Keywords: نوزاد; Treacher Collins Syndrome; Difficult airway; Fiberoptic bronchoscope; Laryngeal mask airway; Infants; SÃndrome de Treacher Collins; Via aérea difÃcil; Broncoscópio de fibra óptica; Máscara larÃngea; Bebês;
مقالات ISI نوزاد (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: نوزاد; Brain natriuretic peptide; Infants; Congenital heart disease; Single ventricle;
Keywords: نوزاد; Infants; Stroke; Senegalese; Prevention;
Keywords: نوزاد; Laser-based methods; Microvascular endothelial dysfunction; Congenital heart disease; Cardiac surgery; Infants;
Keywords: نوزاد; Biliary atresia; Ceruloplasmin; Cholestasis; Hepatic Cu; Infants; Intrahepatic cholestasis; Serum Cu;
Keywords: نوزاد; Neonatal seizures; Status epilepticus; Infants; Newborn; Neonates;
Keywords: نوزاد; Congenital cyst; Tongue fistula; Epidermoid cyst; Dermoid cyst; Infants;
Keywords: نوزاد; sensorineural hearing loss; conductive hearing loss; infants; pediatrics; neonates; risk indicators; CCS; Complex cardiac surgery; dB HL; Decibel hearing level; ECMO; Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; NICU; Neonatal intensive care unit; PHL; Permanent
Keywords: نوزاد; Antiregurgitation formula; Thickened formula; Thickening agents; Regurgitation; Gastroesophageal reflux; Infants;
Keywords: نوزاد; bronchiolitis; infants; critical care; mortality; BORN; Better Outcomes Registry & Network; CCU; Critical care unit; CTAS; Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale;
Keywords: نوزاد; Infants; Near infrared spectroscopy; Multisensory processing; Unisensory processing; Cortical specialization; Audiovisual learning;
Keywords: نوزاد; infants; dry skin; atopic dermatitis; skin barrier; emollient; skin potential of hydrogen;
Keywords: نوزاد; bronchiolitis; diuretic; furosemide; pediatrics; infants;
Keywords: نوزاد; Infants; Periostin; Respiratory syncytial virus; Squamous cell carcinoma antigen; T-helper 2 cell cytokines; SCCA; squamous cell carcinoma antigen; RSV; respiratory syncytial virus; mAPI; modified Asthma Predictive Index; Th 2; T-helper 2; IL; interleukin
Keywords: نوزاد; Bronquiolitis; Apnea; Lactantes; Cesárea; Modelo de regresión logÃstica; Bronchiolitis; Apnoea; Infants; Caesarean delivery; Logistic regression model;
Keywords: نوزاد; extremely low birth weight infant; airway; chest radiograph; vertebrae; ideal depth; malposition; measurements; infants; ETT; Endotracheal tube; NRP; Neonatal Resuscitation Program; NTL; Nasal tragus length; OHL; Oro-helical length;
Keywords: نوزاد; Bronchiolitis; Apnoea; Infants; Caesarean delivery; Logistic regression model; Bronquiolitis; Apnea; Lactantes; Cesárea; Modelo de regresión logÃstica;
Keywords: نوزاد; Human parechovirus; Infants; Fever without source; Clinical sepsis; Parechovirus humano; Lactante; Fiebre sin foco; Sepsis;
Keywords: نوزاد; Epidemiology; Infants; Meta-analysis; Prevalence; Recurrent wheezing; Wheezing;
Keywords: نوزاد; CC; chest compression; CPR; cardiopulmonary resuscitation; CC+SI; chest compression during sustained inflation; ROSC; return of spontaneous circulation; 3:1 C:V; 3:1 compression:ventilation ratio; CC+SI 20; chest compression during sustained inflation wit
Keywords: نوزاد; Misreporting of energy intake; Energy requirements; Infants; School-aged children; Weighed food record; BMI; body mass index; BMR; basal metabolic rate; CHOP; European Childhood Obesity Programme; CV; coefficient of variation; DLW; doubly labelled water t
Keywords: نوزاد; Functional near-infrared spectroscopy; fNIRS; Social perception; Infants; Temperament; Negative affect;
