Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Spasticity; Spinal cord injuries; Tetraplegia; Upper extremity; Reconstructive surgery; Tendon operations; Rehabilitation;
مقالات ISI ترجمه شده آسیب طناب نخاعی
مقالات ISI آسیب طناب نخاعی (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Behavior; Drug overdose; Mortality; Personality; Poisoning; Rehabilitation; Spinal cord injuries; CDC; Centers for Disease Control; HR; hazard ratio; ICD; International Classification of Diseases; NDI; National Death Index; SCI; spinal cord injury; ZKPQ;
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Spinal cord injuries; Decompression; Timing of surgery; Meta-analysis;
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Rehabilitation; Shoulder; Spinal cord injuries; Ultrasonography; Wheelchairs; BMI; body mass index; MSK-US; musculoskeletal ultrasound; MWC; manual wheelchair; PASIPD; Physical Activity Scale for Individuals with Physical Disabilities; SCI; spinal cord in
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Spinal cord injuries; Adult stem cells; Neural stem cells; Microvasculature; Chemokine1;
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Spinal cord injuries; Exercise; Rehabilitation; Technology; Physical fitness; Oxygen consumption;
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Biomechanics; Rehabilitation; Treadmill; Wheelchairs; Spinal cord injuries;
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Fatigue; Mental fatigue; Quality of life; Rehabilitation; Spinal cord injuries; SCI; spinal cord injury; PF; physical fatigability; MF; mental fatigability; CFA; confirmatory factor analysis; IRT; item response theory; DIF; differential item functioning;
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Deglutition; Dysphagia; Respiratory aspiration; Spinal cord injuries; Swallowing disorders; Trauma;
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; urinary bladder; neurogenic; spinal cord injuries; urination; motor disorders; paraplegia; AIS; American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale; EMSCI; European Multicenter Study about SCI; LEM; lower extremity motor; NSCID; National SCI Database; SCI
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Antimicrobial stewardship; Rehabilitation; Spinal cord injuries; Urinary tract infections; AIS; American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale; ASB; asymptomatic bacteriuria; EMR; electronic medical record; IDSA; Infectious Diseases Society of Americ
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Muscle spasticity; Rehabilitation; Spinal cord diseases; Spinal cord injuries; HRQOL; health-related quality of life; ITB; intrathecal baclofen; SCATS; Spinal Cord Assessment Tool for Spastic Reflexes; SCD; spinal cord damage; SCIM; Spinal Cord Independen
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Accidental falls; Adverse effects; Causes of death; Diagnostic errors; Spinal cord injuries; Spinal injuries;
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Adiponectin; Carotid arteries; Exercise; Leptin; Rehabilitation; Spinal Cord Injuries; BMI; body mass index; E/Em; peak early velocity/peak longitudinal initial diastolic velocity ratio; Em; peak longitudinal initial diastolic velocity; IMT; intima-media
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Arousal; Female; Multiple sclerosis; Quality of life; Reflex; Rehabilitation; Spinal cord injuries; CVSD; clitoral vacuum suction device; FOD; female orgasmic dysfunction; FSDS; Female Sexual Distress Scale; FSFI; Female Sexual Function Inventory; MS; mul
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; TAI; Transfer Assessment Instrument; ADA; Americans with Disabilities Act; N/A; not applicable; MANOVA; multivariate analysis of variance; SD; standard deviation; SCI; spinal cord injury; Rehabilitation; Spinal cord injuries; Training support; Activities
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Analgesics, opioid; Pain management; Rehabilitation; Spinal cord injuries; CDC; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; CI; Confidence interval; OR; Odds ratio; SCI; Spinal cord injury;
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Brain injuries, traumatic; Outcome and process assessment (health care); Rehabilitation; Social participation; Spinal cord injuries; Stroke; Walkers; Wheelchairs; CFA; confirmatory factor analysis; CI; confidence interval; PROMIS; Patient-Reported Outcome
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Health-related; Multiple chronic conditions; Quality of life; Rehabilitation; Spinal cord injuries; AIS; ASIA Impairment Scale; BMI; body mass index; HRQoL; health-related quality of life; ICF; International Classification of Functioning, Disability and H
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Health impact assessment; Muscle spasticity; Rehabilitation; Spinal cord diseases; Spinal cord injuries; ICF; International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health; PROM; patient-reported outcome measure; SCATS; Spinal Cord Assessment Tool fo
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Adaptation, psychological; Psychological phenomena; Psychological theory; Psychology, applied; Quality of life; Rehabilitation; Resilience, psychological; Spinal cord injuries; AIS; ASIA Impairment Scale; CFI; comparative fit index; LiSAT; Life Satisfacti
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Quadriplegia; Rehabilitation; Spinal cord injuries; Tendon transfer; PM&R; physical medicine and rehabilitation; SCI; spinal cord injury; UER; upper extremity reconstruction;
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Electric stimulation; Electromyography; Fatigue Muscles; Reflex; Rehabilitation; Spinal cord injuries; H-reflex; Hoffman reflex; M-wave; motor wave; MU; motor unit; NMES; neuromuscular electrical stimulation; SCI; spinal cord injury;
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Mentors; Social participation; Psychological theory; Quality of life; Rehabilitation; Spinal cord injuries; ANCOVA; analysis of covariance; bCI; bias-corrected confidence interval; QoL; quality of life; SCI; spinal cord injury; SDT; self-determination the
