Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; Reproductive hormones; Estrogen; Progesterone; Follicle stimulating hormone; Luteinizing hormone; Prolactin; Anti-Mullerian hormone; HCG; Testerosterone;
مقالات ISI ترجمه شده هورمون جسم زرد
مقالات ISI هورمون جسم زرد (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; IUGR; intrauterine growth restriction; HPA axis; hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis; HPO axis; hypothalamic pituitary ovarian axis; LC/NE; locus ceruleus/norepinephrine; CRH; corticotropin releasing hormone; AVP; arginine vasopressin; PVN; paraventricula
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; HCG; human chorionic gonadotropin; E2; serum estradiol; P; progesterone; T; testosterone; LH; luteinizing hormone; FSH; follicle-stimulating hormone; ELISA; enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; ERβ; estrogen receptor beta; IVF; in vitro fertilization; PCOS
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; Biotin; Interference; Sandwich immunoassay; Competitive immunoassay; HCG; human chorionic gonadotropin; PCT; procalcitonin; PTH; parathyroid hormone; hs-TnT; troponin; LH; luteinizing hormone; NT-proBNP; N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide; TSH; thy
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; Androgenic anabolic steroids; Nandrolone decanoate; Ovaries; Uterus; Luteinizing hormone; Reproduction; Female rat;
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; PCOS; polycystic ovary syndrome; NK; natural killer; uNK; uterine natural killer; KIRs; killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptors; iKIR; Kir inhibitors; ITIM; tyrosine-based inhibitory motifs; aKIR; Kir activators; ITAM; tyrosine-based activation motifs;
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; PCOS; polycystic ovary syndrome; BMI; mody mass index; HDL-C; high density lipoprotein-C; LDL-C; low density lipoprotein-C; CVD; cardiovascular disease; FSH; follicle stimulating hormone; LH; luteinizing hormone; T2DM; type 2 diabetes mellitus; GPO-PAP; g
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; MD-TESE; microdissection testicular sperm extraction; TESE; testicular sperm extraction; TESA; testicular sperm aspiration; SRR; sperm recovery rate; ICSI; intracytoplasmic sperm injection; NOA; non-obstructive azoospermia; OA; obstructive azoospermia; hC
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; SPX; spexin; Gal; galanin; Kiss; kisspeptin; LH; luteinizing hormone; GalR1; type I galanin receptor; GalR2; type II galanin receptor; GalR3; type III galanin receptor; hs-CRP; high-sensitivity C-reactive protein test index; HbAlc; haemoglobin A1C;
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; CGRP; calcitonin gene related peptide; E2; Estrogen; FP; follicular phase; GABA; gamma-aminobutyric acid; HPG; hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal; LH; luteinizing hormone; NO; nitric oxide; PRG; Progesterone; To; Testosterone; VAS; visual analogue scale; CSD;
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; CI; confidence interval; DBCP; dibromochloropropane; DDE; dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene; DDT; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; FSH; follicle-stimulating hormone; GED; General Educational Development; GM; geometric mean; HCB; hexachlorobenzene; HCH; hex
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; BSA; Bovine serum albumin; GnRH; Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone; LH; Luteinizing hormone; OIF; Ovulation-inducing factor; OIF/NGF; Ovulation-inducing factor/nerve growth factor; PBS; Phosphate buffer saline; Gonadotropin-releasing hormone; Neurons; Hypot
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; aCSF; artificial cerebrospinal fluid; AICAR; 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-riboside; AMPK; 5â² adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase; ARH; arcuate hypothalamic nucleus; AVPV; anteroventral periventricular nucleus; CRH; corticotropin-releasing
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; FF; follicular fluid; IVF; In vitro fertilization; ICSI; Intracytoplasmic sperm injection; hCG; Human chorionic gonadotropin; MII; Metaphase-II; FSH; Follicle-stimulating hormone; LH; Luteinizing hormone; BMI; Body mass index; RR; Risk ratio; Arsenic (As)
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; AA/GG; adrenal androgen/glucocorticoid (sum of dehydroepiandrosterone and androstenedione)/(sum of cortisol and cortisone); AHR; aromatic hydrocarbon receptor; B; regression coefficient; CI; confidence interval; DHEA; dehydroepiandrosterone; LOD; limit of