Keywords: نوزاد; SEEG; Subdural explorations; Infants; Autism spectrum disorders;
Keywords: نوزاد; Walking; Cerebral palsy; Infants; Postural control; Development;
Keywords: نوزاد; ESBA; Escala para la Severidad de la Bronquiolitis Aguda; WDF; Wood Downes Ferrés scale; AUC; area under curve; ROC; receiver operating characteristic; Se; sensitivity; Sp; specificity; LR+; likelihood ratio positive; LRâ; likelihood ratio negative; IC
Keywords: نوزاد; Live attenuated influenza vaccine; Inactivated influenza vaccine; Breastfeeding; Infants; Safety; Immunogenicity;
Keywords: نوزاد; Same different; Infants; Cognitive development; Abstract representations;
Keywords: نوزاد; Insides; Individuation; Infants; Identity;
Keywords: نوزاد; Congenital heart disease; Infants; Parents; Transition; Discharge;
Keywords: نوزاد; Asthma; overweight; obesity; children; infants; exacerbation; AD; Asthma symptom days; BMI; Body mass index; ED; Emergency department; ICS; Inhaled corticosteroids; INFANT; Individualized Therapy for Asthma in Toddlers; LTRA; Leukotriene receptor antagoni
Keywords: نوزاد; Infants; Word learning; Intentional inference; Observational learning; Habituation;
Keywords: نوزاد; Gastroesophageal reflux; Gastroesophageal reflux disease; Infants; Growth failure; Treatment;
Keywords: نوزاد; Statistical learning; Transitional probability; Chunking; Embedded items; Illusory items; Infants;
Keywords: نوزاد; Infants; Emotion; Non-verbal vocalizations; Temperament; ERP;
Keywords: نوزاد; Baby-Led Weaning; Complementary feeding; Zinc intake; Zinc status; Infants;
Keywords: نوزاد; Mental rotation; Rotation angle; Self-produced locomotion; Infants; Crawling; Motor development;
Keywords: نوزاد; Selective attention; Infants; Speech perception; Eye-tracking; Audiovisual speech; Vocabulary;
Keywords: نوزاد; oral thyroxin; infants; postoperative cardiac index; CI; cardiac index; CPB; cardiopulmonary bypass; ICU; intensive care unit; IL; interleukin; IS; inotropic score; LCOS; low cardiac output syndrome; T4; thyroxin; TISS; therapeutic intervention score; TT3
Keywords: نوزاد; Language acquisition; Infants; Vowel harmony; Word segmentation; Speech processing; Learning biases;
Keywords: نوزاد; Cognitive development; Relational processing; Infants;
Keywords: نوزاد; Infants; Children; Feeding problems; Dysphagia; Feeding evaluation; Development of feeding skills;
Keywords: نوزاد; Prediction model; Surgical wound infection; Infants; Machine learning algorithm; Risk factors;
Keywords: نوزاد; Noninvasive ventilation; Acute respiratory failure; Infants; Children;
Keywords: نوزاد; Visual stimuli; Visual functionality; Infants; Visual evoked potentials;
Keywords: نوزاد; Infants; Eye-tracking; Goal-based action predictions; Active experience; Prospective reasoning; Goal Prediction Speed;
Keywords: نوزاد; Ketogenic; Infants; Refractory epilepsy;
Keywords: نوزاد; Infants; Elderly; Food; Taste; Odor; Texture; Food oral processing; Mastication; Salivation;
Keywords: نوزاد; Infants; Memory; Working memory; Chunking; Language; Social cognition;
Keywords: نوزاد; Bilingualism; Tone discrimination; Infants; Speech perception; Mandarin Chinese; Phonology;
Keywords: نوزاد; 1H MRS; proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy; A; adults; ACC; anterior cingulate cortex; Ace; acetate; AD; adolescents; Ala; alanine; Asc; ascorbate; Asp; aspartate; BG; basal ganglia; Cbl; cerebellum; CC; corpus callosum; CH; children; Cho; choline; CO