; Neurovascular conflict;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Essential tremor; Electromyography; Physiological tremor; Octanoic acid;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; 3D kinematics; Electromyography; Chronic ankle instability; Gait;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Electromyography; Rotator cuff; Axioscapular muscles; Scapulothoracic muscles; Deltoid;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Electromyography; Flexor digitorum profundus; Intramuscular; Fine wire; EMG; FDP;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; CLA; central locus activation; CV; coefficient of variance; EMG; electromyography; MFC; minimum foot clearance; RF; rectus femoris; SD; standard deviation; Neuromuscular compartment; Bi-articular muscles; Multi-channel surface electromyography; Ageing;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Electromyography; Ankle instability; Isokinetic; Dynamic balance;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Foot orthoses; Insoles; Stair descent; Kinematics; Electromyography; Kinetics;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Body weight unloading; Electromyography; Kinetics; Biomechanics; Gait analysis; Rehabilitation; Overweight;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Optic flow; Saccadic reaction time; Visual perception; Electromyography; Stabilometry;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Electromyography; Clinico-pathologically defined sIBM; Probable sIBM; Fibrillation potentials; PSW; MUAP; Pseudo-neurogenic MUAP;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Electrical stimulation; Muscle fatigue; Electromyography;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Electromyography; Diagnostic techniques; Face; Innovation;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Language embodiment; Context sensitivity; Semantic polarity; Electromyography;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Vagus nerve stimulation; Efficacy; Epileptic spasms; Tonic spasms; Refractory epilepsy; Children; AE; Danti-epileptic drug; CSF; cerebrospinal fluid; EEG; electroencephalography; EMG; electromyography; ES; epileptic spasms; GABA; gamma-aminobutyric acid;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; EMG; electromyography; GA; gait asymmetry; BMI; body mass index; AHI; arch height index; ASIS; anterior superior iliac spine; PSIS; posterior superior iliac spine; BW; body weight; PAT; Polygon Authoring Tool; Low arched feet; Gait; Moment; Asymmetry;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Deglutition; Deglutition disorders; Dysphagia; Electromyography; Tongue;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Shoulder biomechanics; Ergonomics; Wrist posture; Work design; Electromyography;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Tendon; Ultrasonography; Twitch; Myosins; Electromyography; Sex differences;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; User interface design; Electromyography; Motion capture; Mobile computing;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Electromyography; Radiculopathy; Diagnosis; Outcome; Spine; Low back pain; Epidural steroid injection; Therapy;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Joint torque; Moment arm; Electromyography; Muscle activity; Musculoskeletal disorders;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Supraspinatus; Electromyography; Rotator cuff; Biomechanics;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; EMG; electromyography; PCB; printed circuit board; USB; universal serial bus; I2C; inter-integrated circuit; IPHFO; intraluminal pressure high frequency oscillations; UART; universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter; Pves; vesical pressure; Pdet; detruso
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Foot orthoses; Foot orthoses with a lateral bar; Electromyography; Walking;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; EMG; Electromyography; ECR; Extensor carpi radialis; FCR; Flexor carpi radialis; H-reflex; Hoffmann reflex; MED nerve; median nerve; RT; radiate threshold; SR nerve; superficial radial nerve; Reciprocal inhibition; Cutaneous reflexes; Joint position; Musc
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; APB; abductor pollicis brevis; EMG; electromyography; HD-sEMG; high-density surface electromyography; M1; primary motor cortex; MEPs; motor evoked potentials; MT; motor threshold; TMS; transcranial magnetic stimulation; Handedness; Laterality asymmetries;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Gait; Rehabilitation; Rehabilitation robots; Gait symmetry; Electromyography;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Ankle sprain; Plantar pressure; Electromyography; Gait;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Electromyography; Ankle muscle activities; Inverted landing surface; Drop landings; Ankle sprain;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; CH; channel; EMG; electromyography; MVC; maximal voluntary contraction; RF; rectus femoris muscle; VL; vastus lateralis muscle; Neuromuscular compartment; Bi-articular muscles; Multi-channel surface electromyogram; Patellar tendon reflex; H reflex;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Electromyography; Orofacial pain; Clenching; Masseter muscle; Temporomandibular disorders;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Muscle; Electromyography; Joint moment; Gait; Low back pain; Foot pronation;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; CCFT; cranio-cervical flexion test; AT; Alexander technique; NPQ; Northwick Park Questionnaire; PSEQ; Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire; ANOVA; analysis of variance; Neck pain; Rehabilitation; Neck muscle fatigue; Cranio-cervical flexion test; CCFT; Electr
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Low back pain; Electromyography; Back muscle; Fear;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Non localizing ulnar neuropathy; Nerve ultrasound; Electrophysiology; Ulnar neuropathy at the elbow; APB; abductor pollicis brevis; ADM; abductor digiti minimi; CMAP; compound muscle action potential; CSA; cross sectional area; CSA Max; maximal cross sect
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Upper limb; Shoulder; Electromyography;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Bell's palsy; Blink reflex; Electromyography; Facial nerve; Frontalis muscle; Nerve conduction; Prognosis;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Hip osteoarthritis; Knee kinematics; Gait analysis; Electromyography; Principal component analysis;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; CA; corrected age; CP; cerebral palsy; CPG; central pattern generator; EMG; electromyography; GMs; general movements; L2M; Learn2Move; TINE; Touwen Infant Neurological Examination; TR; tonic response; Knee jerk; High-risk infants; Cerebral palsy; Tonic re
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; acupuncture; electromyography; muscular tension; rehabilitation; trigger point;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Acceleration; Balance; Electromyography; Fall risk; Movement variability;
Keywords: الکترومیوگرافی; Muscle forces; Musculoskeletal model; Forward dynamics; Electromyography; Direct multiple shooting;