Keywords: گیاهخواری; Fitness and survival; Gastropod; Herbivory; Ocean acidification; Ocean warming; Trophic transfer;
مقالات ISI گیاهخواری (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Hybrid complexes; Quercus; Leaf morphology; Herbivory; Fluctuating asymmetry; Environmental stress;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Epifauna; Herbivory; Aquaculture; Kelp; Invertebrates;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Kelp; Biomechanics; Knots; Hydrodynamic forces; Herbivory; Egregia menziesii;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Ficus; Brood-site pollination; Coevolution; Coleoptera; Insect-plant interaction; Herbivory;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Atlantic oak woodlands; Ecosystem resilience; Forest pasture; Herbivory; Stress tolerance; Wood pasture;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Herbivory; Stocking rates; Sustainable browsing; Tree regeneration; Wild ungulate management; Plant diversity;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Aspen; Populus tremuloides; Cattle; Recruitment; Herbivory; Ungulate;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Alnus viridis ssp. crispa; Cell wall thickness; Eurois occulta; Greenland; Herbivory; Insect attack; Plant-climate interaction; Shrub rings; Tundra;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Cervus elaphus; Sorbus aucuparia; Herbivory; Bark stripping; Stand cleaning; Slovakia;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Forest inventory; Growth rate; Herbivory; Silver fir; Tree regeneration; Ungulate browsing;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; defoliation; drought; establishment; herbivory; perennial grass; seedlings;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; diet selection; foraging; herbivory; olfaction; volatile organic compounds; Y-maze;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; aggregation; collective behaviour; deer; diet selection; food quality; herbivory; social information; tannin; trade-off; ungulate;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Rangeland ecology; Ecosystem diversity; Herbivory; Plant nutrition; Spatial analysis; Rangeland management;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Plant-consumer interactions; Invertebrates; Herbivores; Carnivores; Pollinators; herbivory; Seed predation; Parasitism;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Herbivory; Fish; Cystoseira; Sarpa salpa; Macroalgae; Infralittoral fringe; Exclusion;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Herbivory; Edge effects; Biodiversity; Composition effects;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Conservation efforts; Disturbance; Fertilization; Herbivory; Marine angiosperm; Overfishing; Plant-herbivore interactions; Temporal variability;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Celmisia species; Climate change; Herbivory; Reciprocal transplants; Snowbed; Thamnolia vermicularis;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Melaleuca quinquenervia; Herbivory; Biological control; Carbon and nitrogen allocation; Compensation;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Biodiversity experiment; Ecophysiology; Herbivory; Pathogens; Plantation forest; Research infrastructure;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Clipping; Clonal growth; Disturbance; Herbivory; Iris delavayi; Physiological integration;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; bare ground; herbivory; springs; wild horses; wildlife habitat;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Barnacle; Cellana tramoserica; Climate change; Herbivory; Limpet; Macroalgae; Rocky shore; southeast Australia; Temperature; Thermal stress;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Advertisement; Aposematic colouration; Camouflage; Extended phenotype; Herbivory; Variegation;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Defensive metabolites; Grasslands; Herbivory; Microbial ecology; Pest control; Phenology; Plant defense; Secondary metabolism;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Borana rangelands; Crude protein; Ethiopia; Herbivory; Semiarid;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Edge effects; Herbivory; Human-disturbance; Forest fragmentation; Network modularity;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Carnivory; Diet shift; Herbivory; Isotopic fractionation; Omnivory; Trophic enrichment;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Algae; Drift-feeding; Girellidae; Herbivory; Kyphosidae; Marine protected area;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Herbivory; Nutrients; Top-down; Bottom-up; Stoichiometry; Nitrogen; Phosphorus; Ecological stoichiometry;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Conservation planning; Forests; Herbivory; Invasive species; Meta-populations; Protected areas; Restoration; Vegetation recovery;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; BNZ-LTER; The Bonanza Creek Long Term Ecological Research site; BIC; Bayesian Information Criterion; GDD; Growing Degree Days; Alaska; Boreal forest; Herbivory; Succession; Snowshoe hare; White spruce;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Chemical defenses; Defense induction; Epibiosis; Fouling; Herbivory; Seaweeds;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Basal sprout; Sapling; Herbivory; Stand recovery; Site quality; Field experiment;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Herbivory; Multiple scales; Plant Stress Hypothesis; Plant Vigor Hypothesis; Relict flora;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Climate change; Ecosystem impacts; Macroalgae; Herbivory; Feeding; Chemical defenses; Ocean acidification; Temperature;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Grassland; Primary productivity; Biodiversity; Species richness; Legumes; Nutrient limitation; Nutrient co-limitation; Eutrophication; Nitrogen deposition; Herbivory; Drakensberg Foothill Moist Grassland; KwaZulu-Natal Sandstone Sourveld; Nutrient Network
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Amaranthus; Herbivory; Stem borer insects; Insect-plant interaction; Agronomic practices; Conotrachelus spp. curculionidae; Cerambycidae;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Cervus elaphus; Elk; Herbicides; Herbivory; Nutrition; Forest succession;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Algal diversity; Grazer-reversal hypothesis; Herbivory; New Zealand rocky intertidal; Productivity; Top-down/bottom-up;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; 18S rRNA gene; Accessory pigments; Herbivory; Photoacclimation; Sea ice;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Abundance; Colonization; Crayfish; Fragmentation; Functional traits; Herbivory; Macrophytes;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Compensatory dynamics; Herbivory; Consumption; Productivity; Disturbance; Stability; Resilience; Resistance;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; herbivory; invasive weed; leafy spurge; prescribed grazing; simulated grazing; targeted grazing;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Herbivory; VOCs; Induced defenses; EAG-GC; Pest management;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Herbivory; Agriotes; Mowing; Grazing; Fertilization; AMF;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; drought; grasshopper; grassland; herbivory; livestock grazing; prescribed burn;
Keywords: گیاهخواری; Artemisia tridentata; defoliation; herbivory; livestock grazing; recovery; restoration;