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Heart arrest; Parasympathetic nervous system; Spinal cord injuries; Sympathetic nervous system;
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Football; Spinal cord injuries; Brain injuries; Prospective studies;
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Body image; Emotional adjustment; Rehabilitation; Spinal cord injuries; HADS; Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; RD; rheumatic disease; SCI; spinal cord injury;
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Immobilisation; Spinal injuries; Spinal cord injuries; Emergency medical services;
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; LDR; low doses of radiation; VEGF; vascular endothelial growth factor; GAP-43; growth associated protein-43; PNI; spinal cord injuries; DEG; differentially expressed genes; GO; gene ontology; CAMs; cell adhesion molecules; KEGG; Kyoto Encyclopedia of Gene
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Spinal cord injuries; Thoracic injuries; Posture; Sitting position; Upper-limb;
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Spinal cord injuries; Brain stem; Atrophy; Periaqueductal grey; Pyramidal tracts; Red nucleus; Quantitative MRI; Structural MRI;
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Bowel program; Longitudinal studies; Neurogenic bowel; Outcome assessment (health care); Rehabilitation; Spinal cord injuries; Transition to adult care; CHART; Craig Handicap Assessment and Reporting Technique; DS; digital stimulation; GEE; generalized es
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Quality of life; Rehabilitation; Spinal cord injuries; Walking; Wheelchairs; AA; ambulation to ambulation; AW; ambulation to wheelchair or ambulation to both; CHART; Craig Handicap Assessment and Reporting Technique; QOL; quality of life; SCI; spinal cord
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Epidemiology; Spinal cord injuries; Spinal fusion; Spinal fractures; Mortality; Traumatology; Epidemiologia; Traumatismos da medula espinal; Fusão vertebral; Fraturas da coluna vertebral; Mortalidade; Traumatologia;
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Spinal cord injuries; Corporeal illusions; Embodied cognition theory; Pain; Body representation;
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Dietary supplements; Spinal cord injuries; Paraplegia; Tetraplegia; Functional recovery; Prevention; Supplementation;
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Spinal cord injuries; Sports for persons with disabilities; Body temperature regulation; Exercise physiology; Water sprays; Ice vest;
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Complications; Rehabilitation; Spinal cord injuries; AD; autonomic dysreflexia; AIS; American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale; IR; inpatient rehabilitation; LOS; length of stay; SCI; spinal cord injury; UTI; urinary tract infection;
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Geographic information systems; Health services accessibility; Rehabilitation; Spinal cord injuries; CI; confidence interval; PEBA; Public Employee Benefit Authority; RFA; Revenue and Fiscal Affairs; RR; relative risk; SC; South Carolina; SCI; spinal cord
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Brain injuries, traumatic; Longitudinal studies; Patient readmission; Rehabilitation; Spinal cord injuries; GLMM; generalized linear mixed model; IGC; individual growth curve; IRF; inpatient rehabilitation facility; SCI; spinal cord injury; TBI; traumatic
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Caregivers; Rehabilitation; Spinal cord injuries; ADL; activities of daily living; IADL; instrumental activities of daily living; OR; odds ratio; SCI; spinal cord injury;
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Health; Models, structural; Rehabilitation; Spinal cord injuries; CFI; Comparative Fit Index; ED; emergency department; EFA; exploratory factor analysis; RMSEA; root mean square error of approximation; SCI; spinal cord injury; SHC; secondary health condit
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Muscle hypertonia; Muscle spasticity; Rehabilitation; Spasm; Spinal cord injuries; MAS; Modified Ashworth Scale; PSFS; Penn Spasm Frequency Scale; SCATS; Spinal Cord Assessment Tool for Spastic Reflexes; SCI; spinal cord injury;
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Healthcare disparities; Rehabilitation; Spinal cord injuries; Wheelchairs; AL; amputated limb; CI; confidence interval; OR; odds ratio; SCI; spinal cord injury; VA; Veterans Affairs;
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; urinary bladder; neurogenic; circadian rhythm; spinal cord injuries; nocturia; polyuria; ANP; atrial natriuretic peptide; ASIA; American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale; BNP; brain natriuretic peptide; GFR; glomerular filtration rate; NP; noctu
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Mortality; Pain; Prescriptions; Rehabilitation; Spinal cord injuries; HR; hazard ratio; NDI; National Death Index; SCI; spinal cord injury;
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Gait; Rehabilitation; Spinal cord injuries; ASIA; American Spinal Injury Association; BBS; Berg Balance Scale; BWSTT; body weight-supported treadmill training; CI; confidence interval; IH; intermittent hypoxia; IQR; interquartile range; iSCI; incomplete
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Muscle spasticity; Observational study; Rehabilitation; Spasm; Spinal cord injuries; AIS; American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale; CI; confidence interval; PSFS; Penn Spasm Frequency Scale; RHSCIR; Rick Hansen Spinal Cord Injury Registry; SCI;
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Mentors; Peer group; Rehabilitation; Spinal cord injuries; GSES; General Self-efficacy Scale; SCI; spinal cord injury; SCI/D; spinal cord injury/disease;
Keywords: آسیب طناب نخاعی; Complications; Mental health; Quality of life; Rehabilitation; Self efficacy; Spinal cord injuries; SCI; spinal cord injury; SHC; secondary health condition; STROBE; Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology;