Keywords: جنگل; Ungulates; Browsing; Diversity; Structure; Functioning; Forest; Temperate; Succession; PCA; Principal Component Analysis; GLMM; Generalized Linear Mixed Models;
مقالات ISI جنگل (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: جنگل; Allocation; Forest; Land tenure; Multiple use; Overlap; Peru;
Keywords: جنگل; Grassland; Forest; 16S rRNA gene; Biodiversity; Land use change;
Keywords: جنگل; Forest; Grassland; Extreme drought; Primary productivity; Resistance; Resilience;
Keywords: جنگل; Reservoir; Forest; Blue-green infrastructure; Temperature inversion; Thermal environment effect;
Keywords: جنگل; Chlorophyll; Chl a/b; Community; Functional traits; GPP; Nutrients; Photosynthesis; Pigments; Spatial variation; Trait; Forest;
Keywords: جنگل; Agroforestry systems; Silvipastoral; Forest; Nutrients; Altitude; Grassland;
Keywords: جنگل; Youth; Participation; Deliberation; Global policy; Forest; UNFF; UNFCCC; CBD;
Keywords: جنگل; Vertex partition; Maximum average degree; Forest; Girth;
Keywords: جنگل; Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant accident; Forest; Ambient dose rate; Regional survey;
Keywords: جنگل; Forest; Incubation; Microbe; Soil respiration; Substrate; Temperature sensitivity;
Keywords: جنگل; Enhanced-silicate weathering; CO2 consumption; Forest; Bamboo; China;
Keywords: جنگل; Soil respiration; Optimum temperature; Adaption; Substrate; Microbe; Forest;
Keywords: جنگل; Heterotrophic respiration; Warming; Cooling; Asymmetric response; Forest;
Keywords: جنگل; Ecosystem service; Valuation; Remote sensing; Land cover; Land use; Benefit transfer; Change; Forest;
Keywords: جنگل; Acid deposition; Nitrogen deposition; Soil respiration; Temperature sensitivity; Forest; China;
Keywords: جنگل; Blood pressure; Forest; Profile of mood state; Salivary α amylase; Virtual reality;
Keywords: جنگل; Extramatrical ectomycorrhizal mycelia; Forest; Ingrowth core method; Production; Mortality; Decomposition;
Keywords: جنگل; Discrete choice experiment; Forest; Willingness to pay; Mixed logit; WTP space; Germany;
Keywords: جنگل; Ghana; Cocoa; Forest; FLEGT VPA; Timber; Formalisation;
Keywords: جنگل; Agricultural areas; Entomopathogenic nematodes; Forest; Grassland; Real time qPCR; Soil food web; Wheat-field;
Keywords: جنگل; Multispectral; Daily Vegetation Index; NDVI; EVI; MODIS; Phenology; Forest; Green-up; Bayesian; Hierarchical modeling; Spring; Climate change; Warming; Land surface temperature; Southeastern US;
Keywords: جنگل; Particle growth; Forest; Michigan; Wildfire; Remote;
Keywords: جنگل; Forest; Thinning; Risk assessment; Plantation; Recruitment; Fuel; Biomass;
Keywords: جنگل; Planar graph; Path partition; Pk-free colouring; List colouring; Forest;
Keywords: جنگل; Climate change mitigation; Forest; Cascading; Uncertainty; CASTLE_WPM; Wood product model; R; Re-use Scenario (allocates recovered products to the same category of product, thus creating infinite recycling loops); C1; Cascading Scenario 1 (allocates const
Keywords: جنگل; Nature conservation; Forest; Policy implementation; Inter-agency collaboration; Collaborative public management; Street-level;
Keywords: جنگل; Forest; Chase; Landscape; Deer;
Keywords: جنگل; Wind power; Forest; Roughness length; Socio-technical;
Keywords: جنگل; Ammonia oxidation; Agriculture; Forest; Soil; Temperature; Nitrous oxide;
Keywords: جنگل; Holocene; Pollen; Vegetation history; Afromontane; Grassland; Forest;
Keywords: جنگل; Cage; Forest; Herbivore exclosure; Microclimate; Seed predation; Vertebrates; SBC; small box cage; LBC; large box cage; LRC; large round cage;
Keywords: جنگل; Wood ash; Heavy metal speciation; Forest; Nutrient fluxes; Fertilisation; Soil solution;
Keywords: جنگل; 05C05; 05C50; 05E45; 57Q10; Simplicial complex; Cycle; Forest; Discrete Morse theory; Homology;
Keywords: جنگل; Linearbandkeramik; Cattle; Birth seasonality; Forest; Enamel; Carbon isotopes; Oxygen isotopes; ChotÄbudice; Äerný Vůl; Czech Republic;
Keywords: جنگل; ALOS; CCI; Forest; Global tree canopy; GLOBELAND30; Google Earth; LANDSAT; MODIS; NAMRIA; Philippines; Remote sensing;
Keywords: جنگل; Forest; Voluntary conservation; Biodiversity; Revealed preferences;
Keywords: جنگل; Extreme flood; Landcover change impact; Forest; Medieval deforestation; SO2-Related forest decline; Rainfall-runoff modelling;
Keywords: جنگل; Forest; Structure; Rainfall partitioning; Evapotranspiration; Factor;
Keywords: جنگل; Forest; Recreation; Public preferences; Europe;
Keywords: جنگل; Boreal; Forest; Recovery; Regeneration; Disturbance; Landsat: Time series; Ecozone; Taiga; Shield;
Keywords: جنگل; Leaf and canopy nitrogen; Forest; Radiative transfer model; Model inversion; PROSPECT; INFORM; Hyperspectral remote sensing;
Keywords: جنگل; Forest; Watershed; Willingness-to-pay; Discrete-choice; Mixed-logit; U.S;
Keywords: جنگل; Q23; Q54; forest; economics; risk; natural disturbance; hazard;
Keywords: جنگل; Climate; Forest; Structure; Tipping points; Europe; Limits;
Keywords: جنگل; Benchmarking; State-of-the-art; Forest; Modeling; Point cloud; Terrestrial laser scanning; TLS;
Keywords: جنگل; Hydrological modeling; Streamflow signatures; Climate change; Forest; Clear-cut; Ungauged;
Keywords: جنگل; Hydrology; Tropical; Forest; Logging; Oil palm; Streamflow;
Keywords: جنگل; Decommodification; Property; Possession; Cooperative; Public land; Forest; Switzerland;
Keywords: جنگل; China; Cooling cost; Cooling effects; Ecosystem services; Forest; Village; Welfare;