Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Recursive identification; Least squares; Auxiliary model; Hierarchical identification; MIMO system
مقالات ISI ترجمه شده کمترین مربعات
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Single-layer neural networks; Global optimum; Supervised learning method; Least squares; Convex optimization; Incremental learning
مقالات ISI کمترین مربعات (ترجمه نشده)
مقالات زیر هنوز به فارسی ترجمه نشده اند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
در صورتی که به ترجمه آماده هر یک از مقالات زیر نیاز داشته باشید، می توانید سفارش دهید تا مترجمان با تجربه این مجموعه در اسرع وقت آن را برای شما ترجمه نمایند.
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; AC; alternating current; BESS; battery energy storage system; BMS; battery management system; C; graphite; CCCV; constant current constant voltage; DC; direct current; ECM; equivalent circuit model; EIS; electrochemical impedance spectroscopy; LCO; lithiu
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; R2; Least squares; Weighted least squares; Linearity;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Uncertainty assessment; Mechanistic modeling; Surface hydrology; Water quality; Least squares; Statistical inference;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Deconvolution; Least squares; Signal/force reconstruction;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; AE; adverse event; BCVA; best-corrected visual acuity; CI; confidence interval; CRC; central reading center; CSC; central serous chorioretinopathy; CSFT; central subfield thickness; CSFV; central subfield volume; DME; diabetic macular edema; ETDRS; Early
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Splines; Multivariate approximation; Least squares; Fairing; Numerical analysis;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Path model; Formative-reflective model; Least squares; Reduced rank regression; PLS-PM; SEM;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Twin support vector machine; Twin-KSVC; Structural risk minimization; Multi-class classification; Least squares;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; prostatic neoplasms; decision support techniques; medical informatics; surveys and questionnaires; planning techniques; DC; decisional conflict; DCS; DC scale; LPC; localized prostate cancer; LS; least squares; P3P; Personal Patient Profile-Prostate; UC;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Parameter estimation; Hierarchical principle; Filtering technique; Least squares; Bilinear system;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; UI layout; Kaczmarz algorithm; Soft constraints; Least squares; Cooling function;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; ADT; antidepressant treatment; ANCOVA; analysis of covariance; ATRQ; Massachusetts General Hospital Antidepressant Treatment Response Questionnaire; BMI; body mass index; CGI-I; Clinical Global Impressions - Improvement; DSM-IV-TR; Diagnostic and Statis
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; ANCOVA; Analysis of covariance; C-CASA; Columbia Classification Algorithm for Suicide Assessment; CGI-I; Clinical Global Impressions - Global Improvement; CGI-S; Clinical Global Impressions - Severity of Illness; CRT; Choice Reaction Time; C-SSRS; Col
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Patient-reported outcomes; Health-related quality of life; Work and activity impairment; Asthma; Real-world; Fluticasone furoate/vilanterol; ACT; Asthma Control Test; ANCOVA; analysis of covariance; AQLQ (S); Standardized Asthma Quality of Life Questionna
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Nonnegative matrix factorization; Semi-supervised learning; Maximum margin principle; Least squares; Graph-based manifold;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Perfect reconstruction; Near-perfect reconstruction; Cosine-modulated filter bank; Quadratically constrained quadratic programming; Least squares;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Radial Basis Functions; Local gravity field; Genetic algorithm; Conjugate gradient; Least squares;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Multi-label dimensionality reduction; Dependence maximization; Least squares; Hilbert-Schmidt independence criterion;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; AE; adverse event; BCVA; best-corrected visual acuity; BRVO; branch retinal vein occlusion; CI; confidence interval; CRC; Central Reading Center; CSFT; central subfield thickness; ETDRS; Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study; LS; least squares; OCT;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Cramer-Rao lower bound; Least squares; Observability; Scanning emitter; Target motion analysis; Time of interception;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Smart buildings; Power demand; Residential load sector; Least squares; Parameter estimation; Classification;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Hammerstein system; Wiener system; system identification; least squares; instrumental variables;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Phasor Measurement Units; Discrete Fourier Transform; Least Squares; Discrete Wavelet Transform; IEEE C37.118.1; Real Time Digital Simulator;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Underwater wireless sensor networks; Localization; Time synchronization; Least squares; Cramér Rao Lower Bound;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; 53B21; 58C05; 58C20; 65D07; 65D10; 65K05; 90C30; Geodesics; Geometric smoothing splines; Least squares; Nonlinear constrained optimization;
Unbalanced ranked set sampling in cluster randomized studies
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Hierarchical linear models; Least squares; Missing data; Neyman allocation; Nonparametric inference; Order statistics; Ranking error; Relative efficiency; Treatment effect;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Interval analysis; Resolution; Over-constrained system; Least squares; 65G40; 93E24; 70B15;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Support vector regression; Feature selection; Lp-norm; Least squares; Robust regression;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Subdivision; Least squares; Multiresolution; Biorthogonality;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Meshless; Kuramoto; Sivashinsky; Least squares;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; AM; antimuscarinic; BMI; body mass index; BPH; benign prostatic hyperplasia; CART; classification and regression trees; DB; double-blind; ER; extended release; HRQL; health-related quality of life; LS; least squares; MARS; multivariate adaptive regression
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Multispectral pyrometer; Temperature measurement; TBC; Emissivity models; Least squares; Curve fitting;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; constrained least squares; constrained optimization; convex hull; datum; Gauss map; least squares; fitting; optimization; planar datum; singular value decomposition; total least squares
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Wireless sensor network; Localization; Tracking,Single baseline; Least squares
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Anthropometric scaling; Biomechanical motion analysis; Least squares; Polar decomposition; Satellite attitude; Soft tissue artifact
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; High-protein beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate; Hospitalization; Lean body mass; Malnourished; NOURISH study; Oral nutritional supplement; ADL; activities of daily living; AMI; acute myocardial infarction; CHF; congestive heart failure; CI; confidence inte
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Elliptic problem; Nonlocal multipoint boundary condition; Meshless method; Radial basis function; Collocation; Least squares
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Turning; Surface topography; DFT; Least squares; Error identification;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; FxLMS; Active noise control; Least squares; Online secondary path modeling; Parameter estimation; Maximum likelihood;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Inverse modelling; Sparse optimization; Integer optimization; Least squares; European tracer experiment; Free Matlab codes;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Biomass; Pyrolysis; Thermogravimetry; Genetic algorithm; Evaluation function; Least squares;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Cluster ensemble; GMDH; Evolutionary algorithm; Least squares; CSPA; Semidefinite programming;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Development; Reflectance; Tympanometry; Newborn screening; Middle ear; ABR; auditory brainstem response; CI; confidence interval; DPOAE; distortion product otoacoustic emission; HP; high pass; LP; low pass; LS; least squares; NHS; newborn hearing screenin
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; System identification; Least squares; Maximum likelihood; Data filtering; Multiple-input systems;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Gas networks; Entry-exit tariffs; Least squares; Capacity-weighted distance; Weighted methodologies; European regulations;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Non-uniform sampling; Multirate system; System modeling; Parameter estimation; Least squares
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Polynomial regression; Least squares; Christoffel function;
Keywords: کمترین مربعات; Orthogonal collocation; Least squares; Galerkin; Population balance equation; Picard; Newton method;