Keywords: تنبیه; Social dilemma; Cooperation; Equality; Sanction; Punishment; Reward; Uncertainty; Emotion
مقالات ISI ترجمه شده تنبیه
مقالات ISI تنبیه (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: تنبیه; Nicotine; Reward; Punishment; Learning; Ex-smokers;
Keywords: تنبیه; Public good game; Punishment; Synergistic effect;
Keywords: تنبیه; Punishment; Sanction with jealousy; Prisoner's dilemma;
Keywords: تنبیه; Reward positivity; Valence; Salience; ERP; Reinforcement; Punishment;
Keywords: تنبیه; Cooperation; Evolutionary game; Punishment; Tolerance; Public goods game;
Keywords: تنبیه; Child rearing; Parenting; Punishment; Poverty areas; Educação infantil; Parentalidade; Disciplina; Áreas de pobreza;
Keywords: تنبیه; Public goods game; Cooperation; Punishment; Majority; 02.50.Le; 87.23.Kg; 87.23.Ge;
Keywords: تنبیه; Cheating; Dishonesty; Sanctions; Costs; Punishment; Utility;
Keywords: تنبیه; Feedback learning; Error processing; Drug dependency; Smoking; Reward; Punishment;
Keywords: تنبیه; Youth sport; Male athletes; Benching; Punishment; Sport-relationships; Sport psychology;
Keywords: تنبیه; Error; Reward; Punishment; Data-entry; Eye-tracking;
Keywords: تنبیه; Public goods; Experiment; Instructions; Contributions; Punishment; Methodology; C72; C91; C92; H41;
Keywords: تنبیه; CP; conduct problems; CU; callous-unemotional; HC; traits healthy controls; SNAP; Stop-Now-And-Plan; Conduct problems; Callous-unemotional (CU) traits; Reward; Punishment; fMRI;
Keywords: تنبیه; Medial frontal cortex; Prediction errors; Motivation; Reward; Punishment; Event-related potentials;
Keywords: تنبیه; Fraudsters; Fraud justice network; Offenders; Punishment;
Keywords: تنبیه; Binocular rivalry; Fear conditioning; Punishment; Skin conductance; Perceptual inference; Value learning; Negative valence;
Keywords: تنبیه; C91; D03; K42; Intentions; Reciprocity; Punishment; Fairness; Avoidance; Cover up; Experiment;
Keywords: تنبیه; Medial prefrontal cortex; Decision making; Risk; Punishment; Monoamine;
Keywords: تنبیه; C72; C92; H41; Public good; Group decision-making; Punishment; Experiment;
Keywords: تنبیه; Dominance; Learning; Punishment; Reinforcement; Trainer;
Keywords: تنبیه; High-functioning autism (HFA); Typically developing (TD) children; Cooperation; Prisoner's dilemma game (PDG); Punishment; Moral judgment;
Keywords: تنبیه; Cooperation; Prisoner's dilemma game; Punishment; Memory length; Heterogeneity;
Keywords: تنبیه; Deterrence; Punishment; Uncertainty; Blackstone ratio; Partial and equilibrium effects; Laboratory experiment; K14; K42; C91;
Keywords: تنبیه; Narcissism; Vulnerable narcissism; Grandiose narcissism; Punishment; Self-threat; Covert aggression;
Keywords: تنبیه; Free will; Morality; Praise; Blame; Motivated cognition; Affect; Punishment; Reward; Responsibility;
Keywords: تنبیه; Trichotillomania; Hair-pulling; Reward; Punishment; Personality; Motivation;
Keywords: تنبیه; Bargaining; Implicit communication; Punishment; Ultimatum game; C78; C91; D83;
Keywords: تنبیه; Leadership; Incentives; Punishment; Reward; Leading by example; Public goods; C9; H4; M5;
Keywords: تنبیه; MIDT; Monetary Incentive Delay Task; cP3; Cue-P3; fP3; Feedback-P3; RewP; Reward Positivity; Adolescents; Major Depressive Disorder; Reward; Punishment; Event-related potentials;
Keywords: تنبیه; Goal directed; Habits; Prefrontal cortex; Striatum; Punishment;
Keywords: تنبیه; Conduct disorder; Animal models; Empathy; Aggression; Reward; Punishment;
Keywords: تنبیه; J10; K14; K40; N33; N43; Age-crime profile; Industrial revolution; Prison; Punishment; Recidivism;
Keywords: تنبیه; Prisoner's dilemma; Reward; Punishment; Self-interaction; Complex network;
Keywords: تنبیه; ERP; ERN; Error-related negativity; Anxiety; Punishment;
Keywords: تنبیه; Game theory; Cooperation; Punishment; Replicator dynamics;
Keywords: تنبیه; Punishment; Compensation; Individual differences; Fairness; Outcome differential;
Keywords: تنبیه; Alcohol; Mouse; Punishment; Addiction; Hippocampus; Amygdala;
Keywords: تنبیه; Public goods; Public bads; Punishment; Reward; Externalities; Team reasoning; C72; C92; H41;
Keywords: تنبیه; Trust game; Investment game; Punishment; Reward; Reinforcement; C93; C99; D63;
Keywords: تنبیه; Victim-offender relationship; Stereotypes; Punishment; Sentencing;
Keywords: تنبیه; Help; Cooperation; Punishment; Dual-process of cognition; Natural field experiment;
Keywords: تنبیه; Reward; Punishment; Theory of mind; Social learning; Evaluative feedback; Teaching;
Keywords: تنبیه; Free will; Punishment; Morality; Motivated reasoning; Anxiety;
Keywords: تنبیه; Unethical behavior; Creativity; Dishonesty; Judgment; Contagion; Punishment;
Keywords: تنبیه; Cooperation; Punishment; Social norm; Population structure; Rock-paper-scissors dynamics;
Keywords: تنبیه; Cultura organizacional; Sanción; Cultura de seguridad; Seguridad del paciente; Organisational culture; Punishment; Safety culture; Patient safety;
Keywords: تنبیه; Cooperation; Evolutionary games; Punishment; Reward; Network reciprocity; Public goods
Keywords: تنبیه; Video; Gaming; Engagement; Happiness; Punishment; Flow;
Keywords: تنبیه; Frontotemporal dementia; Psychopathy; Responsibility; Insanity; Sentencing; Punishment;