Keywords: دیاتومها; Diatoms; Land use; Macrophytes; Macroinvertebrates; Riparian land use; Water temperature;
مقالات ISI دیاتومها (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: دیاتومها; Biological Condition Gradient; Diatoms; Nitrogen; Phosphorus; Streams; Periphyton;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Microphytobenthos; Arctic continental shelf; Diatoms;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Diatoms; Cetaceans; Sea turtles; By-catch; Drowning;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Diatoms; Multimetric indices; Bioassessment; Assessment;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Tierra del Fuego; Shallow lake; Sedimentary record; Diatoms; Hunter-gatherers;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Diatoms; Chromium (VI); Bioremediation; Lipids;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Mediterranean; Sea urchin; Diatoms; Settlement; Post-larval; Food;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Antifouling; Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO); Copper; Silver; Coating; Diatoms; SVET;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Anthropogenic influence; Diatoms; Patagonia; Solar radiation; Upper mixed layer; Wind stress;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Red tides; Harmful algal blooms; Meteorology; Hong Kong; Diatoms; Dinoflagellates;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Diatoms; Mediterranean rivers; Hydrological alteration; Chemical pollution; Teratologic diatoms; Nutrients; Pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs);
Keywords: دیاتومها; Bioassessment; Diatoms; Predictive model; Reference conditions; Rivers; Stressors;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Periphyton; Diatoms; Acidification; Aluminum; Manganese; Iron;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Eutrophication; Paleolimnology; St. Lawrence River; Pigments; Diatoms; Stable isotopes;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Diatoms; Sedimentary chlorophyll a; Lake of the Woods; Paleolimnology; Holocene; Climate; Water quality;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Oil-related aggregates; Biodegradation; Diatoms; Microbial communities; Arctic;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Diatoms; Grain size; Geochemistry; Acoustic profiling; Littorina transgression; South-western Baltic Sea; Arkona Basin;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Baltic Sea; Life cycle; Cold-water dinoflagellates; Diatoms; Resting stages; Seed pool; Spring bloom;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Diatoms; Habitat; Causal analysis; Phosphorus; Geochemical proxy; Land use and land cover; Muskegon lake;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Beta diversity; Community structure; Diatoms; Environmental heterogeneity; Headwaters; Tropics;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Diatoms; Morphological trait; Cell size; Antecedent precipitation index (API); Lowland river;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Biomonitoring; Diatoms; Lipid bodies; Deformities; Diatom assemblages; Diversity; Cell size;
Keywords: دیاتومها; ocean biogeochemistry; Southern Ocean; diatoms; GEOTRACES;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Macroinvertebrates; Diatoms; Land use; Agriculture; Monitoring network; Water framework directive;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Diatoms; Southern Ocean; Holocene; Laminated sediments; East Antarctica;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Biospeciation; Microalgae; Diatoms; Bacteria; Microbial ecotoxicology; Microbial biogeochemistry;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Lake Erie; Paleolimnology; Diatoms; Eutrophication; Geochemistry; Stressors;
Keywords: دیاتومها; CRF; Conventional rice farming; RF; Rice fish integrated farming; RD; Rice duck integrated farming; RFD; Rice fish duck integrated farming; REY; Rice equivalent yield; WpH; Water pH; Temp; Temperature; EC; Electrical conductivity; DO; Dissolve oxygen; ORP
Keywords: دیاتومها; Phytoplankton; Community structure; Ocean color; Diatoms;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Diatoms; Chrysophyta cysts; Aulacoseira; Lake level; Synchrony; Lake' ontogeny; Late Quaternary;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Stable isotopes; Lake sediment; Organic remains; Inorganic remains; Diatoms; Invertebrates; Ostracods;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Diatoms; Fluorescence; Sensing; Amines;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Man-made reservoirs; Water-level oscillation; Pollen; Chironomids; Diatoms; Cladocerans;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Diatoms; Biosilica; Surface functionalization; Drug delivery; Controlled release; Natural;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Diatoms; Phytoplankton; Primary production; Ocean circulation; Climatic changes; Ocean stratification;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Diatoms; Miocene; Pacific coastal; Colombia; South America;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Diatoms; Dinoflagellates; Warming; Eutrophication; Generalized additive mixed models; The East China Sea;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Ross Sea; Diatoms; Chlorophyll; Particulate organic carbon; Productivity;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Allelopathy; Aquatic hyphomycetes; Chemical interactions; Diatoms; Forest headwater streams;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Drowning; Diatoms; Water body; Microscopy;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Diatoms; Dinoflagellates; Cell volume; Dona Paula Bay; Bay of Bengal;
Keywords: دیاتومها; sediment traps; sediment particle flux; biogenic silica; organic carbon; total nitrogen; diatoms; Lake Baikal;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Diatoms; Carrying capacity; Management; North Sea; Helgoland Roads;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Arsenate; Arsenite; Dinoflagellates; Diatoms; Chlorophyll-a;
Keywords: دیاتومها; CRAM; California rapid assessment method; MI; macroinvertebrate; IBI; index of biotic integrity; Bioassessment; Index transferability; Index of biotic integrity; Diatoms; Macroinvertebrates; Depressional wetlands;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Dinoflagellates; Diatoms; Pigments; HPLC; CHEMTAX; Peridinin; Fucoxanthin;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Typhoon; Diatoms; Dinoflagellates; Bacteria; Temperate; Coastal waters;
Keywords: دیاتومها; South America; Micropalaeontology; Diatoms; Northern Andes; Quaternary;
Keywords: دیاتومها; Heavy metal contamination; Diatoms; Deformity; Lipid bodies; Biomonitoring;