Keywords: کودک آزاری; Child abuse; Substance use; Psychopathology; Comorbidities
مقالات ISI ترجمه شده کودک آزاری
مقالات ISI کودک آزاری (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Neuropsychology; Child abuse; Child neglect; Anxiety sensitivity; Trait anxiety; Adolescents;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Paediatric homicide; Child abuse; Injury; Craniocerebral trauma; Blunt force trauma;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Child abuse; Subdural hematoma; Alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency; Primary intraosseous vascular malformation; Forensic medicine; A1ATD; alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency; AHT; abusive head trauma; CT; computed tomography; MRI; magnetic resonance imaging; SDH;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Bruise; Child abuse; Forensic science; Ultraviolet radiation; Forensic light sources;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Paediatrics; Child abuse; Assessment; South Africa;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Child abuse; Non-accidental trauma; Abusive head trauma; Epidemiology; Injury patterns;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Non-accidental trauma; Child abuse; Child maltreatment; Pediatric trauma; Traumatic injuries; Resource utilization; Treatment cost;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; adverse childhood experiences; child abuse; chronic disease; epigenetics; health risk behaviour; neglect; neurodevelopment; resilience;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Child abuse; Nurses; Emergency department; Report;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Non-accidental trauma; Children; Child abuse; Survey;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; 25(OH)D; 25-hydroxyvitamin D; AAPCCAAN; American Academy of Pediatrics' Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect; CPS; child protective services; CML; classical metaphyseal lesion; MUFVSH; multiple unexplained fractures in various stages of healing; TPN; to
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Physical maltreatment; Psychopathology; Distress; Injury; Child maltreatment; Child abuse;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Tobacco use disorder; Depression; Inflammation; Metabolism; Child abuse;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Child abuse; Infant; Rib fracture; Histopathology;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; ACEs; adverse childhood experiences; AFEs; adverse family experiences; BMI; body mass index; FPL; Federal Poverty Level; NSCH; National Survey of Children's Health; Child abuse; Depression; Life change events; Mental health; Overweight; Pediatric obesity;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Trait emotional intelligence; Trauma; Child abuse; Psychological distress; Depression; Anxiety; Somatization;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Unaccompanied minors; Asylum seekers; Refugees; Sexual and reproductive health; Adolescent; Child sexual exploitation; Child abuse; Violence;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Child; Domestic violence; Child abuse; Oral health; Quality of life;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Childhood adversity; Child abuse; Work stress; Job insecurity; Psychological demand;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Empathy; Coping strategies; Residential care; Protection of minors; Child abuse;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; child abuse; abusive head trauma; practice disparities; bias; AHT; Abusive head trauma; PediBIRN; Pediatric Brain Injury Research Network; PICU; Pediatric intensive care unit;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Child abuse; Education; Chronic absenteeism; Justice system involvement;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Child maltreatment; Child abuse; Recidivism; Re-offending; United States Air Force;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Childhood trauma; Child abuse; Maltreatment; Depression; Aged; Elderly;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Child abuse; Mandatory reporting; Public health; Child protective services; Policy making; Jurisprudence;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Child abuse; Prevalence; Judaism; Religion;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; child abuse; child neglect; child maltreatment; child protective services; legal system;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Child abuse; Mental health; Adolescence; Early adulthood; Assessment; Recall bias;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Dental caries; Dental health service; Child abuse; Child neglect; Pediatric dentistry; Social services;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; foster care; child abuse; neglect; academic outcomes; NAPLAN; National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy; WA; Western Australia; WALNA; Western Australian Literacy and Numeracy Assessment;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Child abuse; Delinquency; Self-control; General strain theory; Add health;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Academic functioning; Adolescence; Child abuse; Child maltreatment; Mental health; School-absenteeism;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Child abuse; Mandatory reporting; Child welfare; Child protective organizations; Mental health;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Child abuse; Neglect; Common mental disorders; Parenting; Adolescents; Brazil;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Child maltreatment; Child abuse; Neglect; Child protective services; Risk assessment; Prevention;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; ATD; anthropomorphic test device; FF; facing forward; FR; facing rearward; FF61; facing forward with a fall height of 61Â cm (24 in); FF91; facing forward with a fall height of 91Â cm (36 in); FR61; facing rearward with a fall height of 61Â cm (24 in); FR
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Child abuse; Males; Mental health; Longitudinal; South Africa;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Parental attributions; Harsh discipline; Supportive parenting; Child abuse; Parenting stress; Information processing;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Children; Child abuse; Questionnaire; Qatar; Palestine;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Youth delinquency profiles; Delinquency; Child abuse; Co-occurrence of treatment and conviction;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Child maltreatment; Child abuse; Birth defects; Disabilities;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; child abuse; criterion standard classification; CPS; Child protective services; PED; Pediatric emergency department;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Child maltreatment; Child abuse; Neglect; Sexual abuse; Child protection team;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Foster care; Reunification; Risk assessment; Child abuse; Child protection policy and practice; Decision making;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Decision-making; Child abuse; Out-of-home placement; Reasoning; Attitudes; Work experience; Child protection;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Recognition; Intervention need; Child abuse; Reporting;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Child neglect; Risk factors; Meta-analysis; Child abuse; Child maltreatment;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Skeletal survey; Systematic review; Child abuse; Occult injury; Fracture;
Keywords: کودک آزاری; Child maltreatment; Child abuse; Intergenerational transmission; Maltreatment cycle; Meta-analysis;