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; AMH; anti-Mullerian hormone; BMI; body mass index; KMI; Kupperman menopausal index; FSH; follicle-stimulating hormone; LH; luteinizing hormone; E2; estradiol; T; testosterone; AFC; antral follicle count; OF group; ovarian failure group; NOF group; ovarian
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; Maternal effects; Yolk androgens; Ovulatory cycle; Luteinizing hormone; Quail;
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; ABCA1 gene; Tangier disease; Male infertility; Spermatogenesis; Hormonal axis; High-density lipoprotein; FHA; hypoalphalipotroteinemia; CFTR; Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator; FHS; follicle stimulating hormone; LH; luteinizing hormone;
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; 6MWT; 6-Minute Walk Test; AACE; American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists; ACE; American College of Endocrinology; ADT; androgen deprivation therapy; BMI; body mass index; BRS; baroreflex sensitivity; CAC; coronary artery calcium; CAD; coronary ar
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; 3α-diol; 5α-androstane-3α,17β-diol; BMI; body mass index; DHEA; dehydroepiandrosterone; DHT; dihydrotestosterone; FAI; the free androgen index; FSH; follicle-stimulating hormone; HOMA-IR; the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance; hs-CRP;
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; Deviation characteristics; Follicle deviation; Follicle selection; Follicle stimulating hormone; Luteinizing hormone;
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; DNA; deoxyribonucleic acid; PCR; polymerase chain reaction; CF; cystic fibrosis; CBAVD; congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens; CFTR; cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator; ICSI; intracytoplasmic sperm injection; SNP; single nucleo
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; Ovary; High-fat diet; Obesity; Female fertility; RNA sequencing; Transcription factor 3; Atf3; A disintegrin-like and metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 1; Adamts1; Activating Anti-mullerian hormone; AMH; B cell translocation gene 2; Btg2;
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; HPG; hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal; GnRH; gonadotropin-releasing hormone; FSH; follicle-stimulating hormone; LH; luteinizing hormone; CNS; central nervous system; HH; hypogonadotropic hypogonadism; PSA-NCAM; polysialic acid form of neural adhesion molecu
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; GnRH; Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone; KS; Kallmann Syndrome; nIHH; normosmic idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism; IGD; isolated GnRH deficiency; LH; luteinizing hormone; FSH; follicle-stimulating hormone; CDP; constitutional delay of puberty; HA; hyp
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; AC; adenylate cyclase; ALK; activin receptor-like kinase; ActRII; activin type-II receptor; BMP; bone morphogenetic protein; BMPRII; BMP type-II receptor; FSH; follicle-stimulating hormone; FSHR; FSH receptor; GDF; growth and differentiation factor; GIP;
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; TH; Thyroid hormone; THs; Thyroid hormones; T3; 3,5,3â²-l-triiodothyronine; HPT; Hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis; HPG; Hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis; CRH; Corticotropin-releasing hormone; CRF; corticotropin-releasing factor; GnIH; Gonadotropin
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; AM; nucleus anterior medialis hypothalami; DA; dopamine; ELISA; enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; FSH; follicle stimulating hormone; GnRH; gonadotropin releasing hormone; IHC; immunohistochemistry; INC; incubating hens; -ir; -immunoreactive; LH; luteiniz
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; aCSF; artificial cerebrospinal fluid; BW; body weight; cAMP; cyclic adenosine monophosphate; CRF; corticotropin-releasing factor; FSH; follicular-stimulating hormone; GnRH; gonadotropin-releasing hormone; HPA; hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal; HPG; hypothal
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; POMC; pro-opiomelanocortin; NPY; neuropeptide Y; AgRP; agouti-related peptide; PCOS; polycystic ovary syndrome; BAT; brown adipose tissue; WAT; white adipose tissue; Myf5; myogenic factor 5; PRDM16; PRD1-BF1-RIZ1 homologous domain containing 16; UCP1; the
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; AGD; anogenital distance; AHR; aryl hydrocarbon receptor; AMH; anti-Müllerian hormone; AR; androgen receptor; BPA; bisphenol A; CB-138; 2,2â²,3,4,4â²,5â² -hexachlorobiphenyl; CB-153; 2,2â²,4,4â²,5,5â²-hexachlorobiphenyl; DBP; di-n-butyl phthalate;
