Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Exotic tree; Introduction; Climate change; Pest; Pathogen; Invasive species;
مقالات ISI گونه های مهاجم (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Aquatic ecosystems; Conservation; Freshwater mussels; Invasive species; Predation; Sabor River;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Functional response; Invasive species; Relative impact; Ascidians; Nonindigenous species; Non-native species;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Alabama; Corn; Cotton; Invasive species; Peanuts; Sus scrofa; Wildlife damage management;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Invasive species; Garden diversity; Exotic plants; Suburban gardens; Ornamental landscaping; New York;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Invasive species; Fagus grandifolia; Beech bark disease; Neonectria; Cryptococcus fagisuga; Survival analysis;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Vehicle wash down facility; Weed seed spread; Weed control; Prevention; Parthenium weed; Invasive species;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Species interactions; Ecosystem modelling; Invasive species; Cat control; Rat control;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Invasive species; Zooplankton; Port; Tropical ecosystem; Temora turbinata; Temora stylifera;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Shipping; Biosecurity; Invasive species; Marine biology; International trade;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Photosynthesis; Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI); Light Use Efficiency (LUE); Mangrove; Spartina alterniflora; Invasive species;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Rift valley; Agricultural landscape; Intensive grazing; Spatial scale; Invasive species; PCA; Principal Components Analysis; WAIC; Watanbe-Akaike's information criterion;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Marine debris; Risk assessment; Screening tool; Invasive species; Marine invertebrates;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Climate change; Cogongrass; Invasive species; Multiple stressors; Slash pine; Loblolly pine;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Rare plant population monitoring; Count based population viability analysis; Threat assessment; Invasive species; Deer; Climate change;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Ballast water; Invasive species; Public policy; Policy making; Multi-stream model;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Adaptive management; Conservation; Endangered species management; Invasive species;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Environmental Management; Cost-effectiveness Analysis; Invasive Species; Willingness to Pay; Funding; Island Conservation;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Long distance seed dispersal; Seed attachment; Invasive species; Human-mediated dispersal; Road ecology; Vehicle washing;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Ballast water management convention; Detailed analysis; Indicative analysis; Invasive species; Management; Shipping; Viable organisms;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Ensemble models; Ecological niche modeling; Kudzu bug; Megacopta cribraria; Invasive species; Non-adaptive niche shift;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Precautionary principle; Adaptive management; Threatened species; Population monitoring; Invasive species; Australia;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Predator-proof fence; Reptile; Feral cat; Invasive species; Predation;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Ants; Brachyponera chinensis; Coarse woody debris; Forest bioenergy; Invasive species; Pine; Solenopsis invicta; Renewable energy; Woody biomass harvesting; Young plantations;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Host-plant resistance; Crop progenitors; Invasive species; Soybean aphid biotype 1;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Invasive species; Energetic budget; Food ecology; Coccinellidae;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Asian carp; Density-dependence; Illinois River; Intraspecific competition; Relative abundance; Invasive species;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Invasive species; Water security; Socio-ecological systems; Sustainability; Conflict; Poverty;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Fire ecology; Pyrodiversity; Ethnoecological knowledge; Invasive species; Mesopredator release;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Invasive species; Shipping; Ballast water; Area-based approach; Risk assessment; Agent-based modelling;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Vegetation density; Floodplain roughness; Invasive species; Amorpha fruticosa; Parallel Photographic Method;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Asian elephant; Grazing; Habitat; Invasive species; Lantana camara; Grassland;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Afforestation; Compost; Invasive species; New York city; Recruitment; Reforestation;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Freshwater biodiversity; Priority mapping; Threatened and endangered species; Invasive species; Non-native species;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Invasive species; Noxious plants; Agriculture; Weed management; Behavior; Knowledge;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Population management; Optimal control; Invasive species; Discrete-time system; Diaprepes abbreviatus;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; behavioural flexibility; invasive species; native species; problem solving; squirrels;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Biodiversity; Conservation; Invasive species; Island; Mauritius; Willingness to pay;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Private lands conservation; Invasive species; Conservation behavior; Boosted regression trees; Species distribution models;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Disturbance; Fire; Invasive species; Forest succession; Management; Restoration; Hawai'i;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Spatial; Dynamic optimization; Meta-population; Dispersal; Species interactions; Species competition; Bio-invasions; Invasive species; Ecology; River network; Restoration; Habitat; Riparian;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Biofouling; Marinas; Artificial structures; Sessile invertebrates; Invasive species; Community composition;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Q57; C78; C61; Bioeconomic modeling; Emerald ash borer; Invasive species; Nash bargaining; Optimal control; Land ownership;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Coral reef connectivity; Coral larvae trajectories; Western Gulf of Mexico; Current patterns; Tropical coral larvae fish; Invasive species;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; CCVI; Climate Change Vulnerability Index; CMIP; Coupled Model Intercomparison Project; Herp; Herpetofauna (e.g. reptiles and amphibians); IPCC; Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; IUCN; International Union for the Conservation of Nature; RCP; Repre
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Conservation; Ecosystem services; Invasive species; Urban protected area; Stakeholders;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Q51; Q57; Q23; I18; C55; Infant health; Invasive species; Trees; Emerald ash borer; Quasi-experiment; Synthetic control method; Lasso;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Squirrel conservation; Pest management; Wildlife management; Public attitudes; Invasive species;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; Invasive species; Human dimensions; Collective action; Cross-boundary cooperation; Private land; Forest management;
Keywords: گونه های مهاجم; decomposition; Phytoplankton; N:P ratio; Sediment Desiccation; Invasive Species; Reservoirs;