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; AACE; American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists; BMI; body mass index; CV; cardiovascular; DM; diabetes mellitus; E2; estradiol; EMAS; European Male Aging Study; FSH; follicle-stimulating hormone; GnRH; gonadotropin-releasing hormone; HbA1c; hemog
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; Luteinizing hormone; Follicle-stimulating hormone; Differential regulation; GnRH pulse frequency; Reproduction;
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; Depressive disorder; Inflammation; ECT; Immune; Cortisol; ACTH; Adrenocorticotropic hormone; AVP; arginine vasopressin; BDI; Beck Depression Inventory; BL-BT; Bilateral-Bitemporal; BP; Bipolar Disorders; CMI test; serotonin uptake inhibitor clomipramine;
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; ACTH; adrenocorticotropic hormone; AMH; anti-Mullerian hormone; FSH; follicle stimulating hormone; HgBA1; glycosylated hemoglobin; IRS1; insulin receptor substrate 1; LH; luteinizing hormone; NC-CAH; non-classical (adult onset) congenital adrenal hyperpla
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; Follicular stage; mRNA sequence; Granulosa cells; Luteinizing hormone;
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; CSF; cerebrospinal fluid; CT; computer tomography; MRI; magnetic resonance imaging; AIDA; Advanced Image and Data Acquisition; GH; growth hormone; IGF-1; Insulin-like growth factor; ACTH; adrenocorticotropic hormone; LH; luteinizing hormone; FSH; follicle
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; Estradiol; Luteinizing hormone; Reproductive hormones; Testicular germ cell cancer; Testosterone;
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; Canine; Uterus; Medroxyprogesterone acetate; Progestin; Morphometry; MPA; Acetate of Medroxyprogesterone; FSH; Follicle-stimulating hormone; LH; Luteinizing hormone; VV; density volume; SV; Surface density; SD; standard deviation;
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; Chinese medical formula; Primary ovarian Insufficiency; Zona pellucida; Follicle-stimulating hormone; Luteinizing hormone; Connexin 43;
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; SI; soybean isoflavone; StAR; steroidogenic acute regulatory; P450scc; cholesterol side chain cleavage enzyme; 3β-HSD; 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; GnRH; gonadotropin-releasing hormone; FSH; follicle stimulating hormone; LH; luteinizing hormone; T;
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; ERs; estrogen receptors; ERα; estrogen receptor α; ERβ; estrogen receptor β; ERE; estrogen response element; E; estradiol valerate; GPER G; protein-coupled estrogen receptor; ICR; Remifemin; LH; luteinizing hormone; LXRs; liver X receptors; NIH; Natio
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; luteinizing hormone; variability; repeatability; progesterone;
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; ANOVA; analysis of variance; BSA; bovine serum albumin; BW; body weight; CL; corpus luteum; DI; diestrous index; E2; estradiol; E3; estriol; EDTA; ethylenediaminetetracetic acid; ELISA; enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; EI; excess iodine; FFC; former fol
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon; Ovarian function; Reproduction; Luteinizing hormone; Estradiol; Menstrual cycle;
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; AChE; acetylcholinesterase; AGD; anogenital distance; BChE; butyrylcholinesterase; EDCs; endocrine disrupting chemicals; FAI; free androgen index; FSH; follicle-stimulating hormone; LH; luteinizing hormone; OP; organophosphate; SHBG; sex hormone-binding g
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; Glycoprotein hormone; Glycoprotein receptor; Thyroid-stimulating hormone; Follicle-stimulating hormone; Luteinizing hormone; Evolution; Phylogeny; Elephant shark;
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; Apaf-1; apoptotic protease activating factor-1; IL; intromission latency; ARE; antioxidant response element; INHB; inhibin B; Atg; autophagy-related genes; LH; luteinizing hormone; ABP; androgen-binding protein; LC3; light chain 3; CAT; catalase; ML; moun
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; Achillea millefolium; Biochemical parameters; Histomorphometry; Nicotine; Rat; Testes; Achm; Achillea millefolium; Nic; Nicotine; TDI; tubule differentiation index; FSH; follicle-stimulating hormone; LH; luteinizing hormone; LDH; serum lactate dehydrogena
Keywords: هورمون جسم زرد; TEAS; transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation; IVF; in vitro fertilization; CPR; clinical pregnancy rate; IR; implantation rate; LBR; live birth rate; NPY; neuropeptide Y; ELISA; enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; HSG; hysterosalpingogram; LH